Paragraphs from ALL CODED IEAs that contain at least one paragraph coded as RESV
Displaying 1 - 500 of 1383
Id | Agreement Name | Label | Provision |
2595 | Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture | Art.9 | Art. 9 |
2595 | Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture | Art.9.0x | Each of the contracting parties may grant exemption from the enactments of the present Convention, |
2595 | Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture | Art.9.1 | 1. In the case of birds, the shooting and destruction of which, as noxious to the interests of shooting sport and fishing, is permitted by the Parliament of the respective country; |
2595 | Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture | Art.9.2 | 2. In the case of birds branded as noxious to the agriculture of the country by the Parliament of the respective State. |
2595 | Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture | Art.9.3x | In case there should not be an official schedule compiled by the respective legislature [section 2 of the present Clause][5] shall be enforced in the case of those birds which are enumerated in Schedule 2 annexed to this Convention. |
2595 | Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture | Art.14 | Art. 14 |
2595 | Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture | Art.14.1x | The present Convention shall come in force at latest within a year from the date of the interchanging of papers. |
2595 | Convention For The Protection Of Birds Useful To Agriculture | Art.14.2x | It remains in force for all the signatory Powers for an indefinite period. Should any one of the same withdraw, such withdrawal does not affect the other Powers, and comes in force only one year from the day on which the withdrawal was brought to the notice of the other signatory States. |
2602 | International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.8 | Article 8 |
2602 | International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.8.1x | The present Agreement is concluded for a period of seven years. On the expiry of this period, it will continue to remain in force for further periods of seven years between the States which have not notified one year before the end of each period their intention no longer to give effect to its provisions in so far as concerns them. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.11 | Article 11 |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.11.1x | It is understood that upon signature, ratification, or accession any Contracting Government may make such express reservations in regard to articles 3-10 of the present Convention as may be considered essential. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.13 | Article 13 |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.13.1 | 1. Any Contracting Government may, at the time of signature, ratification, or accession, or thereafter, make a declaration assuming in respect of any one or more of its territories (including metropolitan territories, colonies, overseas territories, or territories under suzerainty, protection, or mandate) other than those mentioned in paragraph 3 (i) of article 1, either all the obligations of the present Convention, or only those contained in article 9, paragraphs 3, 8 and 9. If such declaration is made subsequent to ratification or accession it shall be effected by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom, and shall take effect on the entry into force of the Convention or, if the Convention is already in force, three months after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.13.2 | 2. It is understood that any Contracting Government may, by a single declaration made under the preceding paragraph, assume, in respect of some of its territories mentioned in that paragraph, all the obligations of the present Convention, and in respect of other such territories only the obligations contained in article 9 paragraphs 3, 8 and 9. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.13.3 | 3. Any Contracting Government which has made a declaration under the preceding paragraph, assuming, in respect of any territory, only the obligations contained in article 9 paragraphs 3, 8 and 9, may, at any subsequent time, by a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom, declare that such previous declaration shall henceforth be deemed to relate to all the obligations of the Convention in respect of the territory concerned and such subsequent declaration shall take effect on the entry into force of the Convention or, if the Convention is already in force, three months after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.13.4 | 4. Any Contracting Government may at any time, by a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom, determine the application of the Convention to any territory or territories which have been the subject of a declaration under paragraphs 1 and 3 of the present article, and the Convention shall thereupon cease to apply to the territory or territories mentioned in the notification one year after the date of its receipt by the Government of the United Kingdom, provided that such notification shall in no case take effect until the expiry of the period of five years mentioned in article 19, paragraph 1. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.13.5 | 5. It is understood that if, as the result of a notification made under the preceding paragraph, there would remain no territories of the Contracting Government concerned to which the Convention would be applicable either in full or in part, such Government shall, instead of making the notification, proceed by way of denunciation under article 19. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.13.6 | 6. It is further understood that no notification made under paragraph 4 of the present article, or otherwise, may purport to apply only the provisions of article 9 paragraphs 3, 8 and 9, to any territory to which at the time of the notification, the Convention applies in full. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.13.7 | 7. The Government of the United Kingdom will inform all the Governments mentioned in article 5 paragraph 2, of any notification received under the preceding paragraphs of the present article, of the date of their receipt of their terms. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.19 | Article 19 |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.19.1 | 1. Any Contracting Government may at any time denounce the present Convention by a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom. Such denunciation shall take effect, as regards the Government making it, and in respect of all the territories of that Government to which the Convention shall then apply, either in full or in part, one year after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom provided, however, that no denunciation shall take effect until the expiry of five years from the date of the entry into force of the Convention. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.19.2 | 2. If, as the result of simultaneous or successive denunciations, the number of Contracting Governments bound, in respect of one or more of their territories, by all the obligations of the present Convention is reduced to less than four, the Convention shall cease to be in force as from the date on which the last of such denunciations shall take effect in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. |
2609 | Convention Relative To The Preservation Of Fauna And Flora In Their Natural State | Art.19.3 | 3. The Government of the United Kingdom will notify all the other Governments mentioned in article 5, paragraph 2, of any denunciations so received and the date on which they take effect. The Government of the United Kingdom will also, if occasion arises, similarly notify the date on which the Convention ceases to be in force under the provisions of the preceding paragraph. |
2610 | International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.15 | Article 15 Duration and Denunciation |
2610 | International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.15.1 | 1. The duration of the present Convention shall be for two years from its entry into force. |
2610 | International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.15.2 | 2. It shall remain in force for a further period of four years, and subsequently in respect of such Contracting Parties as have not denounced it at least six months before the expiry of the period. |
2610 | International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.15.3 | 3. The denunciation shall be effected by a written notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who will inform all the Members of the League and the non-member States referred to in Article II. |
2610 | International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.16 | Article 16 Application to Colonies, Protectorates, etc. |
2610 | International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.16.1 | 1. In the absence of a contrary declaration by one of the High Contracting Parties at the time of signature, ratification or accession, the provisions of the present Convention shall not apply to colonies, protectorates, overseas territories, territories under its suzerainty or territories in respect of which a mandate has been entrusted to it. |
2610 | International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.16.2 | 2. Nevertheless, the High Contracting Parties reserve the right to sign the Convention or to accede thereto, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 11 and 12, for their colonies, protectorates, overseas territories, territories under their suzerainty or territories in respect of which a mandate has been entrusted to them. |
2610 | International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals | Art.16.3 | 3. They further reserve the right to denounce the Convention separately, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15. |
2612 | International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.20 | Article 20 |
2612 | International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.20.1x | The present Agreement shall come into force provisionally on 1 July 1937, to the extent to which the signatory Governments are respectively able to enforce it; provided that if any Government within two months of the signature of the Agreement informs the Government of the United Kingdom that it is unwilling to ratify it the provisional application of the Agreement in respect of that Government shall thereupon cease. |
