Paragraphs in "Convention Creating The Niger Basin Authority" coded as FINPR
Displaying 1 - 43 of 43
Label | Provision |
Art.4 | Article 4 OBJECTIVES |
Art.4.1 | 1.The Authority shall be responsible for: |
Art.4.1.a | (a) The harmonization and the co-ordination of national development policies, in order to ensure an equitable policy as regards sharing of the water resources among member States. |
Art.4.1.b | (b) The formulation, in agreement with the member States, of the general policy of the development of the Basin which shall be consistent with the international status of the River Basin. |
Art.4.1.c | (c) The elaboration and the execution of an integrated development plan of the Basin. |
Art.4.1.d | (d) The initiating and monitoring of an orderly and rational regional policy for the utilization of the surface and underground waters in the Basin. |
Art.4.1.e | (e) The designing and conduct of studies, research and surveys. |
Art.4.1.f | (f) The formulation of plans, the construction, exploitation and maintenance of structure and projects realized within the general objectives of the integrated development of the Basin. |
Art.4.2 | 2.For the purpose set out in the above paragraph (1) the Authority shall notably undertake, in harmony with the development plans of States relating to Niger Basin and in accordance with the general objectives of integrated development of the Basin, the following activities: |
Art.4.2.a | (a) Statistics and Planning: |
Art.4.2.a.i | (i)Collection, centralization, standardization, exploitation, dissemination, exchange of technical and related data; |
Art.4.2.a.ii | (ii) Co-ordination of plans, projects and research carried out in the member States; |
Art.4.2.a.iii | (iii) Consideration of projects presented by the member States with a view to making recommendations on co-ordinated programmes of research and implementation; |
Art.4.2.a.iv | (iv) Monitoring of research and works undertaken by member States and subsequent exploitation of reports which such States should submit periodically; |
Art.4.2.a.v | (v)Drawing up a master plan and an integrated development programme of the Basin with an identification, at the various stages of the programme, of priorities among alternative uses, projects and sectors. |
Art.4.2.b | (b) Infrastructure: |
Art.4.2.b.i | (i)Designing, study and construction of hydraulic multi- purpose structures of all types and sizes; |
Art.4.2.b.ii | (ii) Designing, study and construction of works, plants and projects in the fields of transports and communications; |
Art.4.2.b.iii | (iii) Improvement and maintenance of navigable water-ways; |
Art.4.2.b.iv | (iv) Development of river transport and promotion of an integrated multi-model transport system (sea-river-rail- road) as a factor of integration and for opening up the land-locked Sahelian member States. |
Art.4.2.c | (c) Water Control and Utilization: |
Art.4.2.c.i | (i)Regulation of the flow and drainage of the main waterway; |
Art.4.2.c.ii | (ii) Flood control; |
Art.4.2.c.iii | (iii) Construction and maintenance of dikes; |
Art.4.2.c.iv | (iv) Prevention and control of drought and desertification; |
Art.4.2.c.v | (v)Prevention of soil erosion and sedimentation; | | (vi) Setting up of structures and works for land development including salt water and drainage control. |
Art.4.2.d | (d) Environment Control and Preservation: |
Art.4.2.d.i | (i)Protection of the environment comprising the establishment of norms and measures applicable to the States in the alternative uses of waters in the Basin; |
Art.4.2.d.ii | (ii) Prevention and reduction of water pollution; |
Art.4.2.d.iii | (iii) Preservation of human health and genetic resources (fauna and flora). |
Art.4.2.e | (e) Navigation Control and Regulation: |
Art.4.2.e.ix | The control and the rules of all forms of navigation on the River, its tributaries and sub-tributaries are governed by the principles laid down in the Act of Niamey relating to the Navigation and the Economic Co-operation among the States of the Niger Basin signed at Niamey in 1963. |
Art.4.2.f | (f) Land and Agro-Pastoral Development: |
Art.4.2.f.i | (i)Development of food crops; |
Art.4.2.f.ii | (ii) Development of agro-pastoral, fishery and forestry resources; |
Art.4.2.f.iii | (iii) Implementation of programmes allowing the rational use of waters for domestic, industrial agricultural and pastoral purposes. |
Art.4.2.g | (g) Financing the Projects and Works: |
Art.4.2.g.ix | Applying for financial and technical assistance on a bilateral, multilateral or international basis for carrying out studies and works for the development of the Niger River Basin and to that effect conclude agreements, provided that agreements involving financial commitments for the member States become effective only after approval by the Council of Ministers. |
Art.4.3 | 3.The terms, conditions and statutory provisions to be defined with the view to achieving the objectives as stated in paragraph (2) above, shall be, if necessary and in each case, provided for in riders which shall be annexed to the Convention of which they shall form an integral part. |
Art.4.4 | 4.The member States pledge to keep the Executive Secretariat informed of all projects and works they might intend to carry out in the Basin. | | Moreover, they pledge not to undertake any work on the portion of the River, its tributaries and sub-tributaries under their territorial jurisdiction which pollute the waters or modify the biological features of the fauna and the flora. |