Paragraphs in "International Tropical Timber Agreement" coded as FINPR
Displaying 1 - 82 of 82
Label | Provision |
Art.18 | Article 18 |
Art.18.1 | 1. There shall be established two accounts: |
Art.18.1.a | (a) The Administrative Account; and |
Art.18.1.b | (b) The Special Account. |
Art.18.2 | 2. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the administration of these accounts and the Council shall make provision in its rules of procedure therefor. |
Art.20 | Article 20 |
Art.20.1 | 1. There shall be established two sub-accounts under the Special Account: |
Art.20.1.a | (a) The Pre-Project Sub-Account; and |
Art.20.1.b | (b) The Project Sub-Account. |
Art.20.2 | 2. The possible sources of finance for the Special Account shall be: |
Art.20.2.a | (a) The Second Account of the Common Fund for Commodities, when it becomes operational; |
Art.20.2.b | (b) Regional and international financial institutions; and |
Art.20.2.c | (c) Voluntary contributions. |
Art.20.3 | 3. The resources of the Special Account shall be used only for approved projects or for pre-project activities. |
Art.20.4 | 4. All expenditures under the Pre-Project Sub-Account shall be reimbursed from the Project Sub-Account if projects are subsequently approved and funded. If within six months of the entry into force of this Agreement the Council does not receive any funds for the Pre-Project Sub-Account, it shall review the situation and take appropriate action. |
Art.20.5 | 5. All receipts pertaining to specific identifiable projects shall be brought into the Special Account. All expenditures incurred on such projects, including remuneration and travel expenses of consultants and experts, shall be charged to the Special Account. |
Art.20.6 | 6. The Council shall, by special vote, establish terms and conditions on which it would, when and where appropriate, sponsor projects for loan financing, where a member or members have voluntarily assumed full obligations and responsibilities for such loans. The Organization shall have no obligations for such loans. |
Art.20.7 | 7. The Council may nominate and sponsor any entity with the consent of that entity, including a member or members, to receive loans for the financing of approved projects and to undertake all the obligations involved, except that the Organization shall reserve to itself the right to monitor the use of resources and to follow up on the implementation of projects so financed. However, the Organization shall not be responsible for guarantees voluntarily provided by individual members or other entities. |
Art.20.8 | 8. No member shall be responsible by reason of its membership in the Organization for any liability arising from borrowing or lending by any other member or entity in connection with projects. |
Art.20.9 | 9. In the event that voluntary unearmarked funds are offered to the Organization, the Council may accept such funds. Such funds may be utilized for pre-project activities as well as for approved projects. |
Art.20.10 | 10. The Executive Director shall endeavour to seek, on such terms and conditions as the Council may decide, adequate and assured finance for projects approved by the Council. |
Art.20.11 | 11. Contributions for specified approved projects shall be used only for the projects for which they were originally intended, unless otherwise decided by the Council in agreement with the contributor. After the completion of a project, the Organization shall return to each contributor for specific projects the balance of any funds remaining pro rata to each contributor's share in the total of the contributions originally made available for financing that project, unless otherwise agreed to by the contributor. |
Art.21 | Article 21 |
Art.21.1 | 1. Contributions to the Administrative Account shall be payable in freely usable currencies and shall be exempt from foreign-exchange restrictions. |
Art.21.2 | 2. Financial contributions to the Special Account shall be payable in freely usable currencies and shall be exempt from foreign-exchange restrictions. |
Art.21.3 | 3. The Council may also decide to accept other forms of contributions to the Special Account, including scientific and technical equipment or personnel, to meet the requirements of approved projects. |
Art.23 | Article 23 |
Art.23.1 | 1. All project proposals shall be submitted to the Organization by members and shall be examined by the relevant committee. |
Art.23.2 | 2. In order to achieve the objectives set out in article 1, the Council shall examine all project proposals in the fields of research and development, market intelligence, further and increased processing in developing producing member countries, and reforestation and forest management, together with the recommendation submitted by the relevant committee; such project proposals based on tropical timber as defined in article 2, paragraph 1, may encompass tropical timber products other than those listed in article 2, paragraph 1. This provision shall also apply, where relevant, to the functions of the committees as set forth in article 25. |
Art.23.3 | 3. On the basis of the criteria set out in paragraph 6 or paragraph 7 of this article, the Council shall, by special vote, approve projects for financing or sponsorship in accordance with article 20. |
Art.23.4 | 4. The Council shall, on a continuing basis, arrange for the implementation of, and with a view to ensuring their effectiveness follow up, approved projects. |
Art.23.5 | 5. Research and development projects should relate to at least one of the following five areas: |
Art.23.5.a | (a) wood utilization, including the utilization of lesser-known and lesser-used species; |
Art.23.5.b | (b) natural forest development; |
Art.23.5.c | (c) reforestation development; |
Art.23.5.d | (d) harvesting, logging infrastructure, training of technical personnel; |
Art.23.5.e | (e) institutional framework, national planning. |
Art.23.6 | 6. Projects on research and development approved by the Council shall be consistent with each of the following criteria: |
Art.23.6.a | (a) They should be related to the production and utilization of industrial tropical timber; |
Art.23.6.b | (b) They should yield benefits to the tropical timber economy as a whole and be relevant to producing as well as consuming members; |
Art.23.6.c | (c) They should be related to the maintenance and expansion of the international tropical timber trade; |
