Paragraphs from ALL CODED IEAs that contain at least one paragraph coded as MEMB

Displaying 1 - 500 of 1350
Id Agreement Name Label Provision
2595 Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture Art.13 Art. 13
2595 Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture Art.13.1x Those States which have not participated in the present Convention may join the same, if they wish to do so. Any such intention must be diplomatically communicated to the Government of the French Republic and by the same to the Governments of the other signatory Powers.
2595 Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture Art.15 Art. 15
2595 Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture Art.15.1x The present Convention shall be ratified and the ratified documents shall be interchanged at Paris within the shortest time possible.[7]
2597 Convention Respecting Measures For The Preservation And Protection Of The Fur Seals In The North Pacific Ocean Art.17 Article 17
2597 Convention Respecting Measures For The Preservation And Protection Of The Fur Seals In The North Pacific Ocean Art.17.1x This Convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, by His Britannic Majesty, by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, and by His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias; and ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as practicable.
2598 Treaty Concerning The Archipelago Of Spitsbergen Art.10 Article 10
2598 Treaty Concerning The Archipelago Of Spitsbergen Art.10.1x Until the recognition by the High Contracting Parties of a Russian Government shall permit Russia to adhere to the present Treaty, Russian nationals and companies shall enjoy the same rights as nationals of the High Contracting Parties.
2598 Treaty Concerning The Archipelago Of Spitsbergen Art.10.2x Claims in the territories specified in Article 1 which they may have to put forward shall be presented under the conditions laid down in the present Treaty (Article 6 and Annex) through the intermediary of the Danish Government, who declare their willingness to lend their good offices for this purpose.
2598 Treaty Concerning The Archipelago Of Spitsbergen Art.10.3x The present Treaty, of which the French and English texts are both authentic, shall be ratified.
2598 Treaty Concerning The Archipelago Of Spitsbergen Art.10.4x Ratifications shall be deposited at Paris as soon as possible.
2598 Treaty Concerning The Archipelago Of Spitsbergen Art.10.5x Powers of which the seat of the Government it outside Europe may confine their action to informing the Government of the French Republic, through their diplomatic representative at Paris, that their ratification has been given, and in this case they shall transmit the instrument as soon as possible.
2598 Treaty Concerning The Archipelago Of Spitsbergen Art.10.6x The present Treaty will come into force, in so far as the stipulations of Article 8 are concerned, from the date of its ratifications by all the signatory Powers; and in all other respects on the same date as the mining regulations provided for in that Article.
2598 Treaty Concerning The Archipelago Of Spitsbergen Art.10.7x Third Powers will be invited by the Government of the French Republic to adhere to the present Treaty duly ratified. This adhesion shall be effected by a communication addressed to the French Government, which will undertake to notify the other Contracting Parties.
2599 Convention concerning the Organisation of Combat against Locusts Art.6 Article 6
2599 Convention concerning the Organisation of Combat against Locusts Art.6.1x The present Convention shall be signed and ratified as soon as possible and ratifications shall be deposited with the Italian Government as soon as at least three of the contracting States are in a position to do so.
2599 Convention concerning the Organisation of Combat against Locusts Art.6.2x Each ratification shall be communicated by the Italian Government to the other contracting States and to the International Institute of Agriculture.
2599 Convention concerning the Organisation of Combat against Locusts Art.7 Article 7
2599 Convention concerning the Organisation of Combat against Locusts Art.7.1x Any self-governing State, Dominion or Colony which has not signed the present Convention may at its own request accede thereto.[1] Instrument of accession deposited for Australia 30 June 1921.
2599 Convention concerning the Organisation of Combat against Locusts Art.7.2x Colonies, at the request of the States to which they belong, may also be allowed to accede to the Convention under the same conditions as independent States.
2602 International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.6 Article 6
2602 International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.6.1x Governments which have not signed the present Agreement may accede to it on their request. Such accession shall be notified through the diplomatic channel to the French Government and by the latter to the other Contracting Governments; it will involve the undertaking to participate by means of a contribution to the expenses of the Office under the conditions laid down in Article 3.
2602 International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.7 Article 7
2602 International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.7.1x The present Agreement shall be ratified under the following conditions:
2602 International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals Each Power will communicate its ratification with as little delay as possible to the French Government, who will notify the other signatory countries.
2602 International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.7.1x.bx The ratifications shall be deposited in the archives of the French Government.
2602 International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals The present Agreement will enter into force for each signatory country on the day on which its ratification is deposited.
2607 Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.14 Article 14
2607 Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.14.1x The present Convention, the French and English texts of which shall both be authoritative, shall remain open until the thirty-first of March 1932 for signature on behalf of any Member of the League of Nations or of any non-member State.
2607 Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.15 Article 15
2607 Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.15.1x The present Convention shall be ratified. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who shall notify their receipt to all Members of the League of Nations and non-member States indicating the dates of their deposit.
2607 Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.16 Article 16
2607 Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.16.1x As from the first of April 1932, any Member of the League of Nations and any non-member State, on whose behalf the Convention has not been signed before that date, may accede thereto.
2607 Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.16.2x The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who shall notify all the Members of the League of Nations and non-member States of their deposit and the date thereof.
2608 Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice In The Skagerak, Kattegat And Sound Art.8 Article 8.
2608 Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice In The Skagerak, Kattegat And Sound Art.8.1x The present Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Stockholm.
2608 Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice In The Skagerak, Kattegat And Sound Art.8.2x The Convention shall come into force one month after the deposit of instruments of ratification and shall remain in force until the expiration of six months from the day on which it shall have been denounced by one of the Contracting States.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.12 Article 12
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.12.1 1. Each Contracting Government shall furnish to the Government of the United Kingdom information as to the measures taken for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the preceding articles. The Government of the United Kingdom will communicate all the information so furnished to the Governments mentioned in article 5, paragraph 2.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.12.2 2. The Contracting Governments shall, wherever necessary, co-operate between themselves for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the preceding articles and to prevent the extinction of fauna and flora.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.12.3 3. All the Governments which sign or accede to the present Convention shall be deemed to be parties to the Protocol bearing this day's date drawn up to facilitate the co-operation mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.13 Article 13
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.13.1 1. Any Contracting Government may, at the time of signature, ratification, or accession, or thereafter, make a declaration assuming in respect of any one or more of its territories (including metropolitan territories, colonies, overseas territories, or territories under suzerainty, protection, or mandate) other than those mentioned in paragraph 3 (i) of article 1, either all the obligations of the present Convention, or only those contained in article 9, paragraphs 3, 8 and 9. If such declaration is made subsequent to ratification or accession it shall be effected by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom, and shall take effect on the entry into force of the Convention or, if the Convention is already in force, three months after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.13.2 2. It is understood that any Contracting Government may, by a single declaration made under the preceding paragraph, assume, in respect of some of its territories mentioned in that paragraph, all the obligations of the present Convention, and in respect of other such territories only the obligations contained in article 9 paragraphs 3, 8 and 9.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.13.3 3. Any Contracting Government which has made a declaration under the preceding paragraph, assuming, in respect of any territory, only the obligations contained in article 9 paragraphs 3, 8 and 9, may, at any subsequent time, by a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom, declare that such previous declaration shall henceforth be deemed to relate to all the obligations of the Convention in respect of the territory concerned and such subsequent declaration shall take effect on the entry into force of the Convention or, if the Convention is already in force, three months after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.13.4 4. Any Contracting Government may at any time, by a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom, determine the application of the Convention to any territory or territories which have been the subject of a declaration under paragraphs 1 and 3 of the present article, and the Convention shall thereupon cease to apply to the territory or territories mentioned in the notification one year after the date of its receipt by the Government of the United Kingdom, provided that such notification shall in no case take effect until the expiry of the period of five years mentioned in article 19, paragraph 1.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.13.5 5. It is understood that if, as the result of a notification made under the preceding paragraph, there would remain no territories of the Contracting Government concerned to which the Convention would be applicable either in full or in part, such Government shall, instead of making the notification, proceed by way of denunciation under article 19.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.13.6 6. It is further understood that no notification made under paragraph 4 of the present article, or otherwise, may purport to apply only the provisions of article 9 paragraphs 3, 8 and 9, to any territory to which at the time of the notification, the Convention applies in full.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.13.7 7. The Government of the United Kingdom will inform all the Governments mentioned in article 5 paragraph 2, of any notification received under the preceding paragraphs of the present article, of the date of their receipt of their terms.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.14 Article 14
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.14.1x It is understood that no Government will sign, ratify, or accede to the present Convention unless it either has territories covered by article 1, paragraph 3 (i), or makes or has made a declaration under article 13 assuming in respect of one or more territories the obligations of the Convention either in full or in part.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.15 Article 15
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.15.1x The present Convention, of which the French and English texts shall both be equally authentic, shall bear this day's date and shall be open for signature until the 31st March 1934.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.16 Article 16
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.16.1x The present Convention shall be subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the United Kingdom, which will notify their receipt and the date thereof, and their terms and the terms of any accompanying declarations or reservations to all the Governments mentioned in article 5, paragraph 2.
