Sources of Agreements in the Database
The list of agreements provided in this database has been developed by compiling agreements identified in numerous printed and electronic documents as below, along with those listed on specific secretariat websites.
Alder, Jackie, Gail Lugten, Robert Kay, and Bridget Ferriss. 2001. "Compliance with International Fisheries Instruments in the North Atlantic." In Fisheries impacts on North Atlantic ecosystems: evaluations and policy exploration, eds. Tony Pitcher, Ussif Rashid Sumaila, and Daniel Pauly. Vancouver: Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, 55-80.
AUSTLII (University of Technology Sydney and University of New South Wales Faculties of Law). 2003. Australian Treaties Library.
Australian Maritime Safety Authority. 2003. IMO conventions and their entry into force dates.
Brown Weiss, Edith, Daniel Barstow Magraw, and Paul C. Szasz. 1999. International environmental law: basic instruments and references, 1992-1999. Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers.
Burhenne, Wolfgang E., ed. 1974-2002. International environmental law: multilateral treaties. Bonn: Kluwer Law International.
Burns, Wil. 2002. ASIL Wildlife Interest Group Listing of Treaties and Soft Law Agreements.
Center for International Earth Science Information Network. 2001. ENTRI treaty texts: menu of treaty texts (in reverse chronological order).
ECOLEX. 2002. Multilateral treaties.
Embree, C. 1988. "Multilateral environmental treaties, conventions and agreements: implementation and compliance in Canada." Course paper submitted to Professor W. Found, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Canada.
FAOLEX. 2002. FAOLEX database.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. 2002. Multilaterals Project: multilateral conventions - chronological listing.
Hedley, Chris. 2002. Oceanlaw's Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law.
Hohmann, Harald. 1992. Basic documents of international environmental law. Boston: Graham & Trotman.
International Maritime Law Institute. 2002. International Maritime Law Treaties and Legislative Instruments. (follow the Legal Documents link).
International Maritime Organization. 2002. Complete list of conventions.
Giordano, Mark. International Wildlife Law Database.
Kenyon, Todd. 2002. Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide, International Conventions.
Kiss, Alexandre Charles, ed. 1983. Selected multilateral treaties in the field of the environment, Volume 1. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme.
Lyster, Simon. 1985. International wildlife law: an analysis of international treaties concerned with the conservation of wildlife. Cambridge, England: Grotius Publications.
The Multilateral Environmental Agreements Bulletin (MEA Bulletin)
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. 2003. Base pacte: engagements internationaux de la France.
Molitor, Michael, ed. 1991. International Environmental Law: Primary Materials. Boston, MA: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers.
Pace Virtual Environmental Law Library. 1997. International Table of Contents - Documents Listed Chronologically. -- No longer available online.
Prieur, Michel, Stephane Doumbe-Bille, and Amadou Konate, eds. 1998. Recueil francophone des textes internationaux en droit de l'environnement. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
Rummel-Bulska, Iwona, and Seth Osafo, eds. 1991. Selected multilateral treaties in the field of the environment, Volume 2. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme.
Ruster, Bernd, and Bruno Simma, eds. 1975. International protection of the environment: treaties and related documents. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications.
Ruster, Bernd, and Bruno Simma. 1990. International protection of the environment, second series: treaties and related documents. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications.
Sand, Peter H., ed. 1992. The effectiveness of international environmental agreements: a survey of existing legal instruments. Cambridge, England: Grotius Publications Limited.
Sands, Philippe, Richard Tarasofsky, and Mary Weiss, eds. 1994. Documents in international environment law. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Scovazzi, Tullio, and Tullio Treves, eds. 1992. World treaties for the protection of the environment. Milan: Istituto per l'Ambiente.
T.M.C. Asser Instituut. 1997. International environmental law. The Hague, Netherlands: T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Treaty Section. 1998. List of current international agreements for which the Government of the United Kingdom is depositary.
United Nations. 2001. Multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General, Part I, Chapter XXVII. .
United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs. 2001. Major international instruments relating to the marine environment (status as of 15 October 1996).
United Nations Environment Programme. 1996. Register of international treaties and other agreements in the field of the environment. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Program.
United Nations Environment Programme. 2002a. Regional Seas Conventions and Protocols.
United Nations Environment Programme. 2002b. United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Program Website.
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. 2002. Directory of FAO Statutory Bodies and Panels of Experts as of August 2000.
United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization Legal Office. 2003. Treaties deposited with FAO. .
United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization, Development Law Service, FAO Legal Office,. 1997. Treaties concerning the non-navigational uses of international watercourses: Africa. Rome: United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization.
United Nations. 2003. United Nations treaty collection.
United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1998. 1998 Year of the Ocean: A Survey of International Agreements.