Paragraphs in "Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission" coded as FINPR

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Label Provision
Art.12.1 1. The Commission shall establish a permanent Scientific Committee.
Art.12.2 2. The Commission may establish sub-commissions to deal with one or more of the stocks covered by this Agreement.
Art.12.3 3. Such sub-commissions shall be open to Members of the Commission which are coastal States lying on the migratory path of the stocks concerned in the sub-commission or are States whose vessels participate in the fisheries of these stocks.
Art.12.4 4. A sub-commission shall provide a forum for consultation and cooperation on matters related to the management of the stocks concerned and in particular:
Art.12.4.a (a) to keep under review the stocks concerned and to gather scientific and other relevant information relating to the stocks concerned;
Art.12.4.b (b) to assess and analyse the conditions and trends of the stocks concerned;
Art.12.4.c (c) to coordinate research and studies of the stocks concerned;
Art.12.4.d (d) to report to the Commission on its findings;
Art.12.4.e (e) to propose such recommendations for action by the Members of the Commission as may be appropriate, including action to obtain necessary information relating to the stocks and proposals for conservation and management measures;
Art.12.4.f (f) to consider any matter referred to it by the Commission.
Art.12.5 5. The Commission may, subject to the provisions of this Article, establish such committees, working parties or other subsidiary bodies as may be necessary for the purposes of this Agreement.
Art.12.6 6. The establishment by the Commission of any sub-commission which requires funding by the Commission, and of any committee, working party or other subsidiary body shall be subject to the availability of the necessary funds in the approved autonomous budget of the Commission or of FAO as the case may be. When the related expenses are to be borne by FAO, the determination of such availability shall be made by the Director-General. Before taking any decision involving expenditure in connection with the establishment of subsidiary bodies, the Commission shall have before it a report from the Secretary or the Director-General, as appropriate, on the administrative and financial implications.
Art.12.7 7. Subsidiary bodies shall provide to the Commission such information regarding their activities as the Commission may require.