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.17 Article 17
2609 Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State Art.17.1x At any time after the 31st March 1934, the present Convention shall be open to accession by any Government of a metropolitan territory, by which it has not been signed, whether it has territories covered by article 1, paragraph 3 (i), or not. Accessions shall be notified to the Government of the United Kingdom, which will inform all the Governments mentioned in article 5, paragraph 2, of all notifications received, their terms and the terms of any accompanying declarations or reservations, and the date of their receipt.
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.11 Article 11 Signature and Ratification
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.11.1 1. The present Convention may be signed until February 15th, 1936, on behalf of any Member of the League of Nations or any non-member State to which the Council of the League of Nations shall have communicated a copy of the present Convention for the purpose.
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.11.2 2. The present Convention shall be ratified. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who will notify the deposit thereof to all the Members of the League of Nations and to the non-member States referred to in the preceding paragraph.
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.12 Article 12 Accession
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.12.1 1. On and after February 16th, 1936, any Member of the League of Nations and any non-member State to which the Council of the League of Nations shall have communicated a copy of the present Convention may accede to it.
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.12.2 2. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who will notify such deposit to all the Members of the League of Nations and to the non-member States referred to in the preceding paragraph.
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.16 Article 16 Application to Colonies, Protectorates, etc.
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.16.1 1. In the absence of a contrary declaration by one of the High Contracting Parties at the time of signature, ratification or accession, the provisions of the present Convention shall not apply to colonies, protectorates, overseas territories, territories under its suzerainty or territories in respect of which a mandate has been entrusted to it.
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.16.2 2. Nevertheless, the High Contracting Parties reserve the right to sign the Convention or to accede thereto, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 11 and 12, for their colonies, protectorates, overseas territories, territories under their suzerainty or territories in respect of which a mandate has been entrusted to them.
2610 International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals Art.16.3 3. They further reserve the right to denounce the Convention separately, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15.
2612 International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.19 Article 19
2612 International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.19.1x The present Agreement shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as soon as possible. It shall come into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by a majority of the signatory Governments, which shall include the Governments of the United Kingdom, Germany and Norway; and for any other Government not included in such majority on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.
2612 International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.19.2x The Government of the United Kingdom will inform the other Governments of the date on which the Agreement thus comes into force and the date of any ratification received subsequently.
2612 International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.22 Article 22
2612 International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.22.1x Any Government which has not signed the present Agreement may accede thereto at any time after it has come into force. Accession shall be effected by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom and shall take effect immediately after the date of its receipt.
2612 International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.22.2x The Government of the United Kingdom will inform all the Governments which have signed or acceded to the present Agreement of all accessions received and the date of their receipt
2613 Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice And Dab In The Skagerrak, Kattegat And Sound Art.8 Article 8.
2613 Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice And Dab In The Skagerrak, Kattegat And Sound Art.8.1x The present Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Oslo.
2613 Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice And Dab In The Skagerrak, Kattegat And Sound Art.8.2x The Convention shall come into force one month after the deposit of instruments of ratification and shall remain in force until the expiration of six months from the day on which it has been denounced by one of the contracting States.
2613 Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice And Dab In The Skagerrak, Kattegat And Sound Art.8.3x In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries of the various contracting States have signed the present Convention and have thereto affixed their seals.
2615 Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere Art.11 Article XI
2615 Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere Art.11.1 1. The original of the present Convention in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French shall be deposited with the Pan American Union and opened for signature by the American Governments on 12 October 1940.
2615 Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere Art.11.2 2. The present Convention shall remain open for signature by the American Governments. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Pan American Union, which shall notify their receipt and the dates thereof, and the terms of any accompanying declarations or reservations, to all participating Governments.
2615 Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere Art.11.3 3. The present Convention shall come into force three months after the deposit of not less than five ratifications with the Pan American Union.
2615 Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere Art.11.4 4. Any ratification received after the date of the entry into force of the Convention, shall take effect three months after the date of its deposit with the Pan American Union.
2617 Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.21 Article XXI Entry into Force of Constitution
2617 Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.21.1 1. This Constitution shall be open to acceptance by the nations specified in Annex I.
2617 Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.21.2 2. The instruments of acceptance shall be transmitted by each government to the United Nations Interim Commission on Food and Agriculture, which shall notify their receipt to the governments of the nations specified in Annex I. Acceptance may be notified to the Interim Commission through a diplomatic representative, in which case the instrument of acceptance must be transmitted to the Commission as soon as possible thereafter.
2617 Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.21.3 3. Upon the receipt by the Interim Commission of 20 notifications of acceptance, the Interim Commission shall arrange for this Constitution to be signed in a single copy by the diplomatic representatives duly authorized thereto of the nations who shall have notified their acceptance, and upon being so signed on behalf of not less than 20 of the nations specified in Annex I, this Constitution shall come into force immediately.
2617 Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.21.4 4. Acceptances, the notification of which is received after the entry into force of this Constitution, shall become effective upon receipt by the Interim Commission or the Organization.
2619 Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish Art.14 Article 14
2619 Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish Art.14.1x This Convention shall be ratified as soon as possible and shall come into force two months after the deposit of instruments of ratification by all the Governments which have signed the Convention, or upon such earlier date as may be agreed between any Governments which may ratify or accede to it under Article 15 in respect of those Governments.
2619 Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish Art.15 Article 15
2619 Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish Art.15.1 (1) Any Government (other than the Government of a territory to which Article 16 applies) which has not signed this Convention may accede thereto at any time after it has come into force in accordance with Article 14. Accession shall be affected by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and shall take effect immediately after the date of its receipt.
2619 Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish Art.15.2 (2) The Government of the United Kingdom will inform all the Governments which have signed or acceded to the present Convention of all accessions received and the date of their receipt.
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.10 Article X
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.10.1 1. This Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratifications shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America.
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.10.2 2. Any Government which has not signed this Convention may adhere thereto after it enters into force by a notification in writing to the Government of the United States of America.
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.10.3 3. The Government of the United States of America shall inform all other signatory Governments and all adhering Governments of all ratifications deposited and adherences received.
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.10.4 4. This Convention shall, when instruments of ratification have been deposited by at least six signatory Governments, which shall include the Governments of the Netherlands, Norway, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, enter into force with respect to those Governments and shall enter into force with respect to each Government which subsequently ratifies or adheres on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or the receipt of its notification of adherence.
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.10.5 5. The provisions of the Schedule shall not apply prior to 1st July, 1948. Amendments to the Schedule adopted pursuant to Article V shall not apply prior to 1st July, 1949.
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.11 Article XI
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.11.1x Any Contracting Government may withdraw from this Convention on 30th June, of any year by giving notice on or before 1st January, of the same year to the depository Government, which upon receipt of such a notice shall at once communicate it to the other Contracting Governments. Any other Contracting Government may, in like manner, within one month of the receipt of a copy of such a notice from the depository Government give notice of withdrawal, so that the Convention shall cease to be in force on 30th June, of the same year with respect to the Government giving such notice of withdrawal.
2621 International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling Art.11.2x The Convention shall bear the date on which it is opened for signature and shall remain open for signature for a period of fourteen days thereafter.
2624 Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission Art.8 Article VIII
2624 Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission Art.8.1 1. This Agreement shall be open to acceptance by Governments which are members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
2624 Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission Art.8.2 2. This Agreement shall also be open to acceptance by Governments which are not members o the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, with the approval of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and of two-thirds of the members of the Council. Participation by such Governments in the activities of the Council shall be contingent upon the assumption of a proportionate share in the expenses of the Secretariat as determined by the Council and approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization Conference.
2624 Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission Art.8.3 3. The notifications of acceptance of this Agreement shall be deposited with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, who shall immediately inform all the Governments concerned of their receipt.
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.15 Article XV
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.15.1 1. This Convention shall be ratified by the signatory Governments and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, referred to in this Convention as the " Depositary Government ".
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.15.2 2. This Convention shall enter into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by four signatory Governments, and shall enter into force with respect to each Government which subsequently ratifies on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.15.3 3. Any Government which has not signed this Convention may adhere thereto by a notification in writing to the Depositary Government. Adherences received by the Depositary Government prior to the date of entry into force of this Convention shall become effective on the date this Convention enters into force. Adherences received by the Depositary Government after the date of entry into force of this Convention shall become effective on the date of receipt by the Depositary Government.
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.15.4 4. The Depositary Government shall inform all signatory Governments and all adhering Governments of all ratifications deposited and adherences received.
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.15.5 5. The Depositary Government shall inform all Governments concerned of the date this Convention enters into force.
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.17 Article XVII
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.17.1 1. The original of this Convention shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, which Government shall communicate certified copies thereof to all the signatory Governments and all the adhering Governments.
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.17.2 2. The Depositary Government shall register this Convention with the Secretariat of the United Nations.
2625 International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.17.3 3. This Convention shall bear the date on which it is opened for signature and shall remain open for signature for a period of fourteen days thereafter.
