Paragraphs from ALL CODED IEAs that contain at least one paragraph coded as FINAD
Displaying 1 - 500 of 2299
Id | Agreement Name | Label | Provision |
2602 | International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.3 | Article 3 |
2602 | International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.3.1x | The cost of the preliminary outlay, as well as the annual expenditure for the working and upkeep of the Office, shall be covered by the contributions of the Contracting States as laid down in the conditions provided for in the organic statutes to which reference has been made in Article 2. |
2602 | International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.4 | Article 4 |
2602 | International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.4.1x | The sums representing the contribution of each of the Contracting States shall be paid by the latter at the commencement of each year through the intermediary of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the "Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations" at Paris, whence they will be withdrawn, as and when necessity arises, on the order of the director of the Office. |
2602 | International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.6 | Article 6 |
2602 | International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.6.1x | Governments which have not signed the present Agreement may accede to it on their request. Such accession shall be notified through the diplomatic channel to the French Government and by the latter to the other Contracting Governments; it will involve the undertaking to participate by means of a contribution to the expenses of the Office under the conditions laid down in Article 3. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.4 | Article IV Functions of the Conference |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.4.1 | 1. The Conference shall determine the policy and approve the budget of the Organization and shall exercise the other powers conferred upon it by this Constitution. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.4.2 | 2. The Conference shall adopt General Rules and Financial Regulations for the Organization. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.4.3 | 3. The Conference may, by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, make recommendations to Member Nations and Associate Members concerning questions relating to food and agriculture, for consideration by them with a view to implementation by national action. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.4.4 | 4. The Conference may make recommendations to any international organization regarding any matter pertaining to the purpose of the Organization. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.4.5 | 5. The Conference may review any decision taken by the Council or by any commission or committee of the Conference or Council, or by any subsidiary body of such commissions or committees. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.18 | Article XVIII Budget and Contributions |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.18.1 | 1. The Director-General shall submit to each regular session of the Conference the budget of the Organization for approval. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.18.2 | 2. Each Member Nation and Associate Member undertakes to contribute annually to the Organization its share of the budget, as apportioned by the Conference. When determining the contributions to be paid by Member Nations and Associate Members, the Conference shall take into account the difference in status between Member Nations and Associate Members. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.18.3 | 3. Each Member Nation and Associate Member shall, upon approval of its application, pay as its first contribution a proportion, to be determined by the Conference, of the budget for the current financial period. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.18.4 | 4. The financial period of the Organization shall be the two calendar years following the normal date for the regular session of the Conference, unless the Conference should otherwise determine. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.18.5 | 5. Decisions on the level of the budget shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.18.6 | 6. A Member Organization shall not be required to contribute to the budget as specified in paragraph 2 of this Article, but shall pay to the Organization a sum to be determined by the Conference to cover administrative and other expenses arising out of its membership in the Organization. A Member Organization shall not vote on the budget. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3 | Article III |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3.1 | 1. The Contracting Governments agree to establish an International Whaling Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, to be composed of one member from each Contracting Government. Each member shall have one vote and may be accompanied by one or more experts and advisers. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3.2 | 2. The Commission shall elect from its own members a Chairman and Vice-Chairman and shall determine its own Rules of Procedure. Decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a simple majority of those members voting except that a three-fourths majority of those members voting shall be required for action in pursuance of Article V. The Rules of Procedure may provide for decisions otherwise than at meetings of the Commission. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3.3 | 3. The Commission may appoint its own Secretary and staff. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3.4 | 4. The Commission may set up, from among its own members and experts or advisers, such committees as it considers desirable to perform such functions as it may authorize. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3.5 | 5. The expenses of each member of the Commission and of his experts and advisers shall be determined by his own Government. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3.6 | 6. Recognizing that specialized agencies related to the United Nations will be concerned with the conservation and development of whale fisheries and the products arising there from and desiring to avoid duplication of functions, the Contracting Governments will consult among themselves within two years after the coming into force of this Convention to decide whether the Commission shall be brought within the framework of a specialized agency related to the United Nations. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3.7 | 7. In the meantime the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall arrange, in consultation with the other Contracting Governments, to convene the first meeting of the Commission, and shall initiate the consultation referred to in paragraph 6 above. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.3.8 | 8. Subsequent meetings of the Commission shall be convened as the Commission may determine. |
2624 | Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission | Art.6 | Article VI |
2624 | Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission | Art.6.1 | 1. The expenses of delegates and their alternates, experts and advisers occasioned by attendance at meetings of the Council shall be determined and paid by their respective Governments. |
2624 | Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission | Art.6.2 | 2. The expenses of the Secretariat, including publications and communications, and of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council when performing duties connected with its work during intervals between its meeting, shall be determined and paid by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations within the limits of an annual budget prepared and approved in accordance with the current regulations of that Organization. |
2624 | Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission | Art.6.3 | 3. The expenses of research or development projects undertaken by individual members of the Council, whether independently or upon the recommendation of the Council, shall be determined and paid by their respective Governments. |
2624 | Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission | Art.6.4 | 4. The expenses incurred in connection with cooperative research or development projects undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Article III, paragraphs (d) and (e) unless otherwise available shall be determined and paid by the member Governments in the form and proportion to which they shall mutually agree. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2 | Article II |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2.1 | 1. The Contracting Governments shall establish and maintain a Commission for the purposes of this Convention. The Commission shall be known as the International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, hereinafter referred to as " the Commission ". |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2.2 | 2. Each of the Contracting Governments may appoint not more than three Commissioners and one or more experts or advisers to assist its Commissioner or Commissioners. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2.3 | 3. The Commission shall elect from its members a Chairman and a Vice Chairman, each of whom shall serve for a term of two years and shall be eligible for re-election but not to a succeeding term. The Chairman and Vice Chairman must be Commissioners from different Contracting Governments. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2.4 | 4. The seat of the Commission shall be in North America at a place to be chosen by the Commission. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2.5 | 5. The Commission shall hold a regular annual meeting at its seat or at such place in North America as may be agreed upon by the Commission. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2.6 | 6. Any other meeting of the Commission may be called by the Chairman at such time and place as he may determine, upon the request of the Commissioner of a Contracting Government and subject to the concurrence of the Commissioners of two other Contracting Governments, including the Commissioner of a Government in North America. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2.7 | 7. Each Contracting Government shall have one vote which may be cast by any Commissioner from that Government. Decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the votes of all the Contracting Governments. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.2.8 | 8. The Commission shall adopt, and amend as occasion may require, financial regulations and rules and by-laws for the conduct of its meetings and for the exercise of its functions and duties. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11 | Article XI |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.1 | 1. Each Contracting Government shall pay the expenses of the Commissioners, experts and advisers appointed by it. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.2 | 2. The Commission shall prepare an annual administrative budget of the proposed necessary administrative expenditures of the Commission and an annual special projects budget of proposed expenditures on special studies and investigations to be undertaken by or on behalf of the Commission pursuant to Article VI or by or on behalf of any Panel pursuant to Article VII. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.3 | 3. The Commission shall calculate the payments due from each Contracting Government under the annual administrative budget according to the following formula : |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.3.a | (a) from the administrative budget there shall be deducted a sum of 500 United States dollars for each Contracting Government; |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.3.b | (b) the remainder shall be divided into such number of equal shares as corresponds to the total number of Panel memberships; |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.3.c | (c) the payment due form any Contracting Government shall be the equivalent of 500 United States dollars plus the number of shares equal to the number of Panels in which that Government participates. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.4 | 4. The Commission shall notify each Contracting Government the sum due from that Government as calculated under paragraph 3 of this Article and as soon as possible thereafter each Contracting Government shall pay to the Commission the sum so notified. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.5 | 5. The annual special projects budget shall be allocated to the Contracting Governments according to a scale to be determined by agreement among the Contracting Governments, and the sums so allocated to any Contracting Government shall be paid to the Commission by that Government. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.6 | 6. Contributions shall be payable in the currency of the country in which the seat of the Commission is located, except that the Commission may accept payment in the currencies in which it may be anticipated that expenditures of the Commission will be made from time to time, up to an amount established each year by the Commission in connection with the preparation of the annual budgets. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.7 | 7. At its first meeting the Commission shall approve an administrative budget for the balance of the first financial year in which the Commission functions and shall transmit to the Contracting Governments copies' of that budget together with notices of their respective allocations. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.11.8 | 8. In subsequent financial years, the Commission shall submit to each Contracting Government drafts of the annual budgets together with a schedule of allocations, not less than six weeks before the annual meeting of the Commission at which the budgets are to be considered. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.6 | Article VI |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.6.a | (a) The ordinary annual expenses of the Council and Control Service shall be covered by contributions, of the Participating Governments in the proportion of 12 per cent. for Southern Rhodesia, 16 per cent. for the Belgian Congo, 8 per cent, for Ruanda-Urundi, 28 per cent. for the Union of South Africa and 36 per cent. for all the remaining Governments. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.6.b | (b) The apportionment of contributions shall be reviewed by the Council in the event of any other Government becoming a participating Government in accordance with Articles IX or X. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.6.c | (c) Each Participating Government shall have the option of paying its share of the annual expenses in cash or in kind, either by providing quarters or transport or by paying its own personnel seconded to the Control Service, with the agreement of the Council or of the Director of the Control Service. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.7 | Article VII |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.7.a | (a) The Secretary of the Council shall be entrusted with the collection of the contributions of the Participating Governments, as well as the keeping of the accounts of the Control Service. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.7.b | (b) The Government of Northern Rhodesia shall audit the annual accounts of the Service and submit them to the Council. These accounts, when approved by the Council, shall be forwarded to the Participating Governments. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1 | Article I |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.1 | 1. The High Contracting Parties agree to establish and operate a joint Commission, to be known as the Inter-American Tropic al Tuna Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, which shall carry out the objectives of this Convention. The Commission shall be composed of national sections, each consisting of from one to four members, appointed by the Governments of the respective High Contracting Parties. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.2 | 2. The Commission shall submit annually to the Government of each High Contracting Party a report on its investigations and findings, with appropriate recommendations, and shall also inform such Governments, whenever it is deemed advisable, on any matter relating to the objectives of this Convention. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.3 | 3. Each High Contracting Party shall determine and pay the expenses incurred by its section. Joint expenses incurred by the Commission shall be paid by the High Contracting Parties through contributions in the form and proportion recommended by the Commission and approved by the High Contracting Parties. The proportion of joint expenses to be paid by each High Contracting Party shall be related to the proportion of the total catch from the fisheries covered by this Convention utilized by that High Contracting Party. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.4 | 4. Both the general annual program of activities and the budget of joint expenses shall be recommended by the Commission and submitted for approval to the High Contracting Parties. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.5 | 5. The Commission shall decide on the most convenient place or places for its headquarters. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.6 | 6. The Commission shall meet at least once each year, and at such other times as may be requested by a national section. The date and place of first meeting shall be determined by agreement between the High Contracting Parties. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.7 | 7. At its first meeting the Commission shall select a chairman and a secretary from different national sections. The chairman and the secretary shall hold office for a period of one year. During succeeding years, selection of the chairman and the secretary from the national section shall be in such a manner that the chairman and the secretary will be of different nationalities, and as well provide each High Contracting Party in turn, with an opportunity to be represented in those offices. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.8 | 8. Each national section shall have one vote. Decisions, resolutions, recommendations, and publications of the Commission shall be made only by a unanimous vote. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.9 | 9. The Commission shall be entitled to adopt and to amend subsequently, as occasion may require, by-laws or rules for the conduct of its meetings. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.10 | 10. The Commission shall be entitled to employ necessary personnel for the performance of its functions and duties. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.11 | 11. Each High Contracting Party shall be entitled to establish an Advisory Committee for its section, to be composed of persons who shall be well informed concerning tuna fishery problems of common concern. Each such Advisory Committee shall be invited to attend the non-executive sessions of the Commission. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.12 | 12. The Commission may hold public hearings. Each national section also may hold public hearings within its own country. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13 | 13. The Commission shall designate a Director of Investigations who shall be technically competent and who shall be responsible to the Commission and may be freely removed by it. Subject to the instruction of the Commission and with its approval, the Director of Investigations shall have charge of: |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13.a | a) the drafting of programs of investigations, and the preparation of budget estimates for the Commission; |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13.b | b) authorizing the disbursement of the funds for the joint expenses of the Commission; |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13.c | c) the accounting of the funds for the joint expenses of the Commission; |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13.d | d) the appointment and immediate direction of technical and other personnel required for the functions of the Commission; |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13.e | e) arrangements for the co-operation with other organizations or individuals in accordance with paragraph 16 of this Article; |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13.f | f) the co-ordination of the work of the Commission with that of organizations and individuals whose co-operation has been arranged for; |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13.g | g) the drafting of administrative, scientific and other reports for the Commission; |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.13.h | h) the performance of such other duties as the Commission may require. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.14 | 14. The official languages of the Commission shall be English and Spanish, and members of the Commission may use either languages during meetings. When requested, translation shall be made to the other language. The minutes, official documents, and publications of the Commission shall be in both languages, but official correspondence of the Commission may be written, at the discretion of the secretary, in either language. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.15 | 15. Each national section shall be entitled to obtain certified copies of any documents pertaining to the Commission except that the Commission will adopt and may amend subsequently rules to ensure the confidential character of records of statistics of individual catches and individual company operations. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.1.16 | 16. In the performance of its duties and functions the Commission may request the technical and scientific services of, and information from, official agencies of the High Contracting Parties, and any international, public, or private institution or organization, or any private individual. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2 | Article II |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.1 | 1. In order to realize the objectives of this Convention, the Contracting Parties shall establish and maintain the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, hereinafter referred to as "the Commission." |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.2 | 2. The Commission shall be composed of three national sections, each consisting of not more than four members appointed by the governments of the respective Contracting Parties. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.3 | 3. Each national section shall have one vote. All resolutions, recommendations and other decisions of the Commission shall be made only by a unanimous vote of the three national sections except when under the provisions of article III, section I (c) (ii) only two participate. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.4 | 4. The Commission may decide upon and amend, as occasion may require, by-laws or rules for the conduct of its meetings. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.5 | 5. The Commission shall meet at least once each year and at such other times as may be requested by a majority of the national sections. The date and place of the first meeting shall be determined by agreement between the Contracting Parties. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.6 | 6. At its first meeting the Commission shall select a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary from different national sections. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall hold office for a period of one year. During succeeding years selection of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary from the national sections shall be made in such a manner as will provide each Contracting Party in turn with representation in those offices. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.7 | 7. The Commission shall decide on a convenient place for the establishment of the Commission's headquarters. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.8 | 8. Each Contracting Party may establish an Advisory Committee for its national section to be composed of persons who shall be well informed concerning North Pacific fishery problems of common concern. Each such Advisory Committee shall be invited to attend all sessions of the Commission except those which the Commission decides to be in camera. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.9 | 9. The Commission may hold public hearings. Each national section may also hold public hearings within its own country. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.10 | 10. The official languages of the Commission shall be Japanese and English. Proposals and data may be submitted to the Commission in either language . |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.11 | 11. Each Contracting Party shall determine and pay the expenses incurred by its national section. Joint expenses incurred by the Commission shall be paid by the Commission through contributions made by the Contracting Parties in the form and proportion recommended by the Commission and approved by the Contracting Parties. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.12 | 12. An annual budget of joint expenses shall be recommended by the Commission and submitted to the Contracting Parties for approval. |
2639 | International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean | Art.2.13 | 13. The Commission shall authorize the disbursement of funds for the joint expenses of the Commission and may employ personnel and acquire facilities necessary for the performance of its functions. |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.10 | Article 10 |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.10.a | (a) Each Participating Government shall contribute towards the cost of the Secretariat of the Commission and towards the cost of the work carried out by the Institutes referred to in Article 9 of the present Convention pursuant to the agreement to be concluded between the Executive Council of the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux and the Commission. |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.10.b | (b) The total annual cost, which shall be contributed by the Participating Governments, is fixed at £5,000 until such time as they otherwise agree. The Government of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and any Government which accedes to this Convention under Article 11 shall contribute one-half of the amount contributed by each of the other Participating Governments which shall contribute in equal parts. |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.10.c | (c) Payment shall be made to the account of the Commission in London. The first payment shall be made within one month of the date of entry into force of the present Convention by those Governments which have, at that date, already deposited their instruments of ratification, and within one month of the date of the deposit of the instrument of ratification or notification of accession by those Governments which subsequently ratify or accede to the Convention. Subsequent payments shall be made on the corresponding date in each succeeding year. |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Sect.5 | MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.14 | Article 14 |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.14.1x | If at any time at least half of the Participating Governments have denounced this Convention in accordance with Article 13 of the present Convention, the Commission shall be dissolved, the records shall be lodged at the Common-wealth Institute of Entomology, and the funds shall be divided pro rata according to their annual contributions between such remaining Participating Governments as have made all annual contributions due under Article 10 (b) of the present Convention. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2 | Article II |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.1 | 1. The Contracting Governments hereby establish a regional committee, to be known as the Plant Protection Committee for the South East Asia and Pacific Region, whose functions shall include: |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.1.a | (a) the determination of procedures and arrangements necessary for the implementation of this Agreement and the making of recommendations to the Contracting Governments accordingly; |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.1.b | (b) the review of reports submitted by the Contracting Governments of progress in the implementation of this Agreement; |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.1.c | (c) the consideration of problems requiring cooperation on a regional basis and of measures for mutual assistance. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.2 | 2. Each Contracting Government shall be represented on the Committee and shall have one vote. A majority of the Contracting Governments shall constitute a quorum. Decisions of the Committee shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.3 | 3. The Committee shall meet whenever convened by the Director-General of the Organization after consultation with the Chairman of the Committee. The Director-General of the Organization shall convene the Committee at least once every two years or when so requested by at least one third of the Contracting Governments. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.4 | 4. The Committee shall elect from amongst the delegates a Chairman who shall serve for a period of two years or until the first session of the Committee held after the expiration of the period of two years. The Chairman shall be eligible for re-election. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.5 | 5. Expenses incurred by delegates of Contracting Governments in attending sessions of the Committee shall be determined and paid by their respective Governments. The Director-General of the Organization shall appoint and provide the secretariat of the Committee from the staff of the Organization who shall serve only during the sessions of the Committee. The expenses of the secretariat of the Committee shall be determined and paid by the Organization. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.2.6 | 6. The Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure. |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5 | Article V |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.1 | 1. The Parties agree to establish the North Pacific Fur Seal Commission to be composed of one member from each Party. |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.2 | 2. The duties of the Commission shall be to: |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.2.a | a) formulate and co-ordinate research programs designed to achieve the objectives set forth in Article II, paragraph 1; |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.2.b | b) recommend these co-ordinated research programs to the respective Parties for implementation; |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.2.c | c) study the data obtained from the implementation of such co-ordinated research programs; |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.2.d | d) recommend appropriate measures to the Parties on the basis of the findings obtained from the implementation of such coordinated research programmes, including measures regarding the size and the sex and age composition of the seasonal commercial kill from a herd and regarding a reduction or suspension of the harvest of seals on any island or group of islands in case the total number of seals on that island or group of islands falls below the level of maximum sustainable productivity; provided, however, that due consideration be given to the subsistence needs of Indians, Ainos, Aleuts, or Eskimos who live on the islands where fur seals breed, when it is not possible to provide sufficient seal meat for such persons from the seasonal commercial harvest or research activities; and |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.2.e | e) study whether or not pelagic sealing in conjunction with land sealing could be permitted in certain circumstances without adversely affecting achievement of the objectives of this Convention, and make recommendations thereon to the Parties at the end of the twenty-first year after entry into force of the Convention. |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.3 | 3. In addition to the duties specified in paragraph 2 of this Article, the Commission shall, subject to Article II, paragraph 3, determine from time to time the number of seals to be marked on the rookery islands, and the total number of seals which shall be taken at sea for research purposes, the times at which such seals shall be taken and the areas in which they shall be taken, as well as the number to be taken by each Party, taking into account any recommendations made pursuant to Article V, paragraph 2(d). |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.4 | 4. Each Party shall have one vote. Decisions and recommendations shall be made by unanimous vote. With respect to any recommendations regarding the size and the sex and age composition of the seasonal commercial kill from a herd, only those Parties sharing in the seal-skins from that herd under the provisions of Article IX, paragraph 1 shall vote. |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.5 | 5. The Commission shall elect from its members a Chairman and other necessary officials and shall adopt rules of procedure for the conduct of its work. |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.6 | 6. The Commission shall hold an annual meeting at such time and place as it may decide. Additional meetings shall be held when requested by two or more members of the Commission. |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.7 | 7. The expenses of each member of the Commission shall be paid by his own Government. Such joint expenses as may be incurred by the Commission shall be defrayed by the Parties by equal contributions. Each Party shall also contribute to the Commission annually an amount equivalent to the value of the sealskins it confiscates under the provisions of Article VI, paragraph 5. |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.8 | 8. The Commission shall submit an annual report of its activities to the Parties. |
2668 | Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals | Art.5.9 | 9. The Commission may from time to time make recommendations to the Parties on any matter which relates to the fur seal resources or to the administration of the Commission. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.9 | Article 9 |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.9.1 | 1. Any dispute which may arise between States under Articles 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall, at the request of any of the parties, be submitted for settlement to a special commission of five members, unless the parties agree to seek a solution by another method of peaceful settlement, as provided for in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.9.2 | 2. The members of the commission, one of whom shall be designated as chairman, shall be named by agreement between the States in dispute within three months of the request for settlement in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Failing agreement they shall, upon the request of any State party, be named by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, within a further three-month period, in consultation with the States in dispute and with the President of the International Court of Justice and the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, from amongst well-qualified persons being nationals of States not involved in the dispute and specializing in legal, administrative or scientific questions relating to fisheries, depending upon the nature of the dispute to be settled. Any vacancy arising after the original appointment shall be filled in the same manner as provided for the initial selection. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.9.3 | 3. Any State party to proceedings under these Articles shall have the right to name one of its nationals to the special commission, with the right to participate fully in the proceedings on the same footing as a member of the commission but without the right to vote or to take part in the writing of the commission's decision. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.9.4 | 4. The commission shall determine its own procedure, assuring each party to the proceedings a full opportunity to he heard and to present its case. It shall also determine how the costs and expenses shall be divided between the parties to the dispute, failing agreement by the parties on this matter. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.9.5 | 5. The special commission shall render its decision within a period of five months from the time it is appointed unless it decides, in case of necessity, to extend the time limit for a period not exceeding three months. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.9.6 | 6. The special commission shall, in reaching its decisions, adhere to these Articles and to any special agreements between the disputing parties regarding settlement of the dispute. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.9.7 | 7. Decisions of the commission shall be by majority vote. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4 | Article 4 |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.1 | 1. Each Contracting State shall pay the expense of the Commissioners, experts and advisers appointed by it. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.2 | 2. The Commission shall prepare an annual budget of the proposed expenditures of the Commission. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.3 | 3. In any year in which the annual budget amounts to 200 pounds or less for each Contracting State the total sum shall be shared equally between Contracting States. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.4 | 4. In any year in which the annual budget exceeds 200 pounds for each Contracting State, the Commission shall calculate the payments due from each Contracting State according to the following formula: |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.4.a | a) from the budget there shall be deducted a sum of 200 pounds for each Contracting State; |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.4.b | b) the remainder shall be divided into such number of equal shares as correspond to the total number of Regional Committee memberships; |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.4.c | c) the payment due from any Contracting State shall be the equivalent of 200 pounds plus the number of shares equal to the number of Regional Committees in which that State participates. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.5 | 5. The Commission shall notify to each Contracting State the sum due from that State as calculated under paragraph (3) or (4) of this Article and as soon as possible thereafter each Contracting State shall pay to the Commission the sum so notified. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.6 | 6. Contributions shall be payable in the currency of the country in which the Office of the Commission is located, except that the Commission may accept payment in the currencies in which it may be expected that expenditures of the Commission will be made from time to time, up to an amount established each year by the Commission when preparing the annual budget. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.7 | 7. At its first meeting the Commission shall approve a budget for the balance of the first financial year in which the Commission functions and shall transmit to the Contracting States copies of that budget together with notices of their respective contributions as assessed under paragraph (3) or (4) of this Article. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.4.8 | 8. In subsequent financial years, the Commission shall submit to each Contracting State drafts of annual budgets, together with a schedule of allocations, not less than six weeks before the annual meeting of the Commission at which the budgets are to be considered. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.10 | ARTICLE X: Expenses |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.10.1 | 1. Expenses incurred by delegates of Member Nations of the Commission and of their alternates and advisers, when attending sessions of the Commission, or subsidiary bodies, as well as the expenses incurred by observers, shall be borne by the respective governments or organizations. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.10.2 | 2. Expenses of all the members of the Executive Committee when attending sessions of the Executive Committee shall be borne by the countries of which they are nationals. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.10.3 | 3. Expenses incurred by individuals invited in their personal capacity to attend sessions or participate in the work of the Commission or its subsidiary bodies shall be borne by such individuals except when they have been requested to perform a specific task on behalf of the Commissions or its subsidiary bodies. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.10.4 | 4. The expenses of the Secretariat shall be borne by the Organization. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.10.5 | 5. When the Commission or Executive Committee hold sessions elsewhere than at the seat of the Commission, all additional expenses related to such sessions shall be borne by the host government. The expenses for publications relating to sessions of the Commission other than the report of such sessions, of the Executive Committee and subsidiary bodies shall be borne by the host government. |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.9 | Article IX |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.9.0x | Expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Agreement shall be allocated as follows: |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.9.1 | 1. Expenses incurred in carrying out the measures provided for in article II and article IV, sub-paragraph 1, shall be borne by the Contracting Party sending the information and material referred to in the said articles. |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.9.2 | 2. Travel and subsistence expenses of persons referred to in article IV, sub-paragraphs 2 and 3, and article VIII shall be borne by the Contracting Party sending these persons. |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.9.3 | 3. Expenses incurred in carrying out the measures provided for in article IV, subparagraphs 4 and 5, and article VII shall be allocated by agreement between the parties concerned. |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.9.4 | 4. Expenses incurred in the organization and conduct of the international conferences provided for in article VIII shall be borne by the States in whose territories they are held. |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12 | Article 12 |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12.1 | 1. Each Contracting Party shall bear the expenses of its representation within the Commission and its working groups, as well as of current research undertaken on its territory. |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12.2 | 2. The remaining cost of the Commission's activities shall be shared out among the Contracting Parties as follows: |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | | Federal Republic of Germany 24.5% |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12.2.bx | French Republic 24.5% |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | | Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 1.5% |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12.2.dx | Kingdom of the Netherlands 4.5% |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12.2.ex | European Economic Community 13 % |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12.2.fx | Swiss Confederation 12 % |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12.2.gx | Total 100 % |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.12.3x | In certain cases, the Commission may adopt a different distribution. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.11 | ARTICLE 11 |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.11.1 | (1) The President and Vice-Presidents shall together constitute the Bureau of the Council. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.11.2 | (2) The Bureau shall be the Executive Committee of the Council and shall carry out the decisions of the Council, draw up its agenda and convene its meetings. It shall also prepare the budget. It shall invest the reserve funds and carry out the tasks entrusted to it by the Council. It shall account to the Council for its activities. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.14 | ARTICLE 14 |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.14.1 | (1) Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses of the delegates, experts and advisers appointed by it, except in so far as the Council may otherwise determine. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.14.2 | (2) The Council shall approve an annual budget of the proposed expenditure of the Council. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.14.3 | (3) In the first and second financial years after this Convention enters into force in accordance with Article 16 of this Convention, the Contracting Parties shall contribute to the expenses of the Council such sums as they respectively contributed or undertook to contribute, in respect of the year preceding the enteringry into force of this Convention. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.14.4 | (4) In respect of the third and subsequent financial years the Contracting Parties shall contribute sums calculated in accordance with a scheme to be prepared by the Council and accepted by all Contracting Parties. This scheme may be modified by the Council with the agreement of all Contracting Parties. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.14.5 | (5) A Government acceding to this Convention shall contribute to the expenses of the Council such sums as may be agreed between that Government and the Council in respect of each financial year until the scheme under paragraph 4 provides for contributions from that Government. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.14.6 | (6) A Contracting Party which has not paid its contribution for two consecutive years shall not enjoy any rights under this Convention until it has fulfilled its financial obligations. |
2742 | Agreement Concerning The Niger River Commission And The Navigation And Transport On The River Niger | Art.10 | Article 10 |
2742 | Agreement Concerning The Niger River Commission And The Navigation And Transport On The River Niger | Art.10.1x | The riparian States shall make contributions towards the regular Budget of the Commission in the proportions to be determined by the Commission. The Commission shall establish an annual Budget and shall submit it to the riparian States for approval. |
2742 | Agreement Concerning The Niger River Commission And The Navigation And Transport On The River Niger | Art.10.2x | Any expenditure incurred in respect of special services rendered to a State by the Commission shall be paid by that State. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3 | Article III |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.1 | 1. The Contracting Parties hereby agree to establish and maintain a Commission to be known as the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, hereinafter referred to as "the Commission", which shall carry out the objectives set forth in this Convention. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.2 | 2. Each of the Contracting Parties shall be represented on the Commission by not more than three Delegates. Such Delegates may be assisted by experts and advisors. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.3 | 3. Except as may otherwise be provided in this Convention, decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a majority of the Contracting Parties, each Contracting Party having one vote. Two-thirds of the Contracting Parties shall constitute a quorum. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.4 | 4. The Commission shall hold a regular meeting once every two years. A special meeting may be called at any time at the request of a majority of the Contracting Parties or by decision of the Council as constituted in Article V. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.5 | 5. At its first meeting, and thereafter at each regular meeting, the Commission shall elect from among its Members a Chairman, a first Vice-Chairman and a second Vice-Chairman who shall not be re-elected for more than one term. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.6 | 6. The meetings of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies shall be public unless the Commission otherwise decides. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.7 | 7. The official languages of the Commission shall be English, French and Spanish. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.8 | 8. The Commission shall have authority to adopt such rules of procedure and financial regulations as are necessary to carry out its functions. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.3.9 | 9. The Commission shall submit a report to the Contracting Parties every two years on its work and findings and shall also inform any Contracting Party, whenever requested, on any matter relating to the objectives of the Convention. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7 | Article VII |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7.1x | The Commission shall appoint an Executive Secretary who shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission. The Executive Secretary, subject to such rules and procedures as may be determined by the Commission, shall have authority with respect to the selection and administration of the staff of the Commission. He shall also perform, inter alia, the following functions as the Commission may prescribe: |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7.1x.a | a) co-ordinating the programmes of investigation by the Contracting Parties; |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7.1x.b | b) preparing budget estimates for review by the Commission; |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7.1x.c | c) authorising the disbursement of funds in accordance with the Commission's budget; |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7.1x.d | d) accounting for the funds of the Commission; |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7.1x.e | e) arranging for co-operation with the organizations referred to in Article XI of this Convention; |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7.1x.f | f) preparing the collection and analysis of data necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Convention particularly those data relating to the current and maximum sustainable catch of tuna stocks; |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.7.1x.g | g) preparing for approval by the Commission scientific, administrative and other reports of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10 | Article X |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.1 | 1. The Commission shall adopt a budget for the joint expenses of the Commission for the biennium following each regular meeting. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.2 | 2. Each Contracting Party shall contribute annually to the budget of the Commission an amount equal to: |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.2.a | a) U.S. $ 1,000 (one thousand United States dollars) for Commission membership. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.2.b | b) U.S. $ 1,000 (one thousand United States dollars) for each Panel membership. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.2.c | c) If the proposed budget for joint expenses for any biennium should exceed the whole amount of contributions to be made by the Contracting Parties under (a) and (b) of this paragraph, one-third of the amount of such excess shall be contributed by the Contracting Parties in proportion to their contributions made under (a) and (b) of this paragraph. For the remaining two-thirds the Commission shall determine on the basis of the latest available information: |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.2.c.i | (i) the total of the round weight of catch of Atlantic tuna and tuna-like fishes and the net weight of canned products of such fishes for each Contracting Party; |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.2.c.ii | (ii) the total of (i) for all Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party shall contribute its share of the remaining two-thirds in the same ratio that its total in (i) bears to the total in (ii). That part of the budget referred to in this sub-paragraph shall be set by agreement of all the Contracting Parties present and voting. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.3 | 3. The Council shall review the second half of the biennial budget at its regular meeting between Commission meetings and, on the basis of current and anticipated developments, may authorize reapportionment of amounts in the Commission budget for the second year within the total budget approved by the Commission. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.4 | 4. The Executive Secretary of the Commission shall notify each Contracting Party of its yearly assessment. The contributions shall be payable on January first of the year for which the assessment was levied. Contributions not received before January first of the succeeding year shall be considered as in arrears. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.5 | 5. Contributions to the biennial budget shall be payable in such currencies as the Commission may decide. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.6 | 6. At its first meeting the Commission shall approve a budget for the balance of the first year the Commission functions and for the following biennium. It shall immediately transmit to the Contracting Parties copies of these budgets together with notices of the respective assessments for the first annual contribution. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.7 | 7. Thereafter, within a period not less than sixty days before the regular meeting of the Commission which precedes the biennium, the Executive Secretary shall submit to each Contracting Party a draft biennial budget together with a schedule of proposed assessments. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.8 | 8. The Commission may suspend the voting rights of any Contracting Party when its arrears of contributions equal or exceed the amount due from it for the two preceding years. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.9 | 9. The Commission shall establish a Working Capital Fund to finance operations of the Commission prior to receiving annual contributions, and for such other purposes as the Commission may determine. The Commission shall determine the level of the Fund, assess advances necessary for its establishment, and adopt regulations governing the use of the Fund. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.10 | 10. The Commission shall arrange an annual independent audit of the Commission's accounts. The reports of such audits shall be reviewed and approved by the Commission, or by the Council in years when there is no regular Commission meeting. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.10.11 | 11. The Commission may accept contributions, other than provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article, for the prosecution of its work. |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5 | ARTICLE V |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5.1x | The functions of the Conference shall be : |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5.1x.a | (a) To give general directives on the functioning and work of the Organization; |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5.1x.b | (b) To elect the members of the Directing Committee and its President; |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5.1x.c | (c) To examine the reports submitted to it by the Bureau; |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5.1x.d | (d) To make decisions in respect of all proposals of a technical or administrative nature submitted by Member Governments or by the Bureau; |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5.1x.e | (e) To approve the budget by a majority of two-thirds of the Member Governments represented at the Conference; |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5.1x.f | (f) To adopt, by a two-thirds majority of the Member Governments, amendments to the General Regulations and Financial Regulations; |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.5.1x.g | (g) To adopt, by the majority prescribed in the preceding paragraph, any particular regulations that may prove to be necessary, notably on the status of the directors and staff of the Bureau. |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.7 | ARTICLE VII |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.7.1 | 1. The supervision of the financial administration of the Organization shall be exercised by a Finance Committee on which each Member Government may be represented by one delegate. |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.7.2 | 2. The Committee shall meet during sessions of the Conference. It may meet in extraordinary session. |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.14 | ARTICLE XIV |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.14.1x | The expenses necessary for the functioning of the Organization shall be met : |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.14.1x.a | (a) From the ordinary annual contributions of Member Governments in accordance with a scale based on the tonnage of their fleets; |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.14.1x.b | (b) From donations, bequests, subventions and other sources, with the approval of the Finance Committee. |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.15 | ARTICLE XV |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.15.1x | Any Member Government which is two years in arrears in its contributions shall be denied all rights and benefits conferred on Member Governments by the Convention and the Regulations until such time as the outstanding contributions have been paid. |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.16 | ARTICLE XVI |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.16.1x | The budget of the Organization shall be drafted by the Directing Committee, studied by the Finance Committee and approved by the Conference. |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.1 | Article 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CENTRE |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.1.1x | An Arab Centre with a legal entity and an independent budget called "The Arab Centre for the Studies of Dry and Barren Land" shall be established within the framework of the Arab League. |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.7 | Article 7 FUNCTIONS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.7.1x | The Administrative Council shall have the following function |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.7.1x.a | (a) To lay down and supervise the general policy of the Centre; |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.7.1x.b | (b) To approve the plan of studies and research; |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.7.1x.c | (c) To approve the budget of the Centre and to adopt its final accounts.; |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.7.1x.d | (d) To prepare the internal financial and administrative rules and regulations for the work of the Centre and its branches and the terms for grant of scholarships; |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.7.1x.e | (e) Admission of Arab Countries, other than members of the League, to the membership of the Centre; |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.7.1x.f | (f) Award of Scholarships. |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.12 | Article 12 THE FINANCIAL SOURCES OF THE CENTRE |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.12.1x | Financial sources of the centre shall be as follows: |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.12.1x.a | a) Members share in the budget of the centre provided that the share of the country where the centre is situated shall not be less than 25 % of the budget and the Administrative Council shall decide by resolution the shares of the other-member states; |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.12.1x.b | b) Contribution from the Arab League; |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.12.1x.c | c) Contributions from the concerned International Organizations; |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.12.1x.d | d) Gifts, donations and grants which the Administrative Council accepts. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12 | Article XVI Inter-State Co-operation |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.1 | 1. The Contracting States shall co-operate: |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.1.a | (a) whenever such co-operation is necessary to give effect to the provisions of this convention, and |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.1.b | (b) whenever any national measure is likely to affect the natural resources of any other State. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.2 | 2. The Contracting States shall supply the Organization of African Unity with: |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.2.a | (a) the text of laws, decrees, regulations and instructions in force in their territories, which are intended to ensure the implementation of this Convention; |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.2.b | (b) reports on the results achieved in applying the provisions of this Convention; and |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.2.c | (c) all the information necessary for the complete documentation of matters dealt with by this Convention if requested. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.3 | 3. If so requested by Contracting States, the Organization of African Unity shall organize any meeting which may be necessary to dispose of any matters covered by this Convention. Requests for such meetings must be made by at least three of the Contracting States and be approved by two thirds of the States which it is proposed should participate in such meetings. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.12.4 | 4. Any expenditure arising from this Convention, which devolves upon the Organization of African Unity shall be included in its regular budget, unless shared by the Contracting States or otherwise defrayed. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.4 | Article IV |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.4.1 | 1. The Coordinator shall convene a meeting of the Cooperating Members and the United Nations Development Programme at least twice a year to receive and examine reports and information referred to in Article V.9 and Article VI.6, as well as the budget referred to in Article V.4, and, at any other time, at the request of three or more Cooperating Members. Normally, at least two weeks notice of such meetings shall be given. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.4.2 | 2. The Cooperating Members and the United Nations Development Programme may hold consultations concerning measures to be taken for major problems arising in respect of the implementation of the Project, and make recommendations to the Government through the Coordinator. The Government shall take due cognizance of such recommendations. In making such recommendations referred to above, the Cooperating Members shall advise the Government whether the recommendation is a consensus or is supported by the majority of the Cooperating Members whose combined contributions also constitute more than half of the total of such contributions. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6 | Article VI |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.1 | 1. The Government shall cause the Project to be carried out with due diligence and efficiency and in conformity with sound engineering and financial practices and shall accord first priority, in its development program, to the Project. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.2 | 2. The Government shall make good any deficit in foreign exchange which may arise in the course of the execution of the Project. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.3 | 3. The Government shall make available promptly as required the necessary local currency for carrying out the Project. In preparing a schedule for the use of local currency, the Government shall consult with the Coordinator. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.4 | 4. The Government shall at its own expense and promptly as needed obtain and make available land and interests in land required for the carrying out or operation of the Project free of any incumbrance. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.5 | 5. The Corporation shall maintain in a manner satisfactory to the Coordinator and to Cooperating Members records adequate to identify the goods and services financed by the latter's contributions, to disclose the use thereof in the Project, and to show the progress of the Project. The Government shall consider requests from Cooperating Members, as may be necessary for the execution of the Project, to visit the site of the Project and to see goods used or required for the Project. It shall furnish to the Coordinator all such information concerning the Project as he shall reasonably request. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.6 | 6. The Government and the Coordinator shall from time to time exchange views with regard to matters relating to the purposes of this Agreement. The Government will promptly inform the Coordinator who shall forthwith inform the Cooperating Members of any condition which interferes with, or which threatens to interfere with, the accomplishment of the purposes of this Agreement. |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.7 | 7. The Government shall grant an exemption from, or the Corporation shall bear from its own funds the cost of any taxes, duties, fees, or levies which may be imposed in respect of: |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.7.a | (a) the receipts of contractors, suppliers, companies and firms furnishing or supplying property or services for the purposes of carrying out the Project; |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.7.b | (b) The salaries, allowances, bonuses and other income of experts, technicians and employees not normally resident in Cambodia; |
2772 | Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project | Art.6.7.c | (c) The importation and making available for consumption of the equipment, property, products and services necessary for the purposes of carrying out the Project and the re-exportation of such equipment, property and products not required after completion of the Project operations. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12 | Article XII |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.1 | 1. The Commission shall appoint an Executive Secretary on such conditions as it may determine. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.2 | 2. The staff of the Commission shall be appointed by the Executive Secretary in accordance with such rules and on such conditions as may be determined by the Commission. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3 | 3. The Executive Secretary shall perform such functions as the Commission may prescribe, including the following: |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3.a | (a) receiving and transmitting the Commission's official communications; |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3.b | (b) preparing budget estimates for review by the Commission at its regular sessions; |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3.c | (c) preparing for submission to the Commission at its regular sessions a report on the Commission's activities and the programme of work, and arranging for the subsequent publication of this report and the proceedings of the Commission; |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3.d | (d) arranging for the collection and analysis of statistics and other data necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Convention; |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3.e | (e) preparing for submission to the Commission, and for possible subsequent publication, reports on statistical, biological and other matters; |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3.f | (f) authorizing the disbursement of funds in accordance with the Commission's budget; |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3.g | (g) accounting for the funds of the Commission; and |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.12.3.h | (h) arranging for cooperation with international organizations as provided for under Article XI of this Convention. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.13 | Article XIII |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.13.1 | 1. At each regular session the Commission shall adopt a budget for the following fiscal period and budget estimates for the fiscal period following thereafter. The fiscal period shall be two years. However, should the Commission hold more than one regular session during a fiscal period, it may revise the current budget if required. Subject to the agreement of all Contracting Parties, the Commission may, at any session, adopt a supplementary budget. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.13.2 | 2. The contributions to the budget and any supplementary budget to be paid by each Contracting Party shall be payable in such currency or currencies and at such time as the Commission shall decide. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.13.3 | 3. The voting rights of any Contracting Party whose arrears of contributions equal or exceed its total contribution falling due in the preceding fiscal period shall be suspended unless the Commission decides otherwise. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.13.4 | 4. The Commission may also accept from any private or public sources other contributions for the furtherance of its objectives. Such contributions shall be used and administered in accordance with rules to be adopted by the Commission. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.13.5 | 5. The Commission shall arrange for an annual independent audit of its accounts to be made and submitted for review and approval by the Commission. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.13.6 | 6. The Commission shall establish a Working Capital Fund to finance operations of the Commission prior to receiving annual contributions, and for such other purposes as the Commission may determine. The Commission shall fix the level of the Fund, assess advances necessary for its establishment, and adopt regulations governing its use. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.14 | Article XIV |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.14.1x | The Commission shall calculate the contributions to be made by the Contracting Parties to the budget including any supplementary budget according to the following formula: |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.14.1x.a | (a) One third of the total amount of the budget including any supplementary budget shall be contributed by the Contracting Parties in equal parts; |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.14.1x.b | (b) Each Contracting Party shall contribute in respect of each Regional or Stock Committee of which it is a member an amount equivalent to one third of its contribution under subparagraph (a) above. This proportion shall be reduced, if necessary, in order that the total amount contributed by the Contracting Parties under this subparagraph shall not exceed one third of the total budget including any supplementary budget; |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.14.1x.c | (c) Any remaining portion of the budget including any supplementary budget shall be contributed by each Contracting Party in the proportion that its nominal catch in the Convention Area bears to the aggregate nominal catch of all Contracting Parties in that Area. In computing this catch the Commission shall take into account all fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and other marine invertebrates, with the exception of such species as may be excluded from the application of this Convention in accordance with Article III. The catch shall be determined on the basis of the average for the last two calendar years for which statistics have been published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. |
2784 | International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties | Art.4 | Article IV |
2784 | International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties | Art.4.1 | 1. Under the supervision of the Organization, there shall be set up and maintained the list of experts contemplated by Article III of the present Convention, and the Organization shall make necessary and appropriate regulations in connection therewith, including the determination of the required qualifications. |