2612 | International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.20.2x | The Government of the United Kingdom will communicate the name of any Government which has signified that it is unwilling to ratify the Agreement to the other Governments, any of whom may within one month of such communication withdraw its ratification or accession or signify its unwillingness to ratify as the case may be, and the provisional application of the Agreement in respect of that Government shall thereupon cease. Any such withdrawal or communication shall be notified to the Government of the United Kingdom, by whom it will be transmitted to the other Governments. |
2612 | International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.21 | Article 21 |
2612 | International Agreement For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.21.1x | The present Agreement shall, subject to the preceding Article, remain in force until 30 June 1938, and thereafter if, before that date, a majority of the contracting Governments, which shall include the Governments of the United Kingdom, Germany and Norway, shall have agreed to extend its duration. In the event of such extension it shall remain in force until the contracting Governments agree to modify it, provided that any contracting Government may, at any time after 30 June 1938, by giving notice on or before 1 January in any year to the Government of the United Kingdom (who on receipt of such notice shall at once communicate it to the other contracting Governments) withdraw from the Agreement, so that it shall cease to be in force in respect of that Government after 30 June following, and that any other contracting Government may, by giving notice in the like manner within one month of the receipt of such communication, withdraw also from the Agreement, so that it shall cease to be in force respecting it after the same date. |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.11 | Article XI |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.11.1 | 1. The original of the present Convention in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French shall be deposited with the Pan American Union and opened for signature by the American Governments on 12 October 1940. |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.11.2 | 2. The present Convention shall remain open for signature by the American Governments. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Pan American Union, which shall notify their receipt and the dates thereof, and the terms of any accompanying declarations or reservations, to all participating Governments. |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.11.3 | 3. The present Convention shall come into force three months after the deposit of not less than five ratifications with the Pan American Union. |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.11.4 | 4. Any ratification received after the date of the entry into force of the Convention, shall take effect three months after the date of its deposit with the Pan American Union. |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.12 | Article XII |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.12.1 | 1. Any Contracting Government may at any time denounce the present Convention by a notification in writing addressed to the Pan American Union. Such denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Pan American Union, provided, however, that no denunciation shall take effect until the expiration of five years from the date of the entry into force of this Convention. |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.12.2 | 2. If, as the result of simultaneous or successive denunciations, the number of Contracting Governments is reduced to less than three, the Convention shall cease to be in force from the date on which the last of such denunciations takes effect in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph. |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.12.3 | 3. The Pan American Union shall notify all of the American Governments of any denunciations and the date on which they take effect. |
2615 | Convention On Nature Protection And Wildlife Preservation In The Western Hemisphere | Art.12.4 | 4. Should the Convention cease to be in force under the provisions of Paragraph 2 of this article, the Pan American Union shall notify all of the American Governments, indicating the date on which this will become effective. |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.19 | Article XIX Withdrawal |
2617 | Constitution Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.19.1x | Any Member Nation may give notice of withdrawal from the Organization at any time after the expiration of four years from the date of its acceptance of this Constitution. The notice of withdrawal of an Associate Member shall be given by the Member Nation or authority having responsibility for its international relations. Such notice shall take effect one year after the date of its communication to the Director-General. The financial obligation to the Organization of a Member Nation which has given notice of withdrawal, or of an Associate Member on whose behalf notice of withdrawal has been given, shall include the entire calendar year in which the notice takes effect. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5 | Article V |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1 | 1. The Commission may amend from time to time the provisions of the Schedule by adopting regulations with respect to the conservation and utilization of whale resources, fixing |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1.a | (a) protected and unprotected species; |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1.b | (b) open and closed seasons; |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1.c | (c) open and closed waters, including the designation of sanctuary areas; |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1.d | (d) size limits for each species; |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1.e | (e) time, methods, and intensity of whaling (including the maximum catch of whales to be taken in any one season); |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1.f | (f) types and specifications of gear and apparatus and appliances which may be used; |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1.g | (g) methods of measurement; and |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.1.h | (h) catch returns and other statistical and biological records. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.2 | 2. These amendments of the Schedule |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.2.a | (a) shall be such as are necessary to carry out the objectives and purposes of this Convention and to provide for the conservation, development, and optimum utilization of the whale resources; |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.2.b | (b) shall be based on scientific findings; |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.2.c | (c) shall not involve restrictions on the number or nationality of factory ships or land stations, nor allocate specific quotas to any factory or ship or land station or to any group of factory ships or land stations; and |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.2.d | (d) shall take into consideration the interests of the consumers of whale products and the whaling industry. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.3 | 3. Each of such amendments shall become effective with respect to the Contracting Governments ninety days following notification of the amendment by the Commission to each of the Contracting Governments, except that |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.3.a | (a) if any Government presents to the Commission objection to any amendment prior to the expiration of this ninety-day period, the amendment shall not become effective with respect to any of the Governments for an additional ninety days; |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.3.b | (b) thereupon, any other Contracting Government may present objection to the amendment at any time prior to the expiration of the additional ninety-day period, or before the expiration of thirty days from the date of receipt of the last objection received during such additional ninety-day period, whichever date shall be the later; and |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.3.c | (c) thereafter, the amendment shall become effective with respect to all Contracting Governments which have not presented objection but shall not become effective with respect to any Government which has so objected until such date as the objection is withdrawn. The Commission shall notify each Contracting Government immediately upon receipt of each objection and withdrawal and each Contracting Government shall acknowledge receipt of all notifications of amendments, objections, and withdrawals. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.5.4 | 4. No amendments shall become effective before 1st July, 1949. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.11 | Article XI |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.11.1x | Any Contracting Government may withdraw from this Convention on 30th June, of any year by giving notice on or before 1st January, of the same year to the depository Government, which upon receipt of such a notice shall at once communicate it to the other Contracting Governments. Any other Contracting Government may, in like manner, within one month of the receipt of a copy of such a notice from the depository Government give notice of withdrawal, so that the Convention shall cease to be in force on 30th June, of the same year with respect to the Government giving such notice of withdrawal. |
2621 | International Convention For The Regulation Of Whaling | Art.11.2x | The Convention shall bear the date on which it is opened for signature and shall remain open for signature for a period of fourteen days thereafter. |
2624 | Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission | Art.10 | Article X |
2624 | Agreement For The Establishment Of The Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission | Art.10.1x | Any member Government may withdraw from this Agreement, at any time after the expiration of two years from the date upon which the Agreement entered into force with respect to that Government by giving written notice of such withdrawal to the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations who shall immediately inform all the Governments concerned and the Council of such withdrawal. Notices of withdrawal shall become effective three months from the date of their receipt by the Director-General. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16 | Article XVI |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.1 | 1. At any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, any Contracting Government may withdraw from the Convention on December thirty-first of any year by giving notice on or before the preceding June thirtieth to the Depositary Government which shall communicate copies of such notice to the other Contracting Governments. |