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.9 Article IX
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Any Contracting Government may at any time propose that the present Convention shall be extended to one or more of its territories other than those mentioned in Article I or in any notification made under Article X, and with the approval of the Council the Government of that territory shall become a Participating Government for the purposes of the present Convention.
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.10 Article X
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.10.a (a) Any Government which is not a signatory to the present Convention may be invited by the Council to accede thereto, subject to such conditions as the Contracting Governments may determine. Notification of accession shall be made to the Government of the United Kingdom and shall state the territory or territories to which the accession applies.
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.10.b (b) The Government of the United Kingdom shall inform the other Contracting Governments of all notifications received under this Article.
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.11 Article XI
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.11.a (a) The present Convention shall be ratified by the signatory Governments and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.11.b (b) The present Convention shall enter into force as on the date of the receipt by the Government of the United Kingdom of the second instrument of ratification. It shall take effect in respect of those Governments who ratify or accede subsequently on the date of the deposit of the ratification or notification of accession. The present Convention shall remain in force for a period of ten years after its initial entry into force.
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.11.c (c) At any time after the expiration of this period
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.11.c.1 (1) Any Contracting Government may denounce the Convention by written notification to the Government of the United Kingdom. Such denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom.
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.11.c.2 (2) Any Contracting Government may notify the Government of the United Kingdom that the Convention shall cease to apply to one or more of its territories, and it shall cease to apply to the territory or territories named in the notification one year after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom.
2626 International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust Art.11.d (d) The Government of the United Kingdom shall inform each of the Contracting Governments of each notification received under this Article and of the date of its receipt.
2627 Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Art.5 Article V
2627 Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Art.5.1 1. The present Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible.
2627 Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Art.5.2 2. The present Convention shall enter into force on the date of exchange of ratifications.
2627 Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Art.5.3 3. Any government, whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by this Convention, desiring to adhere to the present Convention, shall address a communication to that effect to each of the High Contracting Parties. Upon receiving the unanimous consent of the High Contracting Parties to adherence, such government shall deposit with the Government of the United States of America an instrument of adherence which shall stipulate the effective date thereof. The Government of the United States of America shall furnish a certified copy of the Convention to each government desiring to adhere thereto. Each adhering government shall have all the rights and obligations under the Convention as if it had been an original signatory thereof.
2627 Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Art.5.4 4. At any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of entry into force of this Convention any High Contracting Party may give notice of its intention of denouncing the Convention. Such notification shall become effective with respect to such notifying government one year after its receipt by the Government of the United States of America. After the expiration of the said one year period the Convention shall be effective only with respect to the remaining High Contracting Parties.
2627 Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Art.5.5 5. The Government of the United States of America shall inform the other High Contracting Parties of all instruments of adherence and of notifications of denunciation received.
2638 Agreement Concerning Measures For The Protection Of The Stocks Of Deep Sea Prawns (Pandalus Borealis), European Lobsters (Homarus Vulgaris), Norway Lobsters (Nephrops Norvegicus) And Crabs (Cancer Pagurus) Art.8 Article 8
2638 Agreement Concerning Measures For The Protection Of The Stocks Of Deep Sea Prawns (Pandalus Borealis), European Lobsters (Homarus Vulgaris), Norway Lobsters (Nephrops Norvegicus) And Crabs (Cancer Pagurus) Art.8.1x This Agreement shall be ratified and shall come into force two months after the instruments of ratification are deposited with the Norwegian Government, which shall inform the Contracting Governments of the deposit of the ratifications and of the date on which the Agreement is to come into force.
2639 International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean Art.11 Article XI
2639 International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean Art.11.1 1. This Convention shall be ratified by the Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes and the instruments of ratification shall be exchanged as soon as possible at Tokyo.
2639 International Convention For The High Seas Fisheries Of The North Pacific Ocean Art.11.2 2. This Convention shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of ratifications. It shall continue in force for a period of ten years and thereafter until one year from the day on which a Contracting Party shall give notice to the other Contracting Parties of an intention of terminating the Convention, where upon it shall terminate as to all Contracting Parties.
2652 Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara Art.11 Article 11
2652 Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara Art.11.1x Any Government which is not a signatory to the present Convention may at any time after the Convention has entered into force in accordance with paragraph (b) of Article 12 accede thereto in respect of its metropolitan territory or any territory or territories for whose international relations it is responsible, situated in Africa to the south of the Sahara, by means of a notification in writing to the Government of the United Kingdom. The Government of the United Kingdom shall inform the other Governments party to the present Convention of each accession notified to them and the Convention shall apply to the territory or territories named in the notification from the date of its receipt by the Government of the United Kingdom.
2652 Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara Art.12 Article 12
2652 Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara Art.12.a (a) The present Convention shall be ratified by the signatory Governments, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United Kingdom, which shall notify the other signatory Governments of the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification and of the date on which the present Convention enters into force in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Article.
2652 Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara Art.12.b (b) The present Convention shall enter into force on the date of deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification. In respect of any signatory Government ratifying subsequently the Convention shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10 Article X
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10.1 1. The Government of any State situated in the Region, or any Government which is responsible for the international relations of a territory or territories in the Region, may become a party to this Agreement, by either
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10.1.a (a) signature;[1] or
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10.1.b (b) signature subject to ratification followed by such ratification; or
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10.1.c (c) adherence.
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10.1.dx Governments may not subject their signature, ratification or adherence to any reservation.
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10.2 2. This Agreement, the text of which was approved by the Council of the Organization on 26 November 1955, shall be open for signature until 30 June 1956 or until the date of its entry into force in conformity with the provisions of Article XI, paragraph 1, whichever date is the later. The Director-General of the Organization shall immediately inform all signatory Governments of the signature of this Agreement by any other Government. Ratification shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of ratification with the Director-General of the Organization and shall become effective as from the date of deposit.
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10.3 3. This Agreement shall be open for adherence as from 1 July 1956 or from the date of its entry into force in conformity with the provisions of Article XI, paragraph 1, whichever date is the later. Adherence shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of adherence with the Director-General of the Organization and shall become effective as from the date of deposit.
2663 Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region Art.10.4 4. The Director-General of the Organization shall immediately inform all signatory and adhering Governments of the deposit of an instrument of ratification or of adherence.
2668 Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals Art.13 Article XIII
2668 Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals Art.13.1 1. This Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification deposited with the Government of the United States of America as soon as practicable.
2668 Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals Art.13.2 2. The Government of the United States of America shall notify the other signatory Governments of ratifications deposited.
2668 Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals Art.13.3 3. The Convention shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification.
2668 Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals Art.13.4 4. The Convention shall continue in force for twenty-two years and thereafter until the entry into force of a new or revised fur seal convention between the Parties, or until the expiration of one year after such period of twenty-two years, whichever may be the earlier; provided, however, that the Convention shall terminate one year from the day on which a Party gives written notice to the other Parties of an intention of terminating the Convention.
2668 Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals Art.13.5 5. At the request of any Party, representatives of the Parties will meet at a mutually convenient time within ninety days of such request to consider the desirability of modifications of the Convention.
2668 Interim Convention On Conservation Of North Pacific Fur Seals Art.13.6 6. The original of this Convention shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, which shall communicate certified copies thereof to each of the Governments signatory to the Convention.
2671 Convention Concerning Fishing In The Waters Of The Danube Art.15 Article 15
2671 Convention Concerning Fishing In The Waters Of The Danube Art.15.1x This Convention shall be ratified and shall enter into force on the date of deposit of the last instrument of ratification with the Government of the Romanian People's Republic, in whose archives the original of the Convention shall be kept.
2672 Convention On The Continental Shelf Art.8 Article 8
2672 Convention On The Continental Shelf Art.8.1x This Convention shall, until 31 October 1958, be open for signature by all States Members of the United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies, and by any other State invited by the General Assembly of the United Nations to become a party to the Convention.[11]
2672 Convention On The Continental Shelf Art.9 Article 9
2672 Convention On The Continental Shelf Art.9.1x This Convention is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.[12]
2672 Convention On The Continental Shelf Art.10 Article 10
2672 Convention On The Continental Shelf Art.10.1x This Convention shall be open for accession by any States belonging to any of the categories mentioned in Article 8. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
2675 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas Art.15 Article 15
2675 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas Art.15.1x This Convention shall, until 31 October 1958, be open for signature by all States Members of the United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies, and by any other State invited by the General Assembly of the United Nations to become a Party to the Convention.
2675 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas Art.16 Article 16
2675 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas Art.16.1x This Convention is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
2675 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas Art.17 Article 17
2675 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas Art.17.1x This Convention shall be open for accession by any States belonging to any of the categories mentioned in Article 15. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with Secretary-General of the United Nations.
2680 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention Art.15 Article 15
2680 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention Art.15.1 1. This Convention shall be open for signature until 31 March 1959. It shall be ratified as soon as possible and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the United Kingdom.
