Paragraphs in "Convention Concerning The Prevention Of Major Industrial Accidents" coded as SUBS
Displaying 1 - 59 of 59
Label | Provision |
Art.2 | Article 2 |
Art.2.1x | Where special problems of a substantial nature arise so that it is not immediately possible to implement all the preventive and protective measures provided for in this Convention, a Member shall draw up plans, in consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers and with other interested parties who may be affected, for the progressive implementation of the said measures within a fixed time-frame. |
Art.4 | Article 4 |
Art.4.1 | 1. In the light of national laws and regulations, conditions and practices, and in consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers and with other interested parties who may be affected, each Member shall formulate, implement and periodically review a coherent national policy concerning the protection of workers, the public and the environment against the risk of major accidents. |
Art.4.2 | 2. This policy shall be implemented through preventive and protective measures for major hazard installations and, where practicable, shall promote the use of the best available safety technologies. |
Art.5 | Article 5 |
Art.5.1 | 1. The competent authority, or a body approved or recognized by the competent authority, shall, after consulting the most representative organizations of employers and workers and other interested parties who may be affected, establish a system for the identification of major hazard installations as defined in Article 3 (c), based on a list of hazardous substances or of categories of hazardous substances or of both, together with their respective threshold quantities, in accordance with national laws and regulations or international standards. |
Art.5.2 | 2. The system mentioned in paragraph 1 above shall be regularly reviewed and updated. |
Art.7 | Article 7 |
Art.7.1x | Employers shall identify any major hazard installation within their control on the basis of the system referred to in Article 5. |
Art.9 | Article 9 |
Art.9.1x | In respect of each major hazard installation employers shall establish and maintain a documented system of major hazard control which includes provision for: |
Art.9.1x.a | (a) the identification and analysis of hazards and the assessment of risks including consideration of possible interactions between substances; |
Art.9.1x.b | (b) technical measures, including design, safety systems, construction, choice of chemicals, operation, maintenance and systematic inspection of the installation; |
Art.9.1x.c | (c) organizational measures, including training and instruction of personnel, the provision of equipment in order to ensure their safety, staffing levels, hours of work, definition of responsibilities, and controls on outside contractors and temporary workers on the site of the installation; |
Art.9.1x.d | (d) emergency plans and procedures, including: |
Art.9.1x.d.i | (i) the preparation of effective site emergency plans and procedures, including emergency medical procedures, to be applied in case of major accidents or threat thereof, with periodic testing and evaluation of their effectiveness and revision as necessary; |
Art.9.1x.d.ii | (ii) the provision of information on potential accidents and site emergency plans to authorities and bodies responsible for the preparation of emergency plans and procedures for the protection of the public and the environment outside the site of the installation; |
Art.9.1x.d.iii | (iii) any necessary consultation with such authorities and bodies; |
Art.9.1x.e | (e) measures to limit the consequences of a major accident; |
Art.9.1x.f | (f) consultation with workers and their representatives; |
Art.9.1x.g | (g) improvement of the system, including measures for gathering information and analysing accidents and near misses. The lessons so learnt shall be discussed with the workers and their representatives and shall be recorded in accordance with national law and practice. |
Sect.4.1x | SAFETY REPORT |
Art.10 | Article 10 |
Art.10.1 | 1. Employers shall prepare a safety report based on the requirements of Article 9. |
Art.10.2 | 2. The report shall be prepared: |
Art.10.2.a | (a) in the case of existing major hazard installations, within a period after notification prescribed by national laws or regulations; |
Art.10.2.b | (b) in the case of any new major hazard installation, before it is put into operation. |
Art.11 | Article 11 |
Art.11.1x | Employers shall review, update and amend the safety report: |
Art.11.1x.a | (a) in the event of a modification which has a significant influence on the level of safety in the installation or its processes or in the quantities of hazardous substances present; |
Art.11.1x.b | (b) when developments in technical knowledge or in the assessment of hazards make this appropriate; |
Art.11.1x.c | (c) at intervals prescribed by national laws or regulations; |
Art.11.1x.d | (d) at the request of the competent authority. |
Art.14 | Article 14 |
Art.14.1 | 1. Employers shall, within a fixed time-frame after a major accident, present a detailed report to the competent authority containing an analysis of the causes of the accident and describing its immediate on-site consequences, and any action taken to mitigate its effects. |
Art.14.2 | 2. The report shall include recommendations detailing actions to be taken to prevent a recurrence. |
Art.18 | Article 18 |
Art.18.1 | 1. The competent authority shall have properly qualified and trained staff with the appropriate skills, and sufficient technical and professional support, to inspect, investigate, assess, and advise on the matters dealt with in this Convention and to ensure compliance with national laws and regulations. |
Art.18.2 | 2. Representatives of the employer and representatives of the workers of a major hazard installation shall have the opportunity to accompany inspectors supervising the application of the measures prescribed in pursuance of this Convention, unless the inspectors consider, in the light of the general instructions of the competent authority, that this may be prejudicial to the performance of their duties. |
Art.20 | Article 20 |
Art.20.1x | The workers and their representatives at a major hazard installation shall be consulted through appropriate cooperative mechanisms in order to ensure a safe system of work. In particular, the workers and their representatives shall: |
Art.20.1x.a | (a) be adequately and suitably informed of the hazards associated with the major hazard installation and their likely consequences; |
Art.20.1x.b | (b) be informed of any orders, instructions or recommendations made by the competent authority; |
Art.20.1x.c | (c) be consulted in the preparation of, and have access to, the following documents: |
Art.20.1x.c.i | (i) the safety report; |
Art.20.1x.c.ii | (ii) emergency plans and procedures; |
Art.20.1x.c.iii | (iii) accident reports; |
Art.20.1x.d | (d) be regularly instructed and trained in the practices and procedures for the prevention of major accidents and the control of developments likely to lead to a major accident and in the emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a major accident; |
Art.20.1x.e | (e) within the scope of their job, and without being placed at any disadvantage, take corrective action and if necessary interrupt the activity where, on the basis of their training and experience, they have reasonable justification to believe that there is an imminent danger of a major accident, and notify their supervisor or raise the alarm, as appropriate, before or as soon as possible after taking such action; |
Art.20.1x.f | (f) discuss with the employer any potential hazards they consider capable of generating a major accident and have the right to notify the competent authority of those hazards. |
Art.21 | Article 21 |
Art.21.1x | Workers employed at the site of a major hazard installation shall: |
Art.21.1x.a | (a) comply with all practices and procedures relating to the prevention of major accidents and the control of developments likely to lead to a major accident within the major hazard installation; |
Art.21.1x.b | (b) comply with all emergency procedures should a major accident occur. |