All codes assigned to: Exchange of Notes Between the United States and the Netherlands Related to the Agreement On The Resolution Of Practical Problems With Respect To Deep Seabed Mining Areas

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Titl.1 Agreement On The Resolution Of Practical Problems With Respect To Deep Seabed Mining Areas TITL TITL
Src.1 Source: Unofficial Text SRC SRC
Pre.1 The Government of Canada, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Government of the Republic of Italy, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties": DESC DESC GOAL
Pre.2 Desirous of removing impediments to the universal adherence to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982; RELA RELA
Pre.3 Intending to resolve practical problems over deep seabed mining areas to which this Agreement relates; and
Pre.4 Having held discussions for this purpose between December 1986 and August 1987;
Pre.5 Have agreed as follows:
Art.1.1 (1) The Parties have agreed on lines the coordinates of which are shown in Annexes II, III and IV to this Agreement for the purpose of resolving practical problems with respect to deep seabed mining areas, the coordinates of which were exchanged by the Parties in Moscow on December 6, 1986, and are shown in Annex I. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.1.2 (2) In this Agreement, "deep seabed mining areas' means areas of the deep seabed intended for the conduct of exploration and exploitation of hard mineral resources.
Art.2 Article 2 SUBS SUBS
Art.2.1x Each Party shall respect the agreed resolution of practical problems as shown in Annexes II, III and IV to this Agreement. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.3 Article 3 SUBS SUBS
Art.3.1x The Parties shall not act, themselves or in association with third parties, in a manner that could prevent registration of an application which is submitted by a Party to the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, hereinafter referred to as "the Preparatory Commission", for an area referred to in the Annexes to this Agreement, and which is consistent with respect for the areas specified in the Annexes to this Agreement. RELA ATTACH ATTACH RELA
Art.4 Article 4 SUBS SUBS
Art.4.1 (1) The Parties shall not act, themselves or in association with third parties, in a manner which could lead to the creation of additional practical problems with respect to the deep seabed mining areas referred to in the Annexes to this Agreement. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.4.2 (2) Accordingly, the Parties shall not engage in or support deep seabed mining in, or seek or support registration in the Preparatory Commission of, a deep seabed mining area in a manner incompatible with respect for the areas specified in the Annexes to this Agreement. RELA ATTACH ATTACH RELA
Art.5 Article 5 SUBS SUBS
Art.5.1x The Parties shall take all measures in conformity with international law and existing legislation to ensure that there is no physical interference with the activities of each other related to exploration and exploitation of hard mineral resources in the deep seabed mining areas referred to in the Annexes to this Agreement. ATTACH SOVR ATTACH
Art.6 Article 6 CONS CONS
Art.6.1x When necessary, the Parties will consult on the questions connected with the implementation of this Agreement.
Art.7 Article 7 EIF RESV EIF
Art.7.1 (1) This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signature and shall remain in force until otherwise agreed by the Parties.The Annexes to this Agreement are an integral part thereof. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.7.2 (2) Any Party may declare, upon signature, that this Agreement shall enter into force for that Party only after notification to all other Parties that all legal requirements have been met.The Agreement shall enter into force for that Party upon receipt of such notification by all other Parties.
Conc.1 Done at New York this 14th day of August 1987 in five originals; each in the English, French, Dutch, Italian and Russian languages, all texts being equally authentic. CONC TEXT CONC TEXT
Conc.2 The lines the coordinates of which are shown in the Annexes to the Agreement on the Resolution of Practical Problems with Respect to Deep Seabed Mining Areas signed on 14 August 1987, shall be geodesic and shall define each boundary by the geodetic coordinates of the turning points in accordance with the World Geodetic System 1972. RELA ATTACH ATTACH RELA
Conc.3 New York, August 14, 1987