2680 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention Art.15.2 2. This Convention shall enter into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by all signatory States. If, however, after the lapse of one year from 31 March 1959, all the signatory States have not ratified this Convention, but not less than seven of them have deposited instruments of ratification, these latter States may agree among themselves by special protocol on the date on which this Convention shall enter into force; and in that case this Convention shall enter into force with respect to any State that ratifies thereafter on the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification.
2680 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention Art.15.3 3. Any State which has not signed this Convention may accede thereto at any time after it has come into force in accordance with paragraph (2) of this Article. Accession shall be effected by means of a notice in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom and shall take effect on the date of its receipt. Any State which accedes to this Convention shall simultaneously undertake to give effect to those recommendations which are, at the time of its accession, binding on all the other Contracting States as well as to any other recommendations which are, at that time, binding on one or more of the Contracting States and are not specifically excluded by the acceding State in its notice of accession.
2680 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention Art.15.4 4. The Government of the United Kingdom shall inform all signatory and acceding States of all ratifications deposited and accessions received and shall notify signatory States of the date and the States in respect of which this Convention enters into force.
2680 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention Art.16 Article 16
2680 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention Art.16.1 1. In respect of each State Party to this Convention, the provisions of Articles 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and Annexes I, II and III of the Convention for the Regulation of the Meshes of Fishing Nets and the Size Limits of Fish, signed at London, on 5 April 1946, as amended by decisions made under paragraph (10) of Article 12 of that Convention, shall remain in force but shall be deemed for the purposes of the present Convention to be a recommendation made and given effect without objection under this Convention as from the date of its entry into force in respect of that State within the area covered by the 1946 Convention; provided that in the period of two years after the coming into force of this Convention, any Contracting State may, on giving twelve months' written notice to the Government of the United Kingdom, withdraw from the whole or any part of the said recommendation. If a Contracting State has, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, given notice of its withdrawal from a part of the said recommendation, any other Contracting State may, with effect from the same date, give notice of its withdrawal from the same or any other part of the said recommendation, or from the recommendation as a whole.
2680 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention Art.16.2 2. The provisions of the Convention for the Regulation of the Meshes of Fishing Nets and the Size Limits of Fish signed at London on 5 April 1949, shall, save as provided in paragraph (1) of this Article, cease to apply to each Contracting State to this Convention as from the date of the entry into force of this Convention in respect of that State.
2683 Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea Art.12 Article 12
2683 Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea Art.12.1x This Convention shall be ratified and shall enter into force on the date of deposit of the last instrument of ratification with the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, in whose archives the original of the Convention shall be kept.
2683 Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea Art.12.2x The Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria shall notify the Governments of all Contracting Parties of the date of deposit of the last instrument of ratification.
2683 Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea Art.12.3x Certified true copies of this Convention shall be transmitted by the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria to the other Contracting Parties.
2683 Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea Art.14 Article 14
2683 Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea Art.14.1x Other Black Sea States may accede to this Convention.
2687 Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.13 ARTICLE XIII: Acceptance
2687 Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.13.1 1. Acceptance of this Convention by any Member Nation or Associate Member of the Organization shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of acceptance with the Director-General of the Organization and shall take effect on receipt of such notification by the Director-General.
2687 Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.13.2 2. Acceptance of this Convention by Non-Member Nations of the Organization shall become effective on the date on which the Commission approves the application for membership in conformity with the provisions of Article II of this Convention.
2687 Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.13.3 3. The Director-General of the Organization shall inform all Member Nations of the Commission, all Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization and the Secretary-General of the United Nations of all acceptances that have become effective.
2687 Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.13.4 4. Acceptance of this Convention may be made subject to reservations which shall become operative only upon unanimous concurrence by the Member Nations of the Commission. The Director-General of the Organization shall notify forthwith all Member Nations of the Commission of any reservations. Members of the Commission not having replied within three months from the date of the notification shall be deemed to have accepted the reservation.
2687 Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.14 ARTICLE XIV: Territorial Application
2687 Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Art.14.1x Member Nations of the Commission shall, when accepting this Convention, state explicitly to which territories their participation shall extend. In the absence of such a declaration, participation shall be deemed to apply to all the territories for the international relations of which the Member Nation of the Commission is responsible. Subject to the provisions of Article XVI, paragraph 2 below, the scope of the territorial application may be modified by a subsequent declaration.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.12 Article XII
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.12.1.a 1. a. The present Treaty may be modified or amended at any time by unanimous agreement of the Contracting Parties whose representatives are entitled to participate in the meetings provided for under Article IX. Any such modification or amendment shall enter into force when the depositary Government has received notice from all such Contracting Parties that they have ratified it.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.12.1.b b. Such modification or amendment shall thereafter enter into force as to any other Contracting Party when notice of ratification by it has been received by the depositary Government. Any such Contracting Party from which no notice of ratification is received within a period of two years from the date of entry into force of the modification or amendment in accordance with the provision of subparagraph 1(a) of this Article shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the present Treaty on the date of the expiration of such period.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.12.2.a 2. a. If after the expiration of thirty years from the date of entry into force of the present Treaty, any of the Contracting Parties whose representatives are entitled to participate in the meetings provided for under Article IX so requests by a communication addressed to the depositary Government, a Conference of all the Contracting Parties shall be held as soon as practicable to review the operation of the Treaty.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.12.2.b b. Any modification or amendment to the present Treaty which is approved at such a Conference by a majority of the Contracting Parties there represented, including a majority of those whose representatives are entitled to participate in the meetings provided for under Article IX, shall be communicated by the depositary Government to all Contracting Parties immediately after the termination of the Conference and shall enter into force in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of the present Article
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.12.2.c c. If any such modification or amendment has not entered into force in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph 1(a) of this Article within a period of two years after the date of its communication to all the Contracting Parties, any Contracting Party may at any time after the expiration of that period give notice to the depositary Government of its withdrawal from the present Treaty; and such withdrawal shall take effect two years after the receipt of the notice by the depositary Government.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.13 Article XIII
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.13.1 1. The present Treaty shall be subject to ratification by the signatory States. It shall be open for accession by any State which is a Member of the United Nations, or by any other State which may be invited to accede to the Treaty with the consent of all the Contracting Parties whose representatives are entitled to participate in the meetings provided for under Article IX of the Treaty.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.13.2 2. Ratification of or accession to the present Treaty shall be affected by each State in accordance with its constitutional processes.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.13.3 3. Instruments of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, hereby designated as the depositary Government.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.13.4 4. The depositary Government shall inform all signatory and acceding States of the date of each deposit of an instrument of ratification or accession, and the date of entry into force of the Treaty and of any modification or amendment thereto.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.13.5 5. Upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by all the signatory States, the present Treaty shall enter into force for those States and for States which have deposited instruments of accession. Thereafter the Treaty shall enter into force for any acceding State upon the deposit of its instruments of accession.
2688 Antarctic Treaty Art.13.6 6. The present Treaty shall be registered by the depositary Government pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
2690 Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases Art.10 Article X
2690 Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases Art.10.1x This Agreement shall be open for signature in Moscow until 1 July 1960.
2690 Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases Art.10.2x The Agreement shall be subject to ratification.
2690 Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases Art.10.3x The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretariat of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, which shall act as the depositary of the Agreement.
2690 Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases Art.10.4x The Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of the fifth instrument of ratification, and notice of its entry into force shall be communicated by the depositary to the States signatories to this Agreement.
2690 Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases Art.11 Article XI
2690 Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases Art.11.1x After its entry into force, the Agreement shall be open to accession by any State.
2690 Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases Art.11.2x For each State acceding to this Agreement, and for States depositing their instruments of ratification after the entry into force of the Agreement, the Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the deposit by the State concerned of its instrument of ratification or accession.
2721 Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage Art.21 Article XXI
2721 Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage Art.21.Ax This Convention shall be open for signature by the States represented at the International Conference on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage held in Vienna from 29 April to 19 May 1963.
2721 Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage Art.22 Article XXII
2721 Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage Art.22.Ax This Convention shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
2721 Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage Art.24 Article XXIV
2721 Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage Art.24.A A. All States Members of the United Nations, or of any of the specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency not represented at the International Conference on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage held in Vienna from 29 April to 19 May 1963, may accede to this Convention.
2721 Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage Art.24.B B. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
2721 Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage Art.24.C C. This Convention shall come into force in respect of the acceding State three months after the date of deposit of the instrument of accession of that State but not before the date of the entry into force of this Convention pursuant to Article XXIII.
2728 Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement In Connection With Radiation Accidents Art.11 ARTICLE XI: Entry into Force
2728 Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement In Connection With Radiation Accidents Art.11.1x This Agreement shall enter into force upon:
2728 Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement In Connection With Radiation Accidents Art.11.1x.a a. signature without reservation in respect of ratification or
2728 Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement In Connection With Radiation Accidents Art.11.1x.b b. signature with reservation in respect of ratification, followed by ratification, on behalf of two States and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Director General of the Agency.
2729 Act Regarding Navigation And Economic Cooperation Between The States Of The Niger Basin Art.8 Article 8
2729 Act Regarding Navigation And Economic Cooperation Between The States Of The Niger Basin Art.8.1x The present Act, the French and Engish texts of which are equally authentic, shall be submitted for ratification to the signatory States and shall come into force immediately after ratification by all the signatory States.