Art.23.6.d | (d) They should offer reasonable prospects for positive economic returns in relation to costs; and |
Art.23.6.e | (e) They shall make maximum use of existing research institutions and, to the greatest extent possible, avoid duplication of efforts. |
Art.23.7 | 7. Projects in the fields of market intelligence, further and increased processing, and reforestation and forest management, should be consistent with criterion (b) and, as far as possible, consistent with criteria (a), (c), (d) and (e) as contained in paragraph 6 of this article. |
Art.23.8 | 8. The Council shall decide on the relative priorities of projects, taking into account the interests and characteristics of each of the producing regions. Initially, the Council shall give priority to research and development project profiles as endorsed by the Sixth Preparatory Meeting on Tropical Timber under the Integrated Programme for Commodities and to such other projects as the Council may approve. |
Art.23.9 | 9. The Council may, by special vote, terminate its sponsorship of any project. |
Art.25 | Article 25 |
Art.25.1 | 1. The Committee on Economic Information and Market Intelligence shall: |
Art.25.1.a | (a) Keep under review the availability and quality of statistics and other information required by the Organization; |
Art.25.1.b | (b) Analyse the statistical data and specific indicators as identified in annex C for the monitoring of international tropical timber trade; |
Art.25.1.c | (c) Keep under continuous review the international tropical timber market, its current situation and short-term prospects on the basis of the data mentioned in subparagraph (b) above and other relevant information; |
Art.25.1.d | (d) Make recommendations to the Council on the need for, and nature of, appropriate studies on tropical timber, including long-term prospects of the international tropical timber market, and monitor and review any studies commissioned by the Council; |
Art.25.1.e | (e) Carry out any other tasks related to the economic, technical and statistical aspects of tropical timber assigned to it by the Council; |
Art.25.1.f | (f) Assist in the provision of technical co-operation to producing members to improve their relevant statistical services. |
Art.25.2 | 2. The Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management shall: |
Art.25.2.a | (a) Keep under regular review the support and assistance being provided at a national and international level for reforestation and forest management for the production of industrial tropical timber; |
Art.25.2.b | (b) Encourage the increase of technical assistance to national programmes for reforestation and forest management; |
Art.25.2.c | (c) Assess the requirements and identify all possible sources of financing for reforestation and forest management; |
Art.25.2.d | (d) Review regularly future needs of international trade in industrial tropical timber and, on this basis, identify and consider appropriate possible schemes and measures in the field of reforestation and forest management; |
Art.25.2.e | (e) Facilitate transfer of knowledge in the field of reforestation and forest management with the assistance of competent organizations; |
Art.25.2.f | (f) Co-ordinate and harmonize these activities for co-operation in the field of reforestation and forest management with the relevant activities pursued elsewhere, such as those under FAO, UNEP, the World Bank, regional banks and other competent organizations. |
Art.25.3 | 3. The Committee on Forest Industry shall: |
Art.25.3.a | (a) Promote co-operation between producing and consuming members as partners in the development of processing activities in producing member countries, inter alia, in the following areas: |
Art.25.3.a.i | (i) Transfer of technology; |
Art.25.3.a.ii | (ii) Training; |
Art.25.3.a.iii | (iii) Standardization of nomenclature of tropical timber; |
Art.25.3.a.iv | (iv) Harmonization of specifications of processed products; |
Art.25.3.a.v | (v) Encouragement of investment and joint ventures; and | | (vi) Marketing; |
Art.25.3.b | (b) Promote exchange of information in order to facilitate structural changes involved in increased and further processing in the interests of both producing and consuming members; |
Art.25.3.c | (c) Monitor ongoing activities in this field, and identify and consider problems and possible solutions to them in co-operation with the competent organizations; |
Art.25.3.d | (d) Encourage the increase of technical assistance to national programmes for the processing of tropical timber. |
Art.25.4 | 4. Research and development shall be a common function of the committees established under article 24, paragraph 1. |
Art.25.5 | 5. In view of the close relationship between research and development, reforestation and forest management, increased and further processing, and market intelligence, each of the permanent committees, in addition to carrying out the functions assigned to it above, shall, with regard to project proposals referred to it, including those on research and development in its area of competence: |
Art.25.5.a | (a) Consider and technically appraise and evaluate project proposals; |
Art.25.5.b | (b) In accordance with general guidelines established by the Council, decide on and implement pre-project activities necessary for making recommendations on project proposals to the Council; |
Art.25.5.c | (c) Identify possible sources of finance for projects referred to in article 20, paragraph 2; |
Art.25.5.d | (d) Follow up the implementation of projects and provide for the collection and dissemination of the results of projects as widely as possible for the benefit of all members; |
Art.25.5.e | (e) Make recommendations to the Council relating to projects; |
Art.25.5.f | (f) Carry out any other tasks related to projects assigned to it by the Council. |
Art.25.6 | 6. In carrying out these common functions, each committee shall take into account the need to strengthen the training of personnel in producing member countries; to consider and propose modalities for organizing or strengthening the research and development activities and capacities of members, particularly producing members; and to promote the transfer of research know-how and techniques among members, particularly among producing members. |