Paragraphs in "Agreement Between South Africa, Swaziland And Mozambique Relative To The Establishment Of A Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee Regarding Rivers Of Common Interest" coded as FINPR
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Label | Provision |
Art.5 | Article 5 |
Art.5.1x | The functions and duties of the TPTC shall, inter alia, be to recommend to the three Governments: |
Art.5.1x.a | (a) Any measures to be undertaken to alleviate short term problems regarding water shortages on rivers of common interest during drought periods, taking into account the existing amount of stored water and water requirements in the three countries. |
Art.5.1x.b | (b) On the division of flows in rivers of common interest. |
Art.5.1x.c | (c) On procedures, programming, operations, maintenance, measurement of water, abstraction of water, curtailing of abstraction and supervision with regard to the implementation of any agreements that are entered into between the three Governments. |
Art.5.1x.d | (d) Arrangements for the investigation of, and access to, common watersheds and joint water schemes on rivers of common interest. |
Art.5.1x.e | (e) The required mechanism to co-ordinate and integrate the findings and plans of each country including the appointments of consultants as required. |
Art.5.1x.f | (f) The estimated costs of investigations and appointments which shall be apportioned on an equitable basis. |