Paragraphs in "Agreement Concerning The Niger River Commission And The Navigation And Transport On The River Niger" coded as FINPR
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Label | Provision |
Art.14 | Article 14 |
Art.14.1x | The roads, railways and lateral canals that may be constructed for the special purpose of avoiding the non-navigable portions of the River or of improving certain sections of the waterways, shall be considered in their use as means of communication, as integral part of the River Niger, and shall be equally open to international traffic within the framework of specific regulations set up by the Commission and approved by the riparian States. |
Art.14.2x | On these roads, railways and canals only such tolls shall be collected as are calculated on the cost of construction, maintenance and management. As regards such tolls, the nationals of all States shall be treated on the basis of complete equality. |