2784 | International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties | Art.4.2 | 2. Nominations to the list may be made by Member States of the Organization and by Parties to this Convention. The experts shall be paid on the basis of services rendered by the States utilizing those services. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.10 | Article 10 |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.10.1 | 1. Contributions to the Fund shall be made in respect of each Contracting State by any person who, in the calendar year referred to in Article 11, paragraph 1, as regards initial contributions and in Article 12, paragraphs 2(a) or (b), as regards annual contributions, has received in total quantities exceeding 150,000 tons: |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.10.1.a | (a) in the ports or terminal installations in the territory of that State contributing oil carried by sea to such ports or terminal installations; and |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.10.1.b | (b) in any installations situated in the territory of that Contracting State contributing oil which has been carried by sea and discharged in a port or terminal installation of a non-Contracting State, provided that contributing oil shall only be taken into account by virtue of this sub-paragraph on first receipt in a Contracting State after its discharge in that non-Contracting State. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.10.2.a | 2. (a) For the purposes of paragraph 1, where the quantity of contributing oil received in the territory of a Contracting State by any person in a calendar year when aggregated with the quantity of contributing oil received in the same Contracting State in that year by any associated person or persons exceeds 150,000 tons, such person shall pay contributions in respect of the actual quantity received by him notwithstanding that that quantity did not exceed 150,000 tons. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.10.2.b | (b) "Associated person" means any subsidiary or commonly controlled entity. The question whether a person comes within this definition shall be determined by the national law of the State concerned. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.11 | Article 11 |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.11.1 | 1. In respect of each Contracting State initial contributions shall be made of an amount which shall for each person referred to in Article 10 be calculated on the basis of a fixed sum for each ton of contributing oil received by him during the calendar year preceding that in which this Convention entered into force for that State. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.11.2 | 2. The sum referred to in paragraph 1 shall be determined by the Assembly within two months after the entry into force of this Convention. In performing this function the Assembly shall, to the extent possible, fix the sum in such a way that the total amount of initial contributions would, if contributions were to be made in respect of 90 per cent of the quantities of contributing oil carried by sea in the world, equal 75 million francs. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.11.3 | 3. The initial contributions shall in respect of each Contracting State be paid within three months following the date at which the Convention entered into force for that State. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12 | Article 12 |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1 | 1. With a view to assessing for each person referred to in Article 10 the amount of annual contributions due, if any, and taking account of the necessity to maintain sufficient liquid funds, the Assembly shall for each calendar year make an estimate in the form of a budget of: |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.i | (i) Expenditure |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.i.a | (a) costs and expenses of the administration of the Fund in the relevant year and any deficit from operations in preceding years; |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.i.b | (b) payments to be made by the Fund in the relevant year for the satisfaction of claims against the Fund due under Article 4 or 5, including repayment on loans previously taken by the Fund for the satisfaction of such claims, to the extent that the aggregate amount of such claims in respect of any one incident does not exceed 15 million francs; |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.i.c | (c) payments to be made by the Fund in the relevant year for the satisfaction of claims against the Fund due under Article 4 or 5, including repayments on loans previously taken by the Fund for the satisfaction of such claims, to the extent that the aggregate amount of such claims in respect of any one incident is in excess of 15 million francs; |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.ii | (ii) Income |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.ii.a | (a) surplus funds from operations in preceding years, including any interest; |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.ii.b | (b) initial contributions to be paid in the course of the year; |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.ii.c | (c) annual contributions, if required to balance the budget; |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.1.ii.d | (d) any other income. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.2 | 2. For each person referred to in Article 10 the amount of his annual contribution shall be determined by the Assembly and shall be calculated in respect of each Contracting State: |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.2.a | (a) in so far as the contribution is for the satisfaction of payments referred to in paragraph 1(i)(a) and (b) on the basis of a fixed sum for each ton of contributing oil received in the relevant State by such persons during the preceding calendar year; and |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.2.b | (b) in so far as the contribution is for the satisfaction of payments referred to in paragraph 1(i)(c) of this Article on the basis of a fixed sum for each ton of contributing oil received by such person during the calendar year preceding that in which the incident in question occurred, provided that State was a party to this Convention at the date of the incident. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.3 | 3. The sums referred to in paragraph 2 above shall be arrived at by dividing the relevant total amount of contributions required by the total amount of contributing oil received in all Contracting States in the relevant year. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.4 | 4. The Assembly shall decide the portion of the annual contribution which shall be immediately paid in cash and decide on the date of payment. The remaining part of each annual contribution shall be paid upon notification by the Director. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.5 | 5. The Director may, in cases and in accordance with conditions to be laid down in the Internal Regulations of the Fund, require a contributor to provide financial security for the sums due from him. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.12.6 | 6. Any demand for payments made under paragraph 4 shall be called rateably from all individual contributors. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.31 | Article 31 |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.31.1 | 1. Each Contracting State shall bear the salary, travel and other expenses of its own delegation to the Assembly and of its representatives on the Executive Committee and on subsidiary bodies. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.31.2 | 2. Any other expenses incurred in the operation of the Fund shall be borne by the Fund. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Sect.8 | VOTING |
2806 | Agreement Between The Government Of Canada, The Government Of The Republic Of Iceland And The Government Of The Kingdom Of Norway Concerning An International Observer Scheme For Land-Based Whaling Stations In The North Atlantic Area | Art.5 | ARTICLE V |
2806 | Agreement Between The Government Of Canada, The Government Of The Republic Of Iceland And The Government Of The Kingdom Of Norway Concerning An International Observer Scheme For Land-Based Whaling Stations In The North Atlantic Area | Art.5.1x | Each Participating Government which nominates one or more Observers who are appointed to a land station or group of land stations by International Whaling Commission shall pay the salary and other emoluments, international travel costs, subsistence, lodging and other necessary expenses, including medical costs, of those Observers. When it is necessary that an Observer be accompanied by an interpreter, the salary and all other necessary expenses of that interpreter shall be paid by the nominating Government. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8 | Article VIII |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.1 | 1. The Parties shall take appropriate measures to enforce the provisions of the present Convention and to prohibit trade in specimens in violation thereof. These shall include measures: |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.1.a | (a) to penalize trade in, or possession of, such specimens, or both; and |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.1.b | (b) to provide for the confiscation or return to the State of export of such specimens. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.2 | 2. In addition to the measures taken under paragraph 1 of this Article, a Party may, when it deems it necessary, provide for any method of internal reimbursement for expenses incurred as a result of the confiscation of a specimen traded in violation of the measures taken in the application of the provisions of the present Convention. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.3 | 3. As far as possible, the Parties shall ensure that specimens shall pass through any formalities required for trade with a minimum of delay. To facilitate such passage, a Party may designate ports of exit and ports of entry at which specimens must be presented for clearance. The Parties shall ensure further that all living specimens, during any period of transit, holding or shipment, are properly cared for so as to minimize the risk of injury, damage to health or cruel treatment. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art..8.4 | 4. Where a living specimen is confiscated as a result of measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article: |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.4.a | (a) the specimen shall be entrusted to a Management Authority of the State of confiscation; |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.4.b | (b) the Management Authority shall, after consultation with the State of export, return the specimen to that State at the expense of that State, or to a rescue centre or such other place as the Management Authority deems appropriate and consistent with the purposes of the present Convention; and |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.4.c | (c) the Management Authority may obtain the advice of a Scientific Authority, or may, whenever it considers it desirable, consult the Secretariat in order to facilitate the decision under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph, including the choice of a rescue centre or other place. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.5 | 5. A rescue centre as referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article means an institution designated by a Management Authority to look after the welfare of living specimens, particularly those that have been confiscated. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.6 | 6. Each Party shall maintain records of trade in specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III which shall cover: |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.6.a | (a) the names and addresses of exporters and importers; and |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.6.b | (b) the number and type of permits and certificates granted; the States with which such trade occurred; the numbers or quantities and types of specimens, names of species as included in Appendices I, II and III and, where applicable, the size and sex of the specimens in question. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.7 | 7. Each Party shall prepare periodic reports on its implementation of the present Convention and shall transmit to the Secretariat: |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.7.a | (a) an annual report containing a summary of the information specified in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 6 of this Article; and |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.7.b | (b) a biennial report on legislative, regulatory and administrative measures taken to enforce the provisions of the present Convention. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.8.8 | 8. The information referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article shall be available to the public where this is not inconsistent with the law of the Party concerned. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.7 | ARTICLE VII |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.7.1 | 1. The Commission shall adopt its financial rules. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.7.2 | 2. The Commission shall adopt a two years budget of proposed expenditures and budget estimates for the fiscal period following thereafter. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.7.3 | 3. The total amount of the budget including any supplementary budget shall be contributed by the Contracting Parties according to the following formula: |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.7.3.a | a) one-third of the budget shall be divided equally among the Contracting Parties, |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.7.3.b | b) two-third of the budget shall be divided in proportion to the TACs available to the Contracting Parties in accordance with the Financial regulations for the Commission |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.7.4 | 4. Each Contracting State shall pay the expenses related to the participation in the Commission of its representatives, experts and advisers. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.64 | Article 64 |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.64.1 | 1. The expenses of the Secretariat and all other common expenses shall be shared among all Participating Countries according to a scale of contributions elaborated according to the principles and rules set out in the Annex to the "OECD Resolution of the Council on Determination of the Scale of Contributions by Member Countries to the Budget of the Organisation" of 10th December, 1963. After the first year of application of this Agreement, the Governing Board shall review this scale of contributions and, acting by unanimity, shall decide upon any appropriate changes in accordance with Article 73. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.64.2 | 2. Special expenses incurred in connection with special activities carried out pursuant to Article 65 shall be shared by the Participating Countries taking part in such special activities in such proportions as shall be determined by unanimous agreement between them. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.64.3 | 3. The Executive Director shall, in accordance with the financial regulations adopted by the Governing Board and not later than 1st October of each year, submit to the Governing Board a draft budget including personnel requirements. The Governing Board, acting by majority, shall adopt the budget. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.64.4 | 4. The Governing Board, acting by majority, shall take all other necessary decisions regarding the financial administration of the Agency. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.64.5 | 5. The financial year shall begin on 1st January and end on 31st December of each year. At the end of each financial year, revenues and expenditures shall be submitted to audit. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4 | IV ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4.1 | 1. The project shall be directed by a project board. The board shall decide on all matters concerning the project within the framework of this Agreement. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | Each contracting party shall appoint one member of the board. The member appointed by AES will be the chairman of the board. Each member of the board may be assisted at the board meeting by one specialist who shall not have a voting right. The board shall meet at least 3 times a year. Additional board meetings shall be convened at the request of one member of the board. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4.1.bx | The decisions of the project board shall normally be made by mutual agreement. Should it be necessary to vote on any decision, each member of the board shall have a number of votes in proportion to the financial commitment of the contracting party concerned according to Article VI below. Every member shall be given the opportunity to cast his vote. 60 % of the votes cast are required for a decision. An opportunity will be provided for voting in absentia and/or through designated alternate upon proper and timely notification of the matter to be voted on. Should it be necessary to revise the programme, the board should be prepared to meet at short notice. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | The distribution of votes among the four Nordic countries will be stated at the first board meeting. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4.1.dx | AES has an absolute veto right against decisions involving the safety of the plant or conflicts with Swedish laws and regulations. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4.2 | 2. AES shall appoint a project manager. The appointment requires the approval of the project board. The project manager shall be responsible to the project board for the execution and management of the agreed project. His duties include the drawing up of detailed programmes of work, including cost and time schedules. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | The project manager shall be present at the meetings of the project board and shall have the right to participate in the deliberations He shall report at each meeting on the progress of the work of the project. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4.3 | 3. A committee, called the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), shall be established. The committee shall be composed of senior technical experts. Each contracting party having a share of 20 % of the total budget shall have the right to designate two members and each contracting party having a share of less than 20 % shall have the right to designate one member. The committee has the authority to direct the project manager on technical matters within the scope, cost and time schedule of the programme. Differences in opinion between the TAC members shall be resolved by the vote following the same procedure as applies to the voting in the board. If the project manager considers a proposal from the TAC to lead to an increase in costs or to a prolongation of the time schedule, the matter shall immediately be brought by him to the attention of the board for decision. Pending the decision of the board, no action shall be taken by the project manager that may infringe upon the freedom of the board to decide. The project manager shall be in attendance at the meetings of the committee. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | The chairman of the project board chairs the meeting of the TAC. The committee shall meet at least three times per year. The meetings shall be convened by the chairman of the project board on his own initiative or at the request of members representing at least 40 % of the votes of the committee. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4.4 | 4. In the performance of his duties, the project manger shall be assisted by a project staff as exemplified in Appendix C. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4.5 | 5. AES undertakes to render the necessary technical and administrative services and to procure the material for implementation of the project. Legal acts relating to the carrying out of the project shall be performed by AES on behalf of the contracting parties. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.4.6 | 6. For the financial management of the project, AES shall arrange an adequate book-keeping and reporting system according to the needs of this Agreement. Additional reporting that may be required for specific national reasons is not the responsibility of the project. The auditing shall be performed by the auditors of AES, and if so requested by any of the other parties, by auditors elected by them. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6 | VI BUDGET AND FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1 | 1. Expenditure relating to the carrying out of the project shall be borne by the contracting parties under the conditions specified in the present Article. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | The project budget as presented in Appendix D amounts to Skr 13.7 millions. This amount includes all foreseen wage and price increases for the programme planned to be carried out and specified in Appendix A - F. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.bx | As a reserve to cover possible additional expenses caused during the project in excess of the budget, the parties undertake jointly to make available an amount of Skr 0.5 million. The parties also undertake jointly to make available an amount of Skr 0.3 million in excess of the budget as a reserve to cover unforeseen inflationary cost increases during the project. The utilization of these reserves requires specific decisions by the project board. Including the reserves the total budget is Skr 14.5 millions. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | The project costs and the relevant reserve stated in this Article are calculated on the basis of a current station availability during the period indicated in the time schedule in Appendix E. Cost increase due to interrupted availability of the Marviken plant shall he borne by the AES, provided that the interruptions are not caused by the performance of the experiments. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx | The contracting parties undertake to contribute to the financing of the total budget as follows: |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.ix | [TAB]%.[TAB]Skr |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.iix | millions |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.iiix | GKSS[TAB]20[TAB]2.9 |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.ivx | CFA[TAB]10[TAB]1.45 |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.vx | EdF[TAB]10[TAB]1.45 |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.vix | JAERI[TAB]20[TAB]2.9 |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.viix | AEC[TAB]20[TAB]2.9 |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.viiix | AED |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.ixx | MTI |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.xx | AEN |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.xix | AES[TAB]20[TAB]2.9 |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.1.dx.xiix | [TAB]100[TAB]14.5 |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.3 | 3. The project shall be debited with the cost of the personnel of the project staff supplied by the contracting parties under the conditions specified in Article VII and in Appendix D, where all personnel costs are given according to nominal AES wage codes, inclusive of statutory social dues multiplied by 1.75. When project personnel are working outside their home organizations, the project shall be debited with an additional per diem cost according to AES's rules. Costs for travels to and from the permanent residence of the personnel are paid by the respective home organization. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | For services rendered by the parties upon order from the project using personnel not classified as project personnel and for material provided, the party shall be reimbursed for its costs. Thus neither profit nor gain shall be included except in case of commercial products already on the market. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.4 | 4. When paying their financial contributions according to this Article VI the parties shall be entitled to deduct the costs for wages and per diem of project personnel according to Article VI:3. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.5 | 5. Within six weeks after the end of each quarter of a year, the project manager shall present accounts for the project to the parties in summarized figures as to the costs incurred during the preceding quarter, and shall at the same time give a cost estimate for the current quarter. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | The total actual cost for the project shall be accounted for within three months after the termination of the project. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.6.6 | 6. Payments of contributions shall be made to AES and made available to the project in quarterly instalments on the basis of cost estimates and accounts as outlined under this Article VI:5, and quarterly reports. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | The first advance payment shall be due within four weeks after the signing of this Agreement by all the parties and shall cover all the costs accounted for in the budget incurred up to the date of signature as well as the costs calculated for the rest of the current quarter. The subsequent advance payments are due within two weeks upon receipt of the quarterly cost accounts/costs estimated. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.7 | VII SUPPLY OF PERSONNEL |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.7.1 | 1. During the project, the contracting parties shall, within the total budget, contribute to the project staff by supplying project personnel, along the lines specified in Appendix C: p 4. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | The project staff shall be appointed and seconded to the project by the contracting parties with the agreement of the project manager. The project manager shall be responsible for the duly qualified composition and efficiency of the project staff and shall have the right to take the appropriate measures to that effect. The project personnel will remain in the employment of their respective employers. The project staff, during their participation in the project, work under the authority of the project manager and shall be subject to the general working rules of AES such as ordinary working hours, vacation periods etc. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.7.2 | 2. The parties shall, if considered necessary by the board, maintain at the disposal of the project their project personnel for a period not exceeding the period stated in Appendix E by more than three months. Such prolongation shall fall within the total budget and be credited according to the same rules as set out in Article VI:3. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.7.3 | 3. In addition, each party may at their own expense and under their own responsibility participate with delegated personnel to the extent agreed by the project manager. They may use their own equipment if agreed by the project manager. Such personnel when working in the project are subject to the rules stated in this Article VII:1. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.9 | IX LIABILITY |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.9.1 | 1. AES undertakes to maintain during the whole project period the following insurance protection. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | -Insurance of the equipment procured for the experimental work against fire, explosion, water pipe damage and/or damage to machinery, amounting to a total coverage of Skr 8 million. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.9.1.bx | - Insurance of the data records against loss through fire, theft, and transport accidents, amounting to a coverage of Skr 1 million. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | | -Liability insurance covering personal injury and damage to property which befall the project personnel or third parties and for which a party to this Agreement or its personnel is responsible according to the applicable general rules. This insurance shal |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.9.2 | 2. The cost for the above insurances shall be paid by the project as a part of the project cost. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.9.3 | 3. The non-Swedish parties shall not be liable for any indemnification in excess of the amounts stated above. In case of excess AES shall be liable for any indemnification whatsoever. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.9.4 | 4. This Agreement shall not limit any right to compensation on the basis of the general rules which are applicable in each case for the indemnification of personal injury or damage to property. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.12 | XII ARRANGEMENTS FOR TERMINATION OF THE PROJECT |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.12.1x | Equipment purchased within the project budget is regarded as being the property of the parties, each having a share in the percentage proportion to the financial contribution as given in Article VI:2. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.12.2x | After the termination of the project such equipment which can still be utilized for other purposes will be evaluated under consideration of normal depreciation. AES will make up a list of such equipment and its value for approval by the project board. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.12.3x | If AES with the approval of the project board decides to retain such equipment, the other parties will be credited in proportion to their financial grants. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.12.4x | The project board shall decide upon the disposal of such remaining equipment as is not retained by AES. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.12.5x | When selling equipment after the termination of the experiments, the costs for dismantling of such equipment and associated restoration shall be paid from the income of the sale of such equipment. The estimated economic net result shall be approved by the board before any action is taken in such matters. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.12.6x | In case of a decision to terminate the project prior to its fulfilment, under the circumstances described in Article XI, AES undertakes to cancel the remaining delivery contracts and other remaining commitments for the project as soon as possible. |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.18 | Article 18 |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.18.1 | 1. The Contracting Parties shall adopt rules of procedure for their meetings and conferences envisaged in Articles 14, 15 and 16 above. |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.18.2 | 2. The Contracting Parties shall adopt financial rules, prepared in consultation with the Organization, to determine, in particular, their financial participation. |