2729 Act Regarding Navigation And Economic Cooperation Between The States Of The Niger Basin Art.8.2x The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Republic of Niger which shall notify each signatory State of the deposit of the said instruments.
2736 Indus Basin Development Fund (Supplemental) Agreement Art.6 Article VI
2736 Indus Basin Development Fund (Supplemental) Agreement Art.6.1 Section 6.01. This Agreement shall be open for signature on behalf of the Parties until 8 April 1964, or such later date as may be fixed by the Administrator.[2]
2736 Indus Basin Development Fund (Supplemental) Agreement Art.6.2 Section 6.02. This Agreement shall come into force and effect and shall become binding upon each of the Parties on the date, but not before the date, when it has been signed on behalf of all the Parties.[3] The Bank shall promptly after such date notify each of the other Parties and shall transmit to each of them certified copies, showing signatories and dates of signature.
2741 Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea Art.16 ARTICLE 16
2741 Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea Art.16.1 (1) This Convention shall be open until 31 December, 1964, for signature on behalf of the Governments of all states which participate in the work of the Council.
2741 Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea Art.16.2 (2) This Convention is subject to ratification or approval by the signatory Governments in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures. The instruments of ratification or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Denmark, who will act as the depository Government.
2741 Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea Art.16.3 (3) This Convention shall enter into force on the 22 July next following the deposit of the instruments of ratification or approval by all signatory Governments. If, however, on the 1 January, 1968, all the signatory Governments have not ratified this Convention, but not less than three quarters of the signatory Governments have deposited instruments of ratification or approval, these latter Governments may agree among themselves by special protocol on the date on which this Convention shall enter into force and on other related matters; and in that case this Convention shall enter into force, with respect to any other signatory Government that ratifies or approves thereafter, on the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification or approval.
2741 Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea Art.16.4 (4) After the entry into force of this Convention in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, the Government of any State may apply to accede to this Convention by addressing a written application to the Government of Denmark. It shall be permitted to deposit an instrument of accession with the Government after the approval of the Governments of three quarters of the states which have already deposited their instruments of ratification, approval or accession, has been notified to the Government of Denmark. For any acceding Government this Convention shall enter into force on the date of deposit of its instrument of accession.
2742 Agreement Concerning The Niger River Commission And The Navigation And Transport On The River Niger Art.16 Article 16
2742 Agreement Concerning The Niger River Commission And The Navigation And Transport On The River Niger Art.16.1x This Agreement shall form an integral part of the Act of Niamey, and shall enter into force immediately after its ratification by all the signatory States. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Republic of Niger who shall notify the deposit of these instruments to each riparian State.
2751 International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas Art.14 Article XIV
2751 International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas Art.14.1 1. This Convention shall be open for signature by any Government which is a Member of the United Nations or of any Specialized Agency of the United Nations. Any such Government which does not sign this Convention may adhere to it at any time.
2751 International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas Art.14.2 2. This Convention shall be subject to ratification or approval by signatory countries in accordance with their constitutions. Instruments of ratification, approval, or adherence shall be deposited with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
2751 International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas Art.14.3 3. This Convention shall enter into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification, approval, or adherence by seven Governments and shall enter into force with respect to each Government which subsequently deposits an instrument of ratification, approval or adherence on the date of such deposit.
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.18 ARTICLE XVIII
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.18.1 1. This Convention shall be open in Monaco on 3 May 1967, and subsequently at the Legation of the Principality of Monaco in Paris from 1 June until 31 December 1967, for signature by any Government which participates in the work of the Bureau on 3 May 1967.
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.18.2 2. The Governments referred to in paragraph 1 above may become Parties to the present Convention:
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.18.2.a (a) By signature without reservation as to ratification or approval, or
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.18.2.b (b) By signature subject to ratification or approval and the subsequent deposit of an instrument of ratification or approval.
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.18.3 3. Instruments of ratification or approval shall be handed to the Legation of the Principality of Monaco in Paris to be deposited in the Archives of the Government of the Principality of Monaco.
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.18.4 4. The Government of the Principality of Monaco shall inform the Governments referred to in paragraph 1 above, and the President of the Directing Committee, of each signature and of each deposit of an instrument of ratification or approval.
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.20 ARTICLE XX
2757 Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization Art.20.1x After it has entered into force this Convention shall be open for accession by the Government of any maritime state which applies to the Government of the Principality of Monaco specifying the tonnage of its fleets, and whose admission is approved by two-thirds of the Member Governments. Such approval shall be notified by the Government of the Principality of Monaco to the Government concerned. The Convention shall enter into force for that Government on the date on which it has deposited its instrument of accession with the Government of the Principality of Monaco which shall inform the Member Governments and the President of the Directing Committee
2760 Phytosanitary Convention For Africa Art.1 Article I
2760 Phytosanitary Convention For Africa Art.1.1 (1) The Phyto-sanitary Convention for Africa South of the Sahara done at London on July 29, 1954, and amended by Protocol done at London on October 11, 1961, is, and remain abrogated as far as it concerns the African Continent.
2760 Phytosanitary Convention For Africa Art.1.2 (2) The present Convention shall apply to all Member States of the Organization of African Unity, herein after referred to as "Member States".
2768 Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land Art.18 Article 18
2768 Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land Art.18.1x The signatories of this agreement shall ratify it in accor­dance with their laws and ratification documents shall be placed with the Secretariate of the Arab League which shall prepare a record certifying the placing of the ratification documents of every member country.
2769 African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources Art.15 Article XIX Signature and Ratification
2769 African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources Art.15.1 1. This Convention shall be open for signature immediately after being approved by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity.
2769 African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources Art.15.2 2. This Convention shall be ratified by each of the Contracting States. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity.
2769 African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources Art.18 Article XXII Accession
2769 African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources Art.18.1 1. After the date of approval specified in Article XIX paragraph (1), this Convention shall be open to accession by any independent and sovereign African State.
2769 African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources Art.18.2 2. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity.
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.4 Article 4
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.4.1 1. This Agreement shall be open to signature by member States of the Council of Europe which take part in the activities in the field of public health referred to in Resolution (59) 23 mentioned in the Preamble hereto. They may become Parties to it by either:
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.4.1.a a. signature without reservation in respect of ratification or acceptance, or
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.4.1.b b. signature with reservation in respect of ratification or acceptance, followed by ratification or acceptance.
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.4.2 2. Instruments of ratification or acceptance shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.6 Article 6
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.6.1 1. After the entry into force of this Agreement,
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.6.1.a a. any member State of the Council of Europe which does not take part in the activities in the field of public health referred to in Resolution (59) 23 mentioned in the Preamble to this Agreement, may accede thereto;
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.6.1.b b. the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may invite any State not a member of the Council to accede to this Agreement provided that the resolution containing such invitation receives the unanimous agreement by member States of the Council of Europe which take part in the activities in the field of public health referred to in Resolution (59) 23 mentioned in the Preamble to this Agreement.
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.6.2 2. Such accession shall be effected by depositing with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe an instrument of accession which shall take effect one month after the date of its deposit.
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.7 Article 7
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.7.1 1. Any Contracting Party may at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession, specify the territory or territories to which this Agreement shall apply.
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.7.2 2. Any Contracting Party may, when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession or at any later date, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend this Agreement to any other territory or territories specified in the declaration and for whose international relations it is responsible or on whose behalf it is authorized to give undertakings.
2770 European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products Art.7.3 3. Any declaration made in pursuance of the preceding paragraph may, in respect of any territory mentioned in such declaration, be withdrawn according to the procedure laid down in Article 8 of this Agreement.
2772 Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project Art.10 Article X
2772 Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project Art.10.1x Any Government, or intergovernmental organization, not a Party to this Agreement, may, with the prior approval of the Parties hereto and in accordance with such arrangements as they shall agree upon, become a Cooperating Member.
2772 Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project Art.12 Article XII
2772 Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project Art.12.1x This Agreement shall be opened for signature from 23 September 1968 and shall enter into force on the date when all Parties mentioned in the Preamble to the Agreement have signed it. In witness whereof the undersigned duly authorised thereto have signed the present Agreement.
2772 Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project Art.12.2x The text of this Agreement, in the English and French languages, in a single copy in each language, will be deposited in the archives of United Nations which shall communicate certified copies thereof to each of the Parties to this Agreement, it being agreed and understood that the English and French texts shall be considered equally authentic.
2772 Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project Art.12.3x [Signatures not reproduced here.]
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.48 Article 48 (FN: Text amended according to the provisions of the Additional Protocol (ETS No. 103) which entered into force on 7 November 1989.)
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.48.1 1. This Convention shall be open to signature by the member States of the Council of Europe. It shall be subject to ratification or acceptance. Instruments of ratification or acceptance shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.48.2 2. This Convention shall enter into force six months after the date of the deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification or acceptance.
