Paragraphs in "Amendments To The Convention For The Establishment Of The European And Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization" coded as FINPR
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Label | Provision |
Art.18 | Article XVIII. –Finance |
Art.18.a | a. The expenditure of the Organization shall be met by annual contributions from Member Governments and by such other receipts as may be approved by the Council or the Executive Committee. |
Art.18.b | b. The amount of the annual contribution of each Member Government shall be based on the scale of contributions as specified in Schedule I. |
Art.18.c | c. Governments newly adhering to the Convention, if members of FAO, enter the appropriate category on the scale in Schedule I and, if not members, the category decided by the Council. Schedule I, and the category of Member Governments on the scale in Schedule I, shall only be changed by decision of the Council, by a majority of two thirds of Member Governments. |
Art.18.d | d. On the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Council may decide to apply a coefficient to the basic contribution laid down in Schedule I, in order to adjust it to the activities of the Organization or to the economic situation of the moment. The decision is taken by a two-thirds majority of the Member Governments present and voting. |
Art.18.e | e. Annual contributions shall be payable at the beginning of the Organization's financial year. |
Art.18.f | f. The contributions of Member Governments shall be paid in currencies to be determined by the Executive Committee with the approval of the contributing Government concerned. |
Art.18.g | g. The first annual contribution of a Government newly adhering to the Convention shall be payable for the financial year of the Organization during which the provisions of Article XX are fulfilled. |
Art.18.h | h. Supplementary contributions may be paid by an individual Government or group of Governments towards special schemes or campaigns of control, which the Organization may carry out in the interest of that Government or group of Governments. |
Art.18.i | i. An Accounts Verification Panel composed of representatives of three Member Governments shall be elected by the Council. Members of the Panel shall be elected for three years and shall not be eligible for re-election during the next three years. |
Art.18.j | j. The Executive Committee shall, with the approval of the Council, appoint an auditor to audit the accounts of the Organization each year. |
Art.18.k | k. The Accounts Verification Panel shall each year examine, with the auditor, the accounts and management of the Organization and report to the Council. |