2846 | Agreement Regarding Monitoring Of The Stratosphere | Art.9 | ARTICLE XI |
2846 | Agreement Regarding Monitoring Of The Stratosphere | Art.9.1x | Activities under this Agreement shall be subject to budgetary appropriations and to the applicable laws and regulations of each country. |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.10 | Article 10 |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.10.1 | 1. If any difficulties should result from the application of Article 9, and a period of six months has gone by since such difficulties were noted by the International Commission, the latter, in order to present a report to the Governments, may call upon the services of an independent expert at the request of a Contracting Party. |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.10.2 | 2. The expenses relating to the inquiry, including the expert's fee, shall be divided among the Contracting Parties mentioned below, as follows: |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | | Federal Republic of Germany two sevenths (2/7) |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.10.2.bx | French Republic two sevenths (2/7) |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | | Kingdom of the Netherlands two sevenths (2/7) |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.10.2.dx | Swiss Confederation one seventh (1/7) |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.10.2.ex | The International Commission may, in certain cases, establish a different method for dividing the expenses. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16 | Article XVI |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.1 | 1. Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses of its own delegation to all meetings held pursuant to this Convention. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.2 | 2. The General Council shall adopt an annual budget for the Organization. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.3 | 3. The General Council shall establish the contributions due from each Contracting Party under the annual budget on the following basis: |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.3.a | (a) 10% of the budget shall be divided among the coastal States in proportion to their nominal catches in the Convention Area in the year ending two years before the beginning of the budget year; |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.3.b | (b) 30% of the budget shall be divided equally among all the Contracting Parties; and |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.3.c | (c) 60% of the budget shall be divided among all Contracting Parties in proportion to their nominal catches in the Convention Area in the year ending two years before the beginning of the budget year. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.3.dx | The nominal catches referred to above shall be the reported catches of the species listed in Annex I, which forms an integral part of this Convention. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.4 | 4. The Executive Secretary shall notify each Contracting Party of the contribution due from that Party as calculated under paragraph 3, and as soon as possible thereafter each Contracting Party shall pay to the Organization its contribution. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.5 | 5. Contributions shall be payable in the currency of the country in which the headquarters of the Organization is located, except if otherwise authorized by the General Council. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.6 | 6. Subject to paragraph 11, the General Council shall, at its first meeting, approve a budget for the balance of the first financial year in which the Organization functions and the Executive Secretary shall transmit to the Contracting Parties copies of that budget together with notices of their respective contributions. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.7 | 7. For subsequent financial years, drafts of the annual budget shall be submitted by the Executive Secretary to each Contracting Party together with a schedule of contributions, not less than sixty days before the annual meeting of the Organization at which the budgets are to be considered. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.8 | 8. A Contracting Party acceding to this Convention during the course of a financial year shall contribute in respect of that year a part of the contribution calculated in accordance with the provisions of this Article that is proportional to the number of complete months remaining in the year. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.9 | 9. A Contracting Party which has not paid its contributions for two consecutive years shall not enjoy any right of casting votes and presenting objections under this Convention until it has fulfilled its obligations, unless the General Council decides otherwise. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.10 | 10. The financial affairs of the Organization shall be audited annually by external auditors to be selected by the General Council. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.11 | 11. If the Convention enters into force on 1 January 1979, the provisions of Annex II, which forms an integral part of this Convention, shall apply in place of the provisions of paragraph 6. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7 | Article VII |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.1 | 1. The Conference of the Parties shall be the decision-making organ of this Convention. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.2 | 2. The Secretariat shall call a meeting of the Conference of the Parties not later than two years after the entry into force of this Convention. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.3 | 3. Thereafter the Secretariat shall convene ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties at intervals of not more than three years, unless the Conference decides otherwise, and extraordinary meetings at any time on the written request of at least one-third of the Parties. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.4 | 4. The Conference of the Parties shall establish and keep under review the financial regulations of this Convention. The Conference of the Parties shall, at each of its ordinary meetings, adopt the budget for the next financial period. Each Party shall contribute to this budget according to a scale to be agreed upon by the Conference. Financial regulations, including the provisions on the budget and the scale of contributions as well as their modifications, shall be adopted by unanimous vote of the Parties present and voting. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5 | 5. At each of its meetings the Conference of the Parties shall review the implementation of this Convention and may in particular: |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5.a | a) review and assess the conservation status of migratory species; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5.b | b) review the progress made towards the conservation of migratory species, especially those listed in Appendices I and II; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5.c | c) make such provision and provide such guidance as may be necessary to enable the Scientific Council and the Secretariat to carry out their duties; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5.d | d) receive and consider any reports presented by the Scientific Council, the Secretariat, any Party or any standing body established pursuant to an Agreement; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5.e | e) make recommendations to the Parties for improving the conservation status of migratory species and review the progress being made under Agreements; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5.f | f) in those cases where an Agreement has not been concluded, make recommendations for the convening of meetings of the Parties that are Range States of a migratory species or group of migratory species to discuss measures to improve the conservation status of the species; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5.g | g) make recommendations to the Parties for improving the effectiveness of this Convention; and |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.5.h | h) decide on any additional measure that should be taken to implement the objectives of this Convention. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.6 | 6. Each meeting of the Conference of the Parties should determine the time and venue of the next meeting. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.7 | 7. Any meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall determine and adopt rules of procedure for that meeting. Decisions at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall require a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting, except where otherwise provided for by this Convention. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.8 | 8. The United Nations, its Specialized Agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any State not a party to this Convention and, for each Agreement, the body designated by the parties to that Agreement, may be represented by observers at meetings of the Conference of the Parties. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.9 | 9. Any agency or body technically qualified in protection, conservation and management of migratory species, in the following categories, which has informed the Secretariat of its desire to be represented at meetings of the Conference of the Parties by observers, shall be admitted unless at least one-third of the Parties present object: |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.9.a | a) international agencies or bodies, either governmental or non-governmental, and national governmental agencies and bodies; and |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.7.9.b | b) national non-governmental agencies or bodies which have been approved for this purpose by the State in which they are located. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | | Once admitted, these observers shall have the right to participate but not to vote. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6 | ARTICLE VI DIRECTOR, STAFF AND BUDGET |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.1 | 1. The Committee shall appoint a Director of the Agency on such conditions as it may determine. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.2 | 2. The Committee may appoint a Deputy Director of the Agency on such conditions as it may determine. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.3 | 3. The Director may appoint other staff in accordance with such rules and on such conditions as the Committee may determine. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.4 | 4. The Director shall submit to the Committee for approval: |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.4.a | (a) an annual report on the activities of the Agency for the preceding year; |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.4.b | (b) a draft work programmed and budget for the succeeding year. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.5 | 5. The approved report, budget and work programmed shall be submitted to the Forum. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.6 | 6. The budget shall be financed by contributions according to the shares set out in the Annex to this Convention. The Annex shall be subject to review from time to time by the Committee. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.7 | 7. The Committee shall adopt financial regulations for the administration of the finances of the Agency. Such regulations may authorize the Agency to accept contributions from private or public sources. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.8 | 8. All questions concerning the budget of the Agency, including contributions to the budget, shall be determined by the Committee. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.6.9 | 9. In advance of the Committee's approval of the budget, the Agency shall be entitled to incur expenditure up to a limit not exceeding two-thirds of the preceding year's approved budgetary expenditure. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.17 | ARTICLE 17 |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.17.1 | 1. Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses of its own delegation to all meetings held under this Convention. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.17.2 | 2. At its first meeting the Commission shall adopt a budget for its first financial year. At this meeting the Commission may also, as appropriate, adopt a budget for the second financial year. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.17.3 | 3. At each annual session the Commission shall adopt a budget for the following financial year and a budget estimate for the financial year following thereafter. A draft budget and draft budget estimate shall be submitted by the President of the Commission to the Contracting Parties not less than 40 days before the meeting of the Commission at which they are to be considered. |