Paragraphs in "Convention On Assistance In The Case Of A Nuclear Accident Or Radiological Emergency" coded as FINPR
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
Label | Provision |
Art.2 | Article 2 |
Art.2.1x | If a State Party needs assistance in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency, whether or not such accident or emergency originates within its territory, jurisdiction or control, it may call for such assistance from any other State Party, directly or through the Agency, and from the Agency, or, where appropriate, from other international intergovernmental organizations (hereinafter referred to as "international organizations"). |
Art.2.2x | A State Party requesting assistance shall specify the scope and type of assistance required and, where practicable, provide the assisting party with such information as may be necessary for that party to determine the extent to which it is able to meet the request. In the event that it is not practicable for the requesting State Party to specify the scope and type of assistance required, the requesting State Party and the assisting party shall, in consultation, decide upon the scope and type of assistance required. |
Art.2.3x | Each State Party to which a request for such assistance is directed shall promptly decide and notify the requesting Slate Party, directly or through the Agency, whether it is in a position to render the assistance requested, and the scope and terms of the assistance that might be rendered. |
Art.2.4x | States Parties shall, within the limits of their capabilities, identify and notify the Agency of experts, equipment and materials which could be made available for the provision of assistance to other States Parties in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency as well as the terms, especially financial, under which such assistance could be provided. |
Art.2.5x | Any State Party may request assistance relating to medical treatment or temporary relocation into the territory of another State Party of people involved in a nuclear accident or radiological emergency. |
Art.2.6x | The Agency shall respond, in accordance with its Statute and as provided for in this Convention, to a requesting State Party's or a Member State's request for assistance in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency by: |
Art.2.6x.a | a. making available appropriate resources allocated for this purpose; |
Art.2.6x.b | b. transmitting promptly the request to other States and international organizations which, according to the Agency's information, may possess the necessary resources; and |
Art.2.6x.c | c. if so requested by the requesting State, co-ordinating the assistance at the international level which may thus become available. |
Art.7 | Article 7 |
Art.7.1 | 1. An assisting party may offer assistance without costs to the requesting Slate. When considering whether to offer assistance on such a basis, the assisting party shall take into account: |
Art.7.1.a | a. the nature of the nuclear accident or radiological emergency; |
Art.7.1.b | b. the place of origin of the nuclear accident or radiological emergency; |
Art.7.1.c | c. the needs of developing countries; |
Art.7.1.d | d. the particular needs of countries without nuclear facilities; and |
Art.7.1.e | e. any other relevant factors. |
Art.7.2 | 2. When assistance is provided wholly or partly on a reimbursement basis, the requesting State shall reimburse the assisting party for the costs incurred for the services rendered by persons or organizations acting on its behalf, and for all expenses in connection with the assistance to the extent that such expenses are not directly defrayed by the requesting State. Unless otherwise agreed, reimbursement shall be provided promptly after the assisting party has presented its request for reimbursement to the requesting State, and in respect of costs other than local costs, shall be freely transferrable. |
Art.7.3 | 3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, the assisting party may at any time waive, or agree to the postponement of, the reimbursement in whole or in part. In considering such waiver or postponement, assisting parties shall give due consideration to the needs of developing countries. |