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.48.3 3. In respect of a signatory State ratifying or accepting subsequently, the Convention shall come into force six months after the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or acceptance.
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.48.4 4. The European Economic Community may become a Contracting Party to this Convention by signing it. The Convention shall enter into force in respect of the Community six months after the date of its signature.
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.49 Article 49
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.49.1 1. After the entry into force of this Convention, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may invite any non-member State to accede thereto.
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.49.2 2. Such accession shall be effected by depositing with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe an instrument of accession which shall take effect six months after the date of its deposit.
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.50 Article 50
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.50.1 1. Any Contracting Party may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession, specify the territory or territories to which this Convention shall apply.
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.50.2 2. Any Contracting Party may, when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession or at any later date, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend this Convention to any other territory or territories specified in the declaration and for whose international relations it is responsible or on whose behalf it is authorised to give undertakings.
2773 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport Art.50.3 3. Any declarations made in pursuance of the preceding paragraph may, in respect of any territory mentioned in such declaration, be withdrawn according to the procedure laid down in Article 51 of this Convention.
2776 Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil Art.9 Article 9
2776 Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil Art.9.1 1. This Agreement shall be open for signature by the Governments mentioned in the preamble from 9 June 1969.
2776 Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil Art.9.2 2. These Governments may become parties to this Agreement either by signature without reservation as to ratification or approval or by signature subject to ratification or approval followed by ratification or approval.
2776 Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil Art.9.3 3. Instruments of ratification or approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
2776 Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil Art.9.4 4. This Agreement shall enter into force two months after the date on which six Governments have signed the Agreement without reservation as to ratification or approval, or have deposited an instrument of ratification or approval.
2776 Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil Art.9.5 5. For each Government which subsequently signs the Agreement without reservation as to ratification or approval, or ratifies or approves it, it shall enter into force two months after the date of its signature or of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or approval.
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.17 Article XVII
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.17.1 1. This Convention shall be open for signature by the Government of any State represented at the Conference which adopted the Convention, or by the Government of any other State which is a Member of the United Nations or of any specialized agency of the United Nations.
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.17.2 2. Signature of this Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval.
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.17.3 3. Once this Convention has entered into force, any State referred to in paragraph I of this Article which has not signed the Convention or any other State unanimously invited by the Commission to become a party to the Convention may adhere to it.
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.17.4 4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or adherence shall be deposited with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, hereinafter referred to as the " Depositary. "
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.17.5 5. Ratification, acceptance, approval or adherence may not be made subject to any reservation.
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.19 Article XIX
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.19.1 1. Any Contracting Party may propose amendments to this Convention which shall be referred to the Commission for approval at a regular or special session. Proposals for the amendment of the Convention shall be communicated to the Depositary who shall inform the Contracting Parties thereof. Any amendment shall take effect for each Contracting Party accepting the amendment on the ninetieth day after its acceptance by three fourths of the Contracting Parties and thereafter for each remaining Contracting Party on the day on which the Depositary receives the notification of such acceptance.
2783 Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic Art.19.2 2. Any State which becomes a Contracting Party after an amendment to this Convention has been proposed for acceptance pursuant to the provisions of this Article shall be bound by the Convention as amended when the said amendment comes into force.
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.9 Article IX
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.9.1 1. The present Convention shall remain open for signature until 31 December 1970 and shall thereafter remain open for accession.
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.9.2 2. States Members of the United Nations or any of the Specialized Agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice may become Parties to this Convention by:
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.9.2.a (a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval;
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.9.2.b (b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval followed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.9.2.c (c) accession.
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.10 Article X
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.10.1 1. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General of the Organization.
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.10.2 2. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to the present Convention with respect to all existing Parties or after the completion of all measures required for the entry into force of the amendment with respect to those Parties shall be deemed to apply to the Convention as modified by the amendment.
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.13 Article XIII
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.13.1 1. The United Nations where it is the administering authority for a territory, or any State Party to the present Convention responsible for the international relations of a territory, shall as soon as possible consult with the appropriate authorities of such territories or take such other measures as may be appropriate, in order to extend the present Convention to that territory and may at any time by notification in writing to the Secretary-General of the Organization declare that the present Convention shall extend to such territory.
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.13.2 2. The present Convention shall, from the date of receipt of the notification or from such other date as may be specified in the notification, extend to the territory named therein.
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.13.3 3. The United Nations, or any Party which has made a declaration under paragraph 1 of this Article may at any time after the date on which the Convention has been so extended to any territory declare by notification in writing to the Secretary-General of the Organization that the present Convention shall cease to extend to any such territory named in the notification.
2784 International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties Art.13.4 4. The present Convention shall cease to extend to any territory mentioned in such notification one year, or such longer period as may be specified therein, after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General of the Organization.
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.13 Article XIII
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.13.1 1. The present Convention shall remain open for signature until 31 December 1970 and shall thereafter remain open for accession.
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.13.2 2. States Members of the United Nations or any of the Specialized Agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice may become Parties to this Convention by:
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.13.2.a (a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval;
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.13.2.b (b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval followed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.13.2.c (c) accession
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.14 Article XIV
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.14.1 1. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General of the Organization.
2785 International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage Art.14.2 2. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to the present Convention with respect to all existing Contracting States, or after the completion of all measures required for the entry into force of the amendment with respect to those Contracting States shall be deemed to apply to the Convention as modified by the amendment.
2787 Benelux Convention On The Hunting And Protection Of Birds Art.16 Article 16
2787 Benelux Convention On The Hunting And Protection Of Birds Art.16.1 1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Benelux Economic Union, who shall inform the Contracting Parties of the deposit of such instruments.
2787 Benelux Convention On The Hunting And Protection Of Birds Art.16.2 2. It shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of deposit of the third instrument of ratification.
2787 Benelux Convention On The Hunting And Protection Of Birds Art.16.3 3. It shall remain in force for the same period as the Treaty instituting the Benelux Economic Union.
2796 Agreement Between Denmark, Finland, Norway, And Sweden Concerning Cooperation In Measures To Deal With Pollution Of The Sea By Oil Art.12 Article 12
2796 Agreement Between Denmark, Finland, Norway, And Sweden Concerning Cooperation In Measures To Deal With Pollution Of The Sea By Oil Art.12.1x The Agreement is open for signature from September 16, 1971 and comes into force one month after it has been signed by Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. At the same time the Agreement of December 8, 1967 between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden concerning Co-operation to Ensure Compliance with the Regulations for Preventing Pollution of the Sea by Oil shall cease to have effect.
2800 International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Art.37 Article 37
2800 International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Art.37.1 1. This Convention shall be open for signature by the States which have signed or which accede to the Liability Convention, and by any State represented at the Conference on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971. The Convention shall remain open for signature until 31 December 1972.
2800 International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Art.37.2 2. Subject to paragraph 4, this Convention shall be ratified, accepted or approved by the States which have signed it.
2800 International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Art.37.3 3. Subject to paragraph 4, this Convention is open for accession by States which did not sign it.[6]
2800 International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Art.37.4 4. This Convention may be ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to, only by States which have ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to the Liability Convention.
2800 International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Art.38 Article 38
2800 International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Art.38.1 1. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General of the Organization.
2800 International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Art.38.2 2. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to this Convention with respect to all existing Contracting States or after the completion of all measures required for the entry into force of the amendment with respect to those Parties shall be deemed to apply to the Convention as modified by the amendment.
2802 Convention For The Prevention Of Marine Pollution By Dumping From Ships And Aircraft Art.20 Article 20
2802 Convention For The Prevention Of Marine Pollution By Dumping From Ships And Aircraft Art.20.1x This Convention shall be open for signature at Oslo until 15 August 1972 by the States invited to participate in the Conference on Marine Pollution, held there from 19 to 22 October 1971.
2802 Convention For The Prevention Of Marine Pollution By Dumping From Ships And Aircraft Art.21 Article 21
2802 Convention For The Prevention Of Marine Pollution By Dumping From Ships And Aircraft Art.21.1x This Convention shall be subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of Norway.
2802 Convention For The Prevention Of Marine Pollution By Dumping From Ships And Aircraft Art.22 Article 22
2802 Convention For The Prevention Of Marine Pollution By Dumping From Ships And Aircraft Art.22.1x This Convention shall be open for accession by any State referred to in Article 20. The Contracting Parties may unanimously invite other States to accede to the Convention. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Government of Norway.
2807 Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction Art.14 ARTICLE XIV
2807 Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction Art.14.1 (1) This Convention shall be open to all States for signature. Any State which does not sign the Convention before its entry into force in accordance with paragraph (3) of this Article may accede to it at any time.
2807 Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction Art.14.2 (2) This Convention shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Instruments of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which are hereby designated the Depositary Governments.
2807 Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction Art.14.3 (3) This Convention shall enter into force after the deposit of instruments of ratification by twenty-two Governments, including the Governments designated as Depositaries of the Convention.
2807 Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction Art.14.4 (4) For States whose instruments of ratification or accession are deposited subsequent to the entry into force of this Convention, it shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of their instrument of ratification or accession.
