Paragraphs in "Agreement For The Establishment Of The Intergovernmental Organization For Marketing Information And Cooperation Services For Fishery Products In Africa" coded as FINPR

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Art.8 Article 8 Functions of the Governing Council
Art.8.1x The Functions of the Governing Council shall be:
Art.8.1x.a (a) to determine the policy of INFOPÊCHE and approve its programme of work and its budget;
Art.8.1x.b (b) to determine the contributions of Member States as provided in Article 11;
Art.8.1x.c (c) to establish special funds for the development of new programmes and projects;
Art.8.1x.d (d) to lay down general standards and guidelines for the management of INFOPÊCHE including the fees to be charged for its services;
Art.8.1x.e (e) to review the work and activities of INFOPÊCHE and the audited accounts, and give guidance to the Director of INFOPÊCHE on the implementation of its decisions;
Art.8.1x.f (f) to adopt the Financial Regulations;
Art.8.1x.g (g) to elect its Chairman and other officers, appoint the Director of INFOPÊCHE and, if necessary, a Deputy Director and to terminate their appointment;
Art.8.1x.h (h) to adopt rules Governing the settlement of disputes, referred to in Article 17;
Art.8.1x.i (i) to approve formal arrangements with other organizations or institutions and with governments;
Art.8.1x.j (j) to adopt the Staff Regulations which fix the general conditions of service of the staff;
Art.8.1x.k (k) to establish if it deems appropriate, sub-regional offices;
Art.8.1x.l (l) to establish technical committees whenever necessary to advise it on specific issues; and
Art.8.1x.m (m) to perform all other functions that have been entrusted to it by this Agreement or that are ancillary to the accomplishment of the approved activities of INFOPÊCHE.