Paragraphs in "Cooperation Agreement For The Protection Of The Coasts And Waters Of The North-East Atlantic Against Pollution" coded as FINPR
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
Label | Provision |
Art.13 | Article 13 |
Art.13.1 | 1. In the absence of any bilateral or multilateral agreement which may be concluded on the financial provisions governing action taken by the Parties to combat pollution at sea, the Parties shall bear the costs of their respective action to combat such pollution in accordance with the principles stated below: |
Art.13.1.a | (a) if action is taken by one Party at the express request of another, the Party which had requested the help shall refund to the other Party the expenses entailed by its action; |
Art.13.1.b | (b) if action is taken solely upon the initiative of one Party, that Party shall bear the costs entailed by its action; |
Art.13.1.c | (c) if action is taken in an area of joint interest by the Parties concerned by that area, as defined in Article 9, each Party shall bear the costs entailed by its own action. |
Art.13.2 | 2. The Party which requested assistance shall be free to terminate its request at any time but shall, in that case, bear the expenses already disbursed or incurred by the assisting Contracting Party. |
Art.13.3 | 3. Unless otherwise agreed, expenses entailed by action undertaken by one Party at the express request of another shall be calculated by a responsible person or body, where appropriate on the basis of an expert report, in accordance with the legislation and current practice of the assisting country for the reimbursement of such expenditure. |
Art.14 | Article 14 |
Art.14.1 | 1. Article 13 of this Agreement may not in any circumstances be interpreted as prejudicing the rights of the Parties to recover from third parties the costs involved in actions undertaken to deal with pollution or a threat of pollution pursuant to other provisions and rules applicable under national and international law. |
Art.14.2 | 2. The Parties may cooperate and provide mutual assistance in recovering the costs involved in their actions. |
Art.21 | Article 21 |
Art.21.1 | 1. Each Contracting Party shall contribute 2,5 % of the expenditure involved in the secretariat function for this Agreement as referred to in Annex 2.7. Two-thirds of the balance of this expenditure shall be covered by the depositary government, and the remaining third by the other States as follows: - the Kingdom of Spain: 40 %, - the French Republic: 40 %, - the Kingdom of Morocco: 20 %. |
Art.21.2 | 2. The other functions of the Centre which are referred to in Annex 2 shall be covered as far as possible by voluntary contributions from the Parties, the amount of which shall be indicated at the meeting of the Contracting Parties. |