2807 Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction Art.14.5 (5) The Depositary Governments shall promptly inform all signatory and acceding States of the date of each signature, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification or of accession and the date of the entry into force of this Convention, and of the receipt of other notices.
2807 Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction Art.14.6 (6) This Convention shall be registered by the Depositary Governments pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
2808 Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals Art.10 Article 10 Signature
2808 Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals Art.10.1x This Convention shall be open for signature at London from 1 June to 31 December 1972 by States participating in the Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Seals held at London from 3 to 11 February 1972.
2808 Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals Art.11 Article 11 Ratification
2808 Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals Art.11.1x This Convention is subject to ratification or acceptance. Instruments of ratification or acceptance shall be deposited with the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hereby designated as the Depositary.
2808 Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals Art.12 Article 12 Accession
2808 Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals Art.12.1x This Convention shall be open for accession by any State which may be invited to accede to this Convention with the consent of all the Contracting Parties.
2812 Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage Art.31 Article 31
2812 Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage Art.31.1 1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by States members of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures.
2812 Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage Art.31.2 2. The instruments of ratification or acceptance shall be deposited with the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
2812 Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage Art.32 Article 32
2812 Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage Art.32.1 1. This Convention shall be open to accession by all States not members of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization which are invited by the General Conference of the Organization to accede to it.
2812 Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage Art.32.2 2. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
2814 Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora Art.19 Article XIX
2814 Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora Art.19.1x The present Convention shall be open for signature at Washington until 30th April 1973 and thereafter at Berne until 31st December 1974.
2814 Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora Art.20 Article XX
2814 Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora Art.20.1x The present Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Swiss Confederation which shall be the Depositary Government.
2814 Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora Art.21 Article XXI
2814 Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora Art.21.1x The present Convention shall be open indefinitely for accession. Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary Government.
2822 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts Art.17 ARTICLE XVII
2822 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts Art.17.1 1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification or approval by the Signatory States. Instruments of ratification or instruments of approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Polish People's Republic which shall perform the functions of the Depositary Government.
2822 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts Art.17.2 2. This Convention shall be open for accession to any State interested in the preservation and rational exploitation of living resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts, or to any intergovernmental economic integration organization to which the competence in the matters regulated by this Convention has been transferred by its Member States, provided that this state or organization is invited by the Contracting States.
2822 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts Art.17.3 3. Any reference to "Contracting State" in this Convention shall apply mutatis mutandis to the organizations mentioned under the previous paragraph and which have become Parties of this Convention.
2822 Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts Art.17.4 4. In case of conflict between the obligations of an organization mentioned in paragraph 2 under this Convention and its obligations arising under the terms of the agreement establishing such an organization or any acts relating to it, the obligations under this Convention shall prevail.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10 Article X
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.1 1. This Agreement shall be open for signature at Oslo by the Governments of Canada, Denmark, Norway, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America until 31st March 1974.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.2 2. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification or approval by the signatory Governments. Instruments of ratification or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Norway as soon as possible.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.3 3. This Agreement shall be open for accession by the Governments referred to in paragraph I of this Article. Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary Government.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.4 4. This Agreement shall enter into force ninety days after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification, approval or accession. Thereafter, it shall enter into force for a signatory or acceding Government on the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification. approval or accession.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.5 5. This Agreement shall remain in force initially for a period of five years from its date of entry into force, and unless any Contracting Party during that period requests the termination of the Agreement at the end of that period, it shall continue in force thereafter.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.6 6. On the request addressed to the Depositary Government by any of the Governments referred to in paragraph I of this Article. consultations shall be conducted with a view to convening a meeting of representatives of the five Governments to consider the revision or amendment of this Agreement.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.7 7. Any Party may denounce this Agreement by written notification to the Depositary Government at any time after five years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the Depositary Government has received the notification.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.8 8. The Depositary Government shall notify the Governments referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article of the deposit of instruments of ratification, approval or accession, of the entry into force of this Agreement and of the receipt of notifications of denunciation and any other communications from a Contracting Part specifically provided for in this Agreement.
2827 Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears Art.10.9 9. The original of this Agreement shall be deposited with the Government of Norway which shall deliver certified copies thereof to each of the Governments referred to in paragraph I of this Article. The Depositary Government shall transmit certified copies of this Agreement to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.67 Article 67
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.67.1 1. Each Signatory State shall, not later than 1st May, 1975, notify the Government of Belgium that, having complied with its constitutional procedures, it consents to be bound by this Agreement.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.67.2 2. On the tenth day following the day on which at least six States holding at least 60 per cent of the combined voting weights mentioned in Article 62 have deposited a notification of consent to be bound or an instrument of accession, this Agreement shall enter into force for such States.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.67.3 3. For each Signatory State which deposits its notification thereafter, this Agreement shall enter into force on the tenth day following the day of deposit.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.67.4 4. The Governing Board, acting by majority, may upon request from any Signatory State decide to extend, with respect to that State, the time limit for notification beyond 1st May, 1975.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.68 Article 68
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.68.1 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 67, this Agreement shall be applied provisionally by all Signatory States, to the extent possible not inconsistent with their legislation, as from 18th November, 1974 following the first meeting of the Governing Board.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.68.2 2. Provisional application of the Agreement shall continue until:
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme -the Agreement enters into force for the State concerned in accordance with Article 67, or
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.68.2.bx -60 days after the Government of Belgium receives notification that the State concerned will not consent to be bound by the Agreement, or
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme -the time limit for notification of consent by the State concerned referred to in Article 67 expires.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.70 Article 70
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.70.1 1. Any State may, at the time of signature, notification of consent to be bound in accordance with Article 67, accession or at any later date, declare by notification addressed to the Government of Belgium that this Agreement shall apply to all or any of the territories for whose international relations it is responsible, or to any territories within its frontiers for whose oil supplies it is legally responsible.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.70.2 2. Any declaration made pursuant to paragraph 1 may, in respect of any territory mentioned in such declaration, be withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of Article 69, paragraph 2.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.71 Article 71
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.71.1 1. This Agreement shall be open for accession by any Member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development which is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program. The Governing Board, acting by majority, shall decide on any request for accession.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.71.2 2. This Agreement shall enter into force for any State whose request for accession has been granted on the tenth day following the deposit of its instrument of accession with the Government of Belgium, or on the date of entry into force of the Agreement pursuant to Article 67, paragraph 2, whichever is the later.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.71.3 3. Accession may take place on a provisional basis under the conditions set out in Article 68, subject to such time limits as the Governing Board, acting by majority, may fix for an acceding State to deposit its notification of consent to be bound.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.72 Article 72
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.72.1 1. This Agreement shall be open for accession by the European Communities.
2836 Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme Art.72.2 2. This Agreement shall not in any way impede the further implementation of the treaties establishing the European Communities.
2838 Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response Art.10 X ACCEPTANCE OF FURTHER PARTICIPANTS
2838 Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response Art.10.1x If other entities wish to join the project, the project board shall examine the economic and other conditions of such participation and prepare a recommendation thereon for the contracting parties. Acceptance of further participants requires unanimous agreement by the contracting parties.
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.23 Article 23
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.23.1 1. No one may become a Contracting Party to this Convention unless it becomes at the same time a Contracting Party to at least one of the Protocols. No one may become a Contracting Party to a Protocol unless it is, or becomes at the same time, a Contracting Party to this Convention.
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.23.2 2. Any Protocol to this Convention shall be binding only on the Contracting Parties to the Protocol in question.
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.23.3 3. Decisions concerning any Protocol pursuant to Articles 14, 16 and 17 of this Convention shall be taken only by the Parties to the Protocol concerned.
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.24 Article 24
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.24.1x This Convention, the Protocol for the prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft and the Protocol concerning co-operation in combating pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency shall be open for signature in Barcelona on 16 February 1976 and in Madrid from 17 February 1976 to 16 February 1977 by any State invited as a participant in the Conference of Plenipotentiaries of the Coastal States of the Mediterranean Region on the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea, held in Barcelona from 2 to 16 February 1976, and by any State entitled to sign any Protocol. They shall also be open until the same date for signature by the European Economic Community and by any similar regional economic grouping at least one member of which is a coastal State of the Mediterranean Sea area and which exercise competences in fields covered by this Convention, as well as by any Protocol affecting them.
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.25 Article 25
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.25.1x This Convention and any Protocol thereto shall be subject to ratification, acceptance, or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Spain, which will assume the functions of Depositary.
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.26 Article 26
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.26.1 1. As from 17 February 1977, the present Convention, the Protocol for the prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft, and the Protocol concerning co-operation in combating pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by oil and other harmful substances in cases of emergency shall be open for accession by the States, by the European Economic Community and by any grouping as referred to in Article 24.
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.26.2 2. After the entry into force of the Convention and of any Protocol, any State not referred to in Article 24 may accede to this Convention and to any Protocol, subject to prior approval by three-fourths of the Contracting Parties to the Protocol concerned.
2841 Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Art.26.3 3. Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.14 Article 14
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.14.1 1. This Convention shall be open to signature by the member States of the Council of Europe and by the European Economic Community. It shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.14.2 2. This Convention shall enter into force six months after the date of the deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval by a member State of the Council of Europe.
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.14.3 3. In respect of a signatory Party ratifying, accepting or approving after the date referred to in paragraph 2 of this article, the Convention shall enter into force six months after the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.15 Article 15
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.15.1 1. After the entry into force of this Convention, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may, upon such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate, invite any non-member State to accede thereto.
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.15.2 2. Such accession shall be effected by depositing with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe an instrument of accession which shall take effect six months after the date of its deposit.
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.16 Article 16
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.16.1 1. Any Contracting Party may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, specify the territory or territories to which this Convention shall apply.
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.16.2 2. Any Contracting Party may, when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession or at any later date, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend this Convention to any other territory or territories specified in the declaration and for whose international relations it is responsible or on whose behalf it is authorized to give undertakings.
2845 European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Art.16.3 3. Any declaration made in pursuance of the preceding paragraph may, in respect of any territory mentioned in such declaration, be withdrawn according to the procedure laid down in Article 17 of this Convention.
2856 Supplementary Agreement To The Agreement Concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine Against Pollution Art.1 Article 1 [ED: Added Article name]
2856 Supplementary Agreement To The Agreement Concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine Against Pollution Art.1.1 The European Economic Community shall become a Contracting Party to the Agreement concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution and the Protocol of signature attached thereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement" signed in Berne on 29 April 1963, from the date of the entry into force of this Additional Agreement. (Article i)."
2857 Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides Art.14 Article 14
2857 Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides Art.14.1x Each Signatory Party will notify the Government of the Swiss Confederation of the execution of the procedures required for the entry into force of this Convention. It shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following receipt of the last notification.
2858 Convention For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Chemical Pollution Art.17 Article 17
2858 Convention For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Chemical Pollution Art.17.1 1. Each Signatory Party shall notify the Government of the Swiss Confederation of the completion of their procedures for bringing this Convention into force.
2858 Convention For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Chemical Pollution Art.17.2 2. Subject to notification by each Contracting Party that the required procedures for the entry into force of the Additional Agreement to the Agreement concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution have been completed, this Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following receipt of the last notification provided for in the preceding paragraph.
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.15 Article 15 Becoming Party to the Treaty
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.15.1 (1) Any State member of the International (Paris) Union for the Protection of Industrial Property may become party to this Treaty by:
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.15.1.i (i) signature followed by the deposit of an instrument of ratification, or
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.15.1.ii (ii) deposit of an instrument of accession.
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.15.2 (2) Instruments of ratification or accession shall be deposited with the Director General.
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.18 Article 18 Signature and Languages of the Treaty
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.18.1.a (1) (a) This Treaty shall be signed in a single original in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic.
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.18.1.b (b) Official texts of this Treaty shall be established by the Director General, after consultation with the interested Governments and within two months from the date of signature of this Treaty, in the other languages in which the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization was signed.
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.18.1.c (c) Official texts of this Treaty shall be established by the Director General, after consultation with the interested Governments, in the Arabic, German, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese languages, and such other languages as the Assembly may designate.
2863 Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure Art.18.2 (2) This Treaty shall remain open for signature at Budapest until December 31, 1977.
2883 Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation Art.27 ARTICLE XXVII
2883 Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation Art.27.1x This Treaty shall remain in force for an unlimited period of time, and shall not be open to adherence.
2883 Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation Art.28 ARTICLE XXVIII
2883 Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation Art.28.0x This Treaty shall be ratified by all the Contracting parties and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil.
2883 Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation Art.28.1 PARAGRAPH ONE: This Treaty shall become effective thirty days after the last instrument of ratification has been deposited by the Contracting Parties.
2883 Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation Art.28.2 PARAGRAPH TWO: The intention to denounce this Treaty shall be communicated by a Contracting Party to the remaining Contracting Parties at least ninety days prior to formal delivery of the instrument of denunciation to the Government of the Federative Republic o Brazil. This Treaty shall cease to have effect for the Contracting Party denouncing it one year after the denunciation has been formalized.
2883 Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation Art.28.3 PARAGRAPH THREE: This Treaty shall be drawn up in English, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish, all having equal validity.
2884 International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers Art.13 Article XIII
2884 International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers Art.13.1 (1) The Convention shall remain open for signature at the Headquarters of the Organization from 1 December 1978 until 30 November 1979 and shall thereafter remain open for accession. Any State may become a Party by:
2884 International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers Art.13.1.a (a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval; or
2884 International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers Art.13.1.b (b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or [1]
2884 International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers Art.13.c (c) accession.
2884 International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers Art.13.2 (2) Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General. [2]
2884 International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers Art.13.3 (3) The Secretary-General shall inform all States that have signed the Convention or acceded to it and the Director-General of the International Labour Office of any signature or of the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession and the date of its deposit.
2888 Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.22 Article XXII
2888 Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.22.1 1. This Convention shall be open for signature at Ottawa until 31 December 1978, by the Parties represented at the Diplomatic Conference on the Future of Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, held at Ottawa from 11 to 21 October 1977. It shall thereafter be open for accession.
2888 Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.22.2 2. This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatories and the instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Canada referred to in this Convention as "the Depositary".
2888 Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.22.3 3. This Convention shall enter into force upon the first day of January following the deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval by not less than six Signatories, at least one of which exercises fisheries jurisdiction in waters forming part of the Convention Area.
2888 Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.22.4 4. Any party which has not signed this Convention may accede thereto by a notification in writing to the Depositary. Accessions received by the Depositary prior to the date of entry into force of this Convention shall become effective on the date this Convention enters into force. Accessions received by the Depositary after the date of entry into force of this Convention shall become effective on the date of receipt by the Depositary.
2888 Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.22.5 5. The Depositary shall inform all Signatories and all Contracting Parties of all ratifications, acceptances or approvals deposited and accessions received.
2888 Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Art.22.6 6. The Depositary shall convene the initial meeting of the Organization to be held not more than six months after the coming into force of the Convention, and shall communicate the provisional agenda to each Contracting Party not less than one month before the date of the meeting.
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1 Article I
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1 1. For the purpose of this Convention:
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.a a) "Migratory species" means the entire population or any geographically separate part of the population of any species or lower taxon of wild animals, a significant proportion of whose members cyclically and predictably cross one or more national jurisdictional boundaries;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.b b) "Conservation status of a migratory species" means the sum of the influences acting on the migratory species that may affect its long-term distribution and abundance;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.c c) "Conservation status" will be taken as "favourable" when:
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.c.i (1) population dynamics data indicate that the migratory species is maintaining itself on a long-term basis as a viable component of its ecosystems;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.c.ii (2) the range of the migratory species is neither currently being reduced, nor is likely to be reduced, on a long-term basis;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.c.iii (3) there is, and will be in the foreseeable future sufficient habitat to maintain the population of the migratory species on a long-term basis; and
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.c.iv (4) the distribution and abundance of the migratory species approach historic coverage and levels to the extent that potentially suitable ecosystems exist and to the extent consistent with wise wildlife management;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.d d) "Conservation status" will be taken as "unfavourable" if any of the conditions set out in sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph is not met;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.e e) "Endangered" in relation to a particular migratory species means that the migratory species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.f f) "Range" means all the areas of land or water that a migratory species inhabits, stays in temporarily, crosses or overflies at any time on its normal migration route;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.g g) "Habitat" means any area in the range of a migratory species which contains suitable living conditions for that species;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.h h) "Range State" in relation to a particular migratory species means any State (and where appropriate any other Party referred to under subparagraph (k) of this paragraph) that exercises jurisdiction over any part of the range of that migratory species, or a State, flag vessels of which are engaged outside national jurisdictional limits in taking that migratory species;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.h.i i) "Taking" means taking, hunting, fishing capturing, harassing, deliberate killing, or attempting to engage in any such conduct;
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.j j) "Agreement" means an international agreement relating to the conservation of one or more migratory species as provided for in Articles IV and V of this Convention; and
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.1.k k) "Party" means a State or any regional economic integration organization constituted by sovereign States which has competence in respect of the negotiation, conclusion and application of international Agreements in matters covered by this Convention for which this Convention is in force.
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.2 2. In matters within their competence, the regional economic integration organizations which are Parties to this Convention shall in their own name exercise the rights and fulfil the responsibilities which this Convention attributes to their member States. In such cases the member States of these organizations shall not be entitled to exercise such rights individually.
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.1.3 3. Where this Convention provides for a decision to be taken by either a two-thirds majority or a unanimous decision of "the Parties present and voting" this shall mean "the Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote". Those abstaining from voting shall not be counted amongst "the Parties present and voting" in determining the majority.
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.15 Article XV
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.15.1x This Convention shall be open for signature at Bonn for all States and any regional economic integration organization until the twenty-second day of June, 1980.
2896 Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals Art.16 Article XVI