2625 | International Convention For The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.16.2 | 2. Any other Contracting Government may thereupon withdraw from this Convention on the same December thirty-first by giving notice to the Depositary Government within one month of the receipt of a copy of a notice of withdrawal given pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.11 | Article XI |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.11.a | (a) The present Convention shall be ratified by the signatory Governments and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.11.b | (b) The present Convention shall enter into force as on the date of the receipt by the Government of the United Kingdom of the second instrument of ratification. It shall take effect in respect of those Governments who ratify or accede subsequently on the date of the deposit of the ratification or notification of accession. The present Convention shall remain in force for a period of ten years after its initial entry into force. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.11.c | (c) At any time after the expiration of this period |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.11.c.1 | (1) Any Contracting Government may denounce the Convention by written notification to the Government of the United Kingdom. Such denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.11.c.2 | (2) Any Contracting Government may notify the Government of the United Kingdom that the Convention shall cease to apply to one or more of its territories, and it shall cease to apply to the territory or territories named in the notification one year after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom. |
2626 | International Convention For The Permanent Control Of Outbreak Areas Of The Red Locust | Art.11.d | (d) The Government of the United Kingdom shall inform each of the Contracting Governments of each notification received under this Article and of the date of its receipt. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.5 | Article V |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.5.1 | 1. The present Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.5.2 | 2. The present Convention shall enter into force on the date of exchange of ratifications. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.5.3 | 3. Any government, whose nationals participate in the fisheries covered by this Convention, desiring to adhere to the present Convention, shall address a communication to that effect to each of the High Contracting Parties. Upon receiving the unanimous consent of the High Contracting Parties to adherence, such government shall deposit with the Government of the United States of America an instrument of adherence which shall stipulate the effective date thereof. The Government of the United States of America shall furnish a certified copy of the Convention to each government desiring to adhere thereto. Each adhering government shall have all the rights and obligations under the Convention as if it had been an original signatory thereof. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.5.4 | 4. At any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of entry into force of this Convention any High Contracting Party may give notice of its intention of denouncing the Convention. Such notification shall become effective with respect to such notifying government one year after its receipt by the Government of the United States of America. After the expiration of the said one year period the Convention shall be effective only with respect to the remaining High Contracting Parties. |
2627 | Convention For The Establishment Of An Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission | Art.5.5 | 5. The Government of the United States of America shall inform the other High Contracting Parties of all instruments of adherence and of notifications of denunciation received. |
2633 | International Convention For The Protection Of Birds | Art.6 | Article 6 |
2633 | International Convention For The Protection Of Birds | Art.6.1x | If, in a particular region, one species is found to be jeopardizing the future of certain agricultural or animal products by damaging fields, vineyards gardens, orchards, woods, game or fish or threatening to destroy or simply diminish one or more species whose conservation is desirable, the appropriate authorities may issue individual permits, lifting the prohibitions established in articles 2 and 5 in the case of that species. It shall, however, be unlawful to purchase or sell birds killed in this manner or to transport them outside the region where they were killed. |
2633 | International Convention For The Protection Of Birds | Art.6.2x | If national laws contain other provisions designed to reduce the damage caused by certain species of birds in such a way as to assure the perpetuation of those species, such provisions may be maintained by the High Contracting Parties. |
2633 | International Convention For The Protection Of Birds | Art.6.3x | In view of the special importance of economic conditions in Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Faroe Islands, the appropriate authorities in those countries may make exceptions and permit certain derogations from the provisions of this Convention. If Iceland should accede to this Convention, it shall be entitled to enjoy the benefit of such derogations upon request. |
2633 | International Convention For The Protection Of Birds | Art.6.4x | No measures shall be adopted in any country of such a nature as to cause the complete destruction of the indigenous or migratory species referred to in this article. |
2633 | International Convention For The Protection Of Birds | Art.7 | Article 7 |
2633 | International Convention For The Protection Of Birds | Art.7.1x | Exceptions to the provisions of this Convention may be permitted by the appropriate authorities in the interests of science and education, the propagation and breeding of game birds and falconry, depending on the circumstances and provided that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent abuses. The provisions concerning transport contained in articles 3 and 4 shall not apply to the United Kingdom. |
2633 | International Convention For The Protection Of Birds | Art.7.2x | In each country, the prohibitions enumerated in article 3 shall not apply to the plumage of species of birds which may be killed there. |
2638 | Agreement Concerning Measures For The Protection Of The Stocks Of Deep Sea Prawns (Pandalus Borealis), European Lobsters (Homarus Vulgaris), Norway Lobsters (Nephrops Norvegicus) And Crabs (Cancer Pagurus) | Art.9 | Article 9 |
2638 | Agreement Concerning Measures For The Protection Of The Stocks Of Deep Sea Prawns (Pandalus Borealis), European Lobsters (Homarus Vulgaris), Norway Lobsters (Nephrops Norvegicus) And Crabs (Cancer Pagurus) | Art.9.1x | After three years from it coming into force, this Agreement may be denounced by a notice in writing addressed to the Norwegian Government. The denunciation shall take effect in respect of the Government concerned six months after the date of receipt. Notice of the denunciation shall be given to all the Contracting Parties by the Norwegian Government. |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.13 | Article 13 |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.13.a | (a) This Convention may be denounced by any Participating Government after the expiration of one year from the date of its entry into force in respect of that Government by a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom. The denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of the receipt of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom. |
2652 | Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara | Art.13.b | (b) The Government of the United Kingdom shall inform the other Participating Governments of each such denunciation and of the date of the receipt thereof. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10 | Article X |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10.1 | 1. The Government of any State situated in the Region, or any Government which is responsible for the international relations of a territory or territories in the Region, may become a party to this Agreement, by either |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10.1.a | (a) signature;[1] or |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10.1.b | (b) signature subject to ratification followed by such ratification; or |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10.1.c | (c) adherence. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10.1.dx | Governments may not subject their signature, ratification or adherence to any reservation. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10.2 | 2. This Agreement, the text of which was approved by the Council of the Organization on 26 November 1955, shall be open for signature until 30 June 1956 or until the date of its entry into force in conformity with the provisions of Article XI, paragraph 1, whichever date is the later. The Director-General of the Organization shall immediately inform all signatory Governments of the signature of this Agreement by any other Government. Ratification shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of ratification with the Director-General of the Organization and shall become effective as from the date of deposit. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10.3 | 3. This Agreement shall be open for adherence as from 1 July 1956 or from the date of its entry into force in conformity with the provisions of Article XI, paragraph 1, whichever date is the later. Adherence shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of adherence with the Director-General of the Organization and shall become effective as from the date of deposit. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.10.4 | 4. The Director-General of the Organization shall immediately inform all signatory and adhering Governments of the deposit of an instrument of ratification or of adherence. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.12 | Article XII |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.12.1 | 1. Any Contracting Government may, at any time after the expiration of one year from the date on which it became a party to the Agreement, or from the date on which the Agreement entered into force, whichever is the later, denounce this Agreement by notification addressed to the Director-General of the Organization who shall at once inform all signatory and adhering Governments of the denunciation. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.12.2 | 2. The denunciation shall take effect one year from the date of receipt of the notification by the Director-General of the Organization. |
