Paragraphs in "Federated States Of Micronesia Arrangement For Regional Fisheries Access" coded as FINPR

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Label Provision
Art.6 Article 6 Access to the Arrangement Area
Art.6.1 1. Before a fishing vessel of the Parties may be issued with a regional access licence pursuant to this Arrangement, the vessel must first be duly registered on the Register of Eligible Fishing Vessels.
Art.6.2 2. Where a fishing vessel of the Parties is duly registered in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, the operator may apply, through the home Party of the vessel, to the Administrator, in accordance with the procedures set out in Annex IV, for a regional access licence authorizing the vessel to fish in the Arrangement Area.
Art.6.3x It shall be a condition of any regional access licence issued pursuant to this Arrangement that the vessel in respect of which the regional access licence is issued is operated in accordance with the requirements of Annex V.
Art.6.4 4. A regional access licence may be denied by the Administrator on the grounds set out in Annex IV.
Art.6.5 5. Where a fishing vessel of the Parties is deleted from the Register of Eligible Fishing Vessels in accordance with the provisions of this Arrangement, any regional access licence issued in respect of that vessel shall, in the case of voluntary deletion from the register or non-renewal of registration, be cancelled thirty days following the deletion of the vessel from the Register of Eligible Fishing Vessels or upon the date of expiry of the licence, whichever is the sooner. In the case of deletion from the Register of Eligible Fishing Vessels for any other reason the regional access licence shall be cancelled immediately upon the deletion from the register.
Art.6.6 6. If full payment of any amount due as a result of a final judgment or other final determination deriving from an occurrence relating to this Arrangement in waters within the jurisdiction of a Party, is not made to that Party within sixty days, the regional recess licence for the vessel involved shall be suspended at the request of that Party and that vessel shall not be authorized to fish in the Arrangement Area until that amount is paid to that Party. For the purposes of this Article "final judgment" means a judgment to a court of a Party from which no appeal proceedings have been initiated within sixty days.
Art.6.7x The Administrator shall maintain a record of all regional access licences issued pursuant to this Arrangement, including the date of issue and expiry of such licences.
Art.6.8 8. The Administrator shall notify the Parties each month of the name, call sign, registration number, regional access licence number and expiry date of such licence of all purse seine vessels licensed to fish in the Arrangement Area under this Arrangement.