2663 | Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region | Art.12.3 | 3. This Agreement shall automatically be terminated should the parties to it become fewer than three as the result of denunciations. |
2671 | Convention Concerning Fishing In The Waters Of The Danube | Art.16 | Article 16 |
2671 | Convention Concerning Fishing In The Waters Of The Danube | Art.16.1x | The Convention is concluded for a term of five years. |
2671 | Convention Concerning Fishing In The Waters Of The Danube | Art.16.2x | For those Contracting Parties which do not give notice of termination of this Convention to the Government of the Romanian People's Republic not later than six months before the expiry of this term, it shall remain in force for a further period of five years. |
2672 | Convention On The Continental Shelf | Art.12 | Article 12 |
2672 | Convention On The Continental Shelf | Art.12.1 | 1. At the time of signature, ratification or accession, any State may make reservations to Articles of the Convention other than to Articles 1 to 3 inclusive. |
2672 | Convention On The Continental Shelf | Art.12.2 | 2. Any Contracting State making a reservation in accordance with the preceding paragraph may at any time withdraw the reservation by a communication to that effect addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.19 | Article 19 |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.19.1 | 1. At the time of signature, ratification or accession, any State may make reservations to Articles of the Convention other than to Articles 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12. |
2675 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The High Seas | Art.19.2 | 2. Any Contracting State making a reservation in accordance with the preceding paragraph may at any time withdraw the reservation by a communication to that effect addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.8 | Article 8 |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.8.1 | 1. Subject to the provisions of this Article, the Contracting States undertake to give effect to any recommendation made by the Commission under Article 7 of this Convention and adopted by not less than a two-thirds majority of the Delegations present and voting. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.8.2 | 2. Any Contracting State may, within ninety days of the date of notice of a recommendation to which paragraph (1) of this Article applies, object to it and in that event shall not be under obligation to give effect to the recommendation. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.8.3 | 3. In the event of an objection being made within the ninety-day period, any other Contracting State may similarly object at any time within a further period of sixty days, or within thirty days after receiving notice of an objection by another Contracting State made within the further period of sixty days. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.8.4 | 4. If objections to a recommendation are made by three or more of the Contracting States, all the other Contracting States shall be relieved forthwith of any obligation to give effect to that recommendation but any or all of them may nevertheless agree among themselves to give effect to it. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.8.5 | 5. Any Contracting State which has objected to a recommendation may at any time withdraw that objection and shall then, subject to the provisions of paragraph (4) of this Article, give effect to the recommendation within ninety days, or as from the date determined by the Commission under Article 9 of this Convention, whichever is the later. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.8.6 | 6. The Commission shall notify each Contracting State immediately upon receipt of each objection and withdrawal. |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.17 | Article 17 |
2680 | Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention | Art.17.0x | At any time after two years from the date on which this Convention has come into force with respect to a Contracting State, that State may denounce the Convention by means of a notice in writing addressed to the Government of the United Kingdom. Any such denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the date of its receipt, and shall be notified to the Contracting States by the Government of the United Kingdom. |
2683 | Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea | Art.13 | Article 13 |
2683 | Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea | Art.13.1x | This Convention is concluded for a term of five years. It shall remain in force for successive terms of five years for those Contracting Parties which do not inform the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, six months before the expiry of the current five-year term, that they wish to terminate the Convention. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.13 | ARTICLE XIII: Acceptance |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.13.1 | 1. Acceptance of this Convention by any Member Nation or Associate Member of the Organization shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of acceptance with the Director-General of the Organization and shall take effect on receipt of such notification by the Director-General. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.13.2 | 2. Acceptance of this Convention by Non-Member Nations of the Organization shall become effective on the date on which the Commission approves the application for membership in conformity with the provisions of Article II of this Convention. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.13.3 | 3. The Director-General of the Organization shall inform all Member Nations of the Commission, all Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization and the Secretary-General of the United Nations of all acceptances that have become effective. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.13.4 | 4. Acceptance of this Convention may be made subject to reservations which shall become operative only upon unanimous concurrence by the Member Nations of the Commission. The Director-General of the Organization shall notify forthwith all Member Nations of the Commission of any reservations. Members of the Commission not having replied within three months from the date of the notification shall be deemed to have accepted the reservation. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.16 | ARTICLE XVI: Withdrawal |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.16.1 | 1. Any Member Nation of the Commission may give notice of withdrawal from the Commission at any time after the expiry of one year from the date of its acceptance of this Convention. Such notice of withdrawal shall take effect six months after the date of its receipt by the Director-General of the Organization, who shall inform all Member Nations of the Commission, all Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization and the Secretary-General of the United Nations of such receipt. |
2687 | Convention Placing The International Poplar Commission Within The Framework Of The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations | Art.16.2 | 2. A Member Nation of the Commission that is responsible for the international relations of more than one territory shall, giving notice of its own withdrawal from the Commission, state to which territory or territories the withdrawal is to apply. In the absence of such a declaration, the withdrawal shall be deemed to apply to all the territories for the international relations of which the Member Nation of the Commission is responsible. A Member Nation of the Commission may give notice of withdrawal with respect to one or more of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible. Any Member Nation of the Commission that gives notice of withdrawal from the Organization shall be deemed to have simultaneously withdrawn from the Commission, and this withdrawal shall be deemed to apply to all the territories for the international relations of which the Nation concerned is responsible, with the exception of Associate Members. |
2688 | Antarctic Treaty | Art.12 | Article XII |
2688 | Antarctic Treaty | Art.12.1.a | 1. a. The present Treaty may be modified or amended at any time by unanimous agreement of the Contracting Parties whose representatives are entitled to participate in the meetings provided for under Article IX. Any such modification or amendment shall enter into force when the depositary Government has received notice from all such Contracting Parties that they have ratified it. |
2688 | Antarctic Treaty | Art.12.1.b | b. Such modification or amendment shall thereafter enter into force as to any other Contracting Party when notice of ratification by it has been received by the depositary Government. Any such Contracting Party from which no notice of ratification is received within a period of two years from the date of entry into force of the modification or amendment in accordance with the provision of subparagraph 1(a) of this Article shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the present Treaty on the date of the expiration of such period. |
2688 | Antarctic Treaty | Art.12.2.a | 2. a. If after the expiration of thirty years from the date of entry into force of the present Treaty, any of the Contracting Parties whose representatives are entitled to participate in the meetings provided for under Article IX so requests by a communication addressed to the depositary Government, a Conference of all the Contracting Parties shall be held as soon as practicable to review the operation of the Treaty. |
2688 | Antarctic Treaty | Art.12.2.b | b. Any modification or amendment to the present Treaty which is approved at such a Conference by a majority of the Contracting Parties there represented, including a majority of those whose representatives are entitled to participate in the meetings provided for under Article IX, shall be communicated by the depositary Government to all Contracting Parties immediately after the termination of the Conference and shall enter into force in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of the present Article |
2688 | Antarctic Treaty | Art.12.2.c | c. If any such modification or amendment has not entered into force in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph 1(a) of this Article within a period of two years after the date of its communication to all the Contracting Parties, any Contracting Party may at any time after the expiration of that period give notice to the depositary Government of its withdrawal from the present Treaty; and such withdrawal shall take effect two years after the receipt of the notice by the depositary Government. |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.12 | Article XII |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.12.1x | After the expiry of a five-year period from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, any Contracting Party may denounce it by notice in writing to the depositary. |
2690 | Agreement Concerning Cooperation In The Quarantine Of Plants And Their Protection Against Pests And Diseases | Art.12.3x | The Agreement shall cease to take effect in respect of such Party six months after the depositary's receipt of the notice of denunciation. |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.15 | Article 15 |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.15.1 | 1. Each of the Contracting Parties shall notify the Government of the Swiss Confederation when it has carried out the constitutional procedures required to put this agreement into force; the Government of the Swiss Confederation shall immediately confirm the date of receipt of such notification and shall advise the other Contracting Parties. The Agreement shall enter into force the first day of the month following receipt of the last notification. |
2719 | Protocol Of Signature To The Agreement Concerning The International Commission For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution | Art.15.2 | 2. After a period of three years from its entry into force, this Agreement may at any moment be denounced with six months notice by each of the Contracting Parties, by a declaration addressed to the Government of the Swiss Confederation. |
2721 | Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage | Art.25 | Article XXV |
2721 | Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage | Art.25.A | A. This Convention shall remain in force for a period of ten years from the date of its entry into force. Any Contracting Party may, by giving before the end of that period at least twelve months' notice to that effect to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, terminate the application of this Convention to itself at the end of that period of ten years. |
2721 | Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage | Art.25.B | B. This Convention shall, after that period of ten years, remain in force for a further period of five years for such Contracting Parties as have not terminated its application pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, and thereafter for successive periods of five years each for those Contracting Parties which have not terminated its application at the end of one of such periods, by giving, before the end of one of such periods, at least twelve months' notice to that effect to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. |
2721 | Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage | Art.26 | Article XXVI |
2721 | Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage | Art.26.A | A. A conference shall be convened by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency at any time after the expiry of a period of five years from the date of the entry into force of this Convention in order to consider the revision thereof, if one-third of the Contracting Parties express a desire to that effect. |
2721 | Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage | Art.26.B | B. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Convention by notification to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency within a period of twelve months following the first revision conference held pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article. |
2721 | Convention On Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage | Art.26.C | C. Denunciation shall take effect one year after the date on which notification to that effect has been received by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. |
2728 | Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement In Connection With Radiation Accidents | Art.12 | ARTICLE XII: Withdrawal from Agreement |
2728 | Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement In Connection With Radiation Accidents | Art.12.1x | Any party may withdraw from this Agreement by written notice to that effect addressed to the other parties. Such withdrawal shall take effect twelve months after receipt of such notice. Withdrawal shall not, however, terminate the application of this Agreement in respect of any assistance commenced prior to the date on which withdrawal takes effect. |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.17 | ARTICLE 17 |
2741 | Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea | Art.17.1x | At any time after two years from the date on which this Convention has come into force any Contracting Party may denounce the Convention by means of a notice in writing addressed to the Government of Denmark. Any such notice shall take effect twelve months after the date of its receipt. |
2742 | Agreement Concerning The Niger River Commission And The Navigation And Transport On The River Niger | Art.17 | Article 17 |
2742 | Agreement Concerning The Niger River Commission And The Navigation And Transport On The River Niger | Art.17.1x | The Act of Niamey together with this Agreement may be denounced by any one of the riparian States after the expiration of a period often years from the date of its coming into force. Denunciation shall take the form of a written notice addressed to the Government of the Republic of Niger who shall acknowledge its receipt and shall inform the other contracting States and the Administrative Secretary of the Commission. It shall take effect one year from the date of acknowledgement of its receipt, if not withdrawn earlier. In the absence of agreement to the contrary it shall not affect obligations relating to any program of studies and works agreed to before such denunciation. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.12 | Article XII |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.12.1 | 1. The Convention shall remain in force for ten years and thereafter until a majority of Contracting Parties agree to terminate it. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.12.2 | 2. At any time after ten years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, any Contracting Party may withdraw from the Convention on December thirty-first of any year including the tenth year by written notification of withdrawal given on or before December thirty-first of the preceding year to the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. |
2751 | International Convention For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas | Art.12.3 | 3. Any other Contracting Party may thereupon withdraw from this Convention with effect from the same December thirty-first by giving written notification of withdrawal to the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations not later than one month from the date of receipt of information from the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning any withdrawal, but not later than April first of that year. |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.22 | ARTICLE XXII |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.22.1 | 1. Upon expiration of a period of five years after its entry into force, this Convention may be denounced by any Contracting Party by giving at least one year's notice, in a notification addressed to the Government of the Principality of Monaco. The denunciation shall take effect upon 1 January next following the expiration of the notice and shall involve the abandonment by the Government concerned of all rights and benefits of membership in the Organization. |
2757 | Convention On The International Hydrographic Organization | Art.22.2 | 2. The Government of the Principality of Monaco shall inform the Contracting Parties and the President of the Directing Committee of any notification of denunciation it receives. |
2758 | Convention On The Conduct Of Fishing Operations In The North Atlantic | Art.8 | Article 8 |
2758 | Convention On The Conduct Of Fishing Operations In The North Atlantic | Art.8.1 | (1) Each Contracting Party undertakes to take such measures as may be appropriate to implement and enforce the provisions of this Convention with respect to its vessels and gear. |
2758 | Convention On The Conduct Of Fishing Operations In The North Atlantic | Art.8.2 | (2) Within the area where a coastal State has jurisdiction over fisheries, the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this Convention shall be the responsibility of the coastal State. |
2758 | Convention On The Conduct Of Fishing Operations In The North Atlantic | Art.8.3 | (3) Within that area the coastal State may make special rules and exemptions from any of the Rules in Annexes II to V to this Convention for vessels or gear which by reason of their size or type operate or are set only in coastal waters, provided that there shall be no discrimination in form or in fact against vessels of other Contracting Parties entitled to fish in those waters. Before making special rules and exemptions under this paragraph in respect of areas in which foreign fishing vessels operate a Contracting Party shall inform the Contracting Parties concerned of their intentions and consult them if they so wish. |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.17 | Article 17 WITHDRAWAL |
2768 | Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land | Art.17.1x | Any party to this agreement may withdraw any time after 5 years from the commencement of its membership on condition that it notifies the Administrative Council with its desire a year before the date it fixes for withdrawal. In case of the withdrawal of the country where the head centre is situated, it shall undertake the transfer of all equipment articles, documents etc. of the centre to its new place. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.16 | Article XX Reservations |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.16.1 | 1. At the time of signature, ratification or accession, any State may declare its acceptance of this Convention in part only, provided that such reservation may not apply to the provisions of Articles II – XI. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.16.2 | 2. Reservations made in conformity with the preceding paragraph shall be deposited together with the instruments of ratification or accession. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.16.3 | 3. Any Contracting State which has formulated a reservation in conformity with the preceding paragraph may at any time withdraw it by notifying the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.19 | Article XXIII Denunciation |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.19.1 | 1. Any Contracting State may denounce this Convention by notification in writing addressed to the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.19.2 | 2. Such denunciation shall take effect, for such a State, one year after the date of receipt of its notification by the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity. |
2769 | African Convention On The Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources | Art.19.3 | 3. No denunciation shall, however, be made before the expiry of a period of five years from the date at which for the State concerned this Convention comes into force. |
2770 | European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products | Art.7 | Article 7 |
2770 | European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products | Art.7.1 | 1. Any Contracting Party may at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession, specify the territory or territories to which this Agreement shall apply. |
2770 | European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products | Art.7.2 | 2. Any Contracting Party may, when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession or at any later date, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend this Agreement to any other territory or territories specified in the declaration and for whose international relations it is responsible or on whose behalf it is authorized to give undertakings. |
2770 | European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products | Art.7.3 | 3. Any declaration made in pursuance of the preceding paragraph may, in respect of any territory mentioned in such declaration, be withdrawn according to the procedure laid down in Article 8 of this Agreement. |
2770 | European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products | Art.8 | Article 8 |
2770 | European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products | Art.8.1 | 1. This Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely. |
2770 | European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products | Art.8.2 | 2. Any Contracting Party may, in so far as it is concerned, denounce this Agreement by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. |
2770 | European Agreement On The Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Detergents In Washing And Cleaning Products | Art.8.3 | 3. Such denunciation shall take effect six months after the date of receipt by the Secretary General of such notification. |
2773 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport | Art.51 | Article 51 |
2773 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport | Art.51.1 | 1. This Convention shall remain in force indefinitely. |
2773 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport | Art.51.2 | 2. Any Contracting Party may, in so far as it is concerned, denounce this Convention by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. |
2773 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals During International Transport | Art.51.3 | 3. Such denunciation shall take effect six months after the date of receipt by the Secretary General of such notification. |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.9 | Article 9 |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.9.1 | 1. This Agreement shall be open for signature by the Governments mentioned in the preamble from 9 June 1969. |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.9.2 | 2. These Governments may become parties to this Agreement either by signature without reservation as to ratification or approval or by signature subject to ratification or approval followed by ratification or approval. |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.9.3 | 3. Instruments of ratification or approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.9.4 | 4. This Agreement shall enter into force two months after the date on which six Governments have signed the Agreement without reservation as to ratification or approval, or have deposited an instrument of ratification or approval. |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.9.5 | 5. For each Government which subsequently signs the Agreement without reservation as to ratification or approval, or ratifies or approves it, it shall enter into force two months after the date of its signature or of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or approval. |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.10 | Article 10 |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.10.1 | 1. After this Agreement has been in force for five years it may be denounced by any Contracting Party. |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.10.2 | 2. Denunciation shall be effected by a notification in writing addressed to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany which shall notify all the other Contracting Parties of any denunciation received and of the date of its receipt. |
2776 | Agreement For Cooperation In Dealing With Pollution Of The North Sea By Oil | Art.10.3 | 3. A denunciation shall take effect one year after its receipt by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.17 | Article XVII |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.17.1 | 1. This Convention shall be open for signature by the Government of any State represented at the Conference which adopted the Convention, or by the Government of any other State which is a Member of the United Nations or of any specialized agency of the United Nations. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.17.2 | 2. Signature of this Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.17.3 | 3. Once this Convention has entered into force, any State referred to in paragraph I of this Article which has not signed the Convention or any other State unanimously invited by the Commission to become a party to the Convention may adhere to it. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.17.4 | 4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or adherence shall be deposited with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, hereinafter referred to as the " Depositary. " |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.17.5 | 5. Ratification, acceptance, approval or adherence may not be made subject to any reservation. |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.20 | Article XX |
2783 | Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic | Art.20.1x | At any time after ten years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, any Contracting Party may withdraw from the Convention by giving written notification of withdrawal. Withdrawal shall take effect on December thirty-first of the calendar year following the year in which notification of withdrawal was communicated to the Depositary. |
2784 | International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties | Art.12 | Article XII |
2784 | International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties | Art.12.1 | 1. The present Convention may be denounced by any Party at any time after the date on which the Convention comes into force for that State. |
2784 | International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties | Art.12.2 | 2. Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General of the Organization. |
2784 | International Convention Relating To Intervention On The High Seas In Cases Of Oil Pollution Casualties | Art.12.3 | 3. A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its deposit with the Secretary-General of the Organization. |
2785 | International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.16 | Article XVI |
2785 | International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.16.1 | 1. The present Convention may be denounced by any Contracting State at any time after the date on which the Convention comes into force for that State. |
2785 | International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.16.2 | 2. Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General of the Organization. |
2785 | International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.16.3 | 3. A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its deposit with the Secretary-General of the Organization. |
2796 | Agreement Between Denmark, Finland, Norway, And Sweden Concerning Cooperation In Measures To Deal With Pollution Of The Sea By Oil | Art.10 | Article 10 |
2796 | Agreement Between Denmark, Finland, Norway, And Sweden Concerning Cooperation In Measures To Deal With Pollution Of The Sea By Oil | Art.10.1x | If one of the Contracting States desires to denounce the Agreement, written notice to that effect shall be given to the Danish Government, which shall forthwith inform the other Contracting States of the denunciation and of the date of receipt of the notice. |
2796 | Agreement Between Denmark, Finland, Norway, And Sweden Concerning Cooperation In Measures To Deal With Pollution Of The Sea By Oil | Art.10.2x | A denunciation shall take effect twelve months after its receipt by the Danish Government or at such later date as may be specified in the notice. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.41 | Article 41 |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.41.1 | 1. This Convention may be denounced by any Contracting State at any time after the date on which the Convention comes into force for that State. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.41.2 | 2. Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General of the Organization. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.41.3 | 3. A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its deposit with the Secretary-General of the Organization. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.41.4 | 4. Denunciation of the Liability Convention shall be deemed to be a denunciation of this Convention. Such denunciation shall take effect on the same date as the denunciation of the Liability Convention takes effect according to paragraph 3 of Article XVI of that Convention. |
2800 | International Convention On The Establishment Of An International Fund For Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage | Art.41.5 | 5. Notwithstanding a denunciation by a Contracting State pursuant to this Article, any provisions of this Convention relating to the obligations to make contributions under Article 10 with respect to an incident referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2(b), and occurring before the denunciation takes effect shall continue to apply. |
2802 | Convention For The Prevention Of Marine Pollution By Dumping From Ships And Aircraft | Art.24 | Article 24 |
2802 | Convention For The Prevention Of Marine Pollution By Dumping From Ships And Aircraft | Art.24.1x | At any time after two years from the date on which this Convention has come into force with respect to a Contracting Party, that Party may withdraw from the Convention by means of a notice in writing addressed to the depositary Government. Any such withdrawal shall take effect twelve months after the date of its receipt. |
2806 | Agreement Between The Government Of Canada, The Government Of The Republic Of Iceland And The Government Of The Kingdom Of Norway Concerning An International Observer Scheme For Land-Based Whaling Stations In The North Atlantic Area | Art.6 | ARTICLE VI |
2806 | Agreement Between The Government Of Canada, The Government Of The Republic Of Iceland And The Government Of The Kingdom Of Norway Concerning An International Observer Scheme For Land-Based Whaling Stations In The North Atlantic Area | Art.6.1x | The present Agreement shall enter into force on April 15, 1972. |
2806 | Agreement Between The Government Of Canada, The Government Of The Republic Of Iceland And The Government Of The Kingdom Of Norway Concerning An International Observer Scheme For Land-Based Whaling Stations In The North Atlantic Area | Art.6.2x | The Agreement shall continue in force for a period of one year. If no Participating Government gives notice three months before the expiration of the Agreement of its intention to terminate the Agreement, then it shall be extended automatically for successive periods of one year unless terminated by a Participating Government 3 months before the expiration of the current period. |
2806 | Agreement Between The Government Of Canada, The Government Of The Republic Of Iceland And The Government Of The Kingdom Of Norway Concerning An International Observer Scheme For Land-Based Whaling Stations In The North Atlantic Area | Art.6.3x | Representatives of the three Governments shall consult yearly before the expiration date of the Agreement in order to review the effectiveness of the Agreement with a view to implementing possible further measures to improve the Observer Scheme. |
2807 | Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction | Art.13 | ARTICLE XIII |
2807 | Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction | Art.13.1 | (1) This Convention shall be of unlimited duration. |
2807 | Convention On The Prohibition Of The Development, Production And Stockpiling Of Bacteriological (Biological) And Toxin Weapons, And On Their Destruction | Art.13.2 | (2) Each State Party to this Convention shall in exercising its natural sovereignty have the right to withdraw from the Convention if it decides that extraordinary events, related to the subject matter of the Convention, have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country. It shall give notice of such withdrawal to all other States Parties to the Convention and to the United Nations Security Council three months in advance. Such notice shall include a statement of the extraordinary events it regards as having jeopardized its supreme interests. |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.9 | Article 9 Amendments to the Annex |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.9.1 | 1. Any Contracting Party may propose amendments to the Annex to this Convention. The text of any such proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Depositary which shall transmit it to all Contracting Parties. |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.9.2 | 2. Each such proposed amendment shall become effective for all Contracting Parties six months after the date appearing on the notification from the Depositary to the Contracting Parties, if within 120 days of the notification date, no objection has been received and two-thirds of the Contracting Parties have notified the Depositary in writing of their approval. |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.9.3 | 3. If an objection is received from any Contracting Party within 120 days of the notification date, the matter shall be considered by the Contracting Parties at their next meeting. If unanimity on the matter is not reached at the meeting, the Contracting Parties shall notify the Depositary within 120 days from the date of closure of the meeting of their approval or rejection of the original amendment or of any new amendment proposed by the meeting. If, by the end of this period, two-thirds of the Contracting Parties have approved such amendment, it shall become effective six months from the date of the closure of the meeting for those Contracting Parties which have by then notified their approval. |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.9.4 | 4. Any Contracting Party which has objected to a proposed amendment may at any time withdraw that objection, and the proposed amendment shall become effective with respect to such Party immediately if the amendment is already in effect, or at such time as it becomes effective under the terms of this Article. |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.9.5 | 5. The Depositary shall notify each Contracting Party immediately upon receipt of each approval or objection, of each withdrawal of objection, and of the entry into force of any amendment. |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.9.6 | 6. Any State which becomes a party to this Convention after an amendment to the Annex has entered into force shall be bound by the Annex as so amended. Any State which become a Party to this Convention during the period when a proposed amendment is pending may approve or object to such amendment within the time limits applicable to other Contracting Parties. |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.14 | Article 14 Withdrawal |
2808 | Convention For The Conservation Of Antarctic Seals | Art.14.1x | Any Contracting Party may withdraw from this Convention on 30 June of any year by giving notice on or before 1 January of the same year to the Depositary, which upon receipt of such a notice shall at once communicate it to the other Contracting Parties. Any other Contracting Party may, in like manner, within one month of the receipt of a copy of such a notice from the Depositary, give notice of withdrawal, so that the Convention shall cease to be in force on 30 June of the same year with respect to the Contracting Party giving such notice. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.16 | Article 16 |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.16.1 | 1. Without prejudice to any supplementary voluntary contribution, the States Parties to this Convention undertake to pay regularly, every two years, to the World Heritage Fund, contributions, the amount of which, in the form of a uniform percentage applicable to all States, shall be determined by the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention, meeting during the sessions of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. This decision of the General Assembly requires the majority of the States Parties present and voting, which have not made the declaration referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article. In no case shall the compulsory contribution of States Parties to the Convention exceed 1% of the contribution to the regular budget of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.16.2 | 2. However, each State referred to in Article 31 or in Article 32 of this Convention may declare, at the time of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession, that it shall not be bound by the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.16.3 | 3. A State Party to the Convention which has made the declaration referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article may at any time withdraw the said declaration by notifying the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. However, the withdrawal of the declaration shall not take effect in regard to the compulsory contribution due by the State until the date of the subsequent General Assembly of States parties to the Convention. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.16.4 | 4. In order that the Committee may be able to plan its operations effectively, the contributions of States Parties to this Convention which have made the declaration referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, shall be paid on a regular basis, at least every two years, and should not be less than the contributions which they should have paid if they had been bound by the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.16.5 | 5. Any State Party to the Convention which is in arrears with the payment of its compulsory or voluntary contribution for the current year and the calendar year immediately preceding it shall not be eligible as a Member of the World Heritage Committee, although this provision shall not apply to the first election. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.16.6x | The terms of office of any such State which is already a member of the Committee shall terminate at the time of the elections provided for in Article 8, paragraph 1 of this Convention. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.35 | Article 35 |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.35.1 | 1. Each State Party to this Convention may denounce the Convention. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.35.2 | 2. The denunciation shall be notified by an instrument in writing, deposited with the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. |
2812 | Convention For The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage | Art.35.3 | 3. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the receipt of the instrument of denunciation. It shall not affect the financial obligations of the denouncing State until the date on which the withdrawal takes effect. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15 | Article XV |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.1 | 1. The following provisions shall apply in relation to amendments to Appendices I and II at meetings of the Conference of the Parties: |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.1.a | (a) Any Party may propose an amendment to Appendix I or II for consideration at the next meeting. The text of the proposed amendment shall be communicated to the Secretariat at least 150 days before the meeting. The Secretariat shall consult the other Parties and interested bodies on the amendment in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 of this Article and shall communicate the response to all Parties not later than 30 days before the meeting. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.1.b | (b) Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties present and voting. For these purposes "Parties present and voting" means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote. Parties abstaining from voting shall not be counted among the two-thirds required for adopting an amendment. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.1.c | (c) Amendments adopted at a meeting shall enter into force 90 days after that meeting for all Parties except those which make a reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2 | 2. The following provisions shall apply in relation to amendments to Appendices I and II between meetings of the Conference of the Parties: |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.a | (a) Any Party may propose an amendment to Appendix I or II for consideration between meetings by the postal procedures set forth in this paragraph. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.b | (b) For marine species, the Secretariat shall, upon receiving the text of the proposed amendment, immediately communicate it to the Parties. It shall also consult inter-governmental bodies having a function in relation to those species especially with a view to obtaining scientific data these bodies may be able to provide and to ensuring co-ordination with any conservation measures enforced by such bodies. The Secretariat shall communicate the views expressed and data provided by these bodies and its own findings and recommendations to the Parties as soon as possible. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.c | (c) For species other than marine species, the Secretariat shall, upon receiving the text of the proposed amendment, immediately communicate it to the Parties, and, as soon as possible thereafter, its own recommendations. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.d | (d) Any Party may, within 60 days of the date on which the Secretariat communicated its recommendations to the Parties under sub-paragraph (b) or (c) of this paragraph, transmit to the Secretariat any comments on the proposed amendment together with any relevant scientific data and information. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.e | (e) The Secretariat shall communicate the replies received together with its own recommendations to the Parties as soon as possible. (f) If no objection to the proposed amendment is received by the Secretariat within 30 days of the date the replies and recommendations were communicated under the provisions of sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph, the amendment shall enter into force 90 days later for all Parties except those which make a reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.g | (g) If an objection by any Party is received by the Secretariat, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to a postal vote in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraphs (h) , (i) and (j) of this paragraph. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.h | (h) The Secretariat shall notify the Parties that notification of objection has been received. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.i | (i) Unless the Secretariat receives the votes for, against or in abstention from at least one-half of the Parties within 60 days of the date of notification under sub-paragraph (h) of this paragraph, the proposed amendment shall be referred to the next meeting of the Conference for further consideration. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.j | (j) Provided that votes are received from one-half of the Parties, the amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties casting an affirmative or negative vote. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.k | (k) The Secretariat shall notify all Parties of the result of the vote. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.2.l | (l) If the proposed amendment is adopted it shall enter into force 90 days after the date of the notification by the Secretariat of its acceptance for all Parties except those which make a reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.15.3 | 3. During the period of 90 days provided for by sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph 1 or sub-paragraph (l) of paragraph 2 of this Article any Party may by notification in writing to the Depositary Government make a reservation with respect to the amendment. Until such reservation is withdrawn the Party shall be treated as a State not a Party to the present Convention with respect to trade in the species concerned. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.16 | Article XVI |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.16.1 | 1. Any Party may at any time submit to the Secretariat a list of species which it identifies as being subject to regulation within its jurisdiction for the purpose mentioned in paragraph 3 of Article II. Appendix III shall include the names of the Parties submitting the species for inclusion therein, the scientific names of the species so submitted, and any parts or derivatives of the animals or plants concerned that are specified in relation to the species for the purposes of sub-paragraph (b) of Article I. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.16.2 | 2. Each list submitted under the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat as soon as possible after receiving it. The list shall take effect as part of Appendix III 90 days after the date of such communication. At any time after the communication of such list, any Party may by notification in writing to the Depositary Government enter a reservation with respect to any species or any parts or derivatives, and until such reservation is withdrawn, the State shall be treated as a State not a Party to the present Convention with respect to trade in the species or part or derivative concerned. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.16.3 | 3. A Party which has submitted a species for inclusion in Appendix III may withdraw it at any time by notification to the Secretariat which shall communicate the withdrawal to all Parties. The withdrawal shall take effect 30 days after the date of such communication. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.16.4 | 4. Any Party submitting a list under the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall submit to the Secretariat a copy of all domestic laws and regulations applicable to the protection of such species, together with any interpretations which the Party may deem appropriate or the Secretariat may request. The Party shall, for as long as the species in question is included in Appendix III, submit any amendments of such laws and regulations or any interpretations as they are adopted. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.23 | Article XXIII |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.23.1 | 1. The provisions of the present Convention shall not be subject to general reservations. Specific reservations may be entered in accordance with the provisions of this Article and Articles XV and XVI. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.23.2 | 2. Any State may, on depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, enter a specific reservation with regard to: |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.23.2.a | (a) any species included in Appendix I, II or III; or |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.23.2.b | (b) any parts or derivatives specified in relation to a species included in Appendix III. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.23.3 | 3. Until a Party withdraws its reservation entered under the provisions of this Article, it shall be treated as a State not a Party to the present Convention with respect to trade in the particular species or parts or derivatives specified in such reservation. |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.24 | Article XXIV |
2814 | Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora | Art.24.1x | Any Party may denounce the present Convention by written notification to the Depositary Government at any time. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the Depositary Government has received the notification. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.11 | ARTICLE XI |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.11.1 | 1. Subject to the provisions of this Article, the Contracting States undertake to give effect to any recommendation made by the Commission under Article X of this Convention from the date determined by the Commission, which shall not be before the period for objection provided for in this Article has elapsed. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.11.2 | 2. Any Contracting State may within ninety days from the date of notification of a recommendation object to it and in that event shall not be under obligation to give effect to that recommendation. A Contracting State may also at any time withdraw its objection and give effect to a recommendation. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | | In the event of an objection being made within the ninety days period, any other Contracting State may similarly object at any time within a further period of sixty days. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.11.3 | 3. It objections to a recommendation are made by three or more Contracting States, the other Contracting States shall be relieved forthwith of any obligation to give effect to that recommendation. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.11.4.a | 4. a) After the date of entry into force of a recommendation adopted by the Commission any Contracting State may notify the Commission of the termination of its acceptance of the recommendation and, if that notification is not withdrawn, the recommendation shall cease to be binding on that Contracting State at the end of one year from the date of notification. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.11.4.b | b) A recommendation which has ceased to be binding on a Contracting State shall cease to be binding on any other Contracting State thirty days after the date on which the latter notifies the Commission of the termination of its acceptance of the recommendation. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.11.5 | 5. The Commission shall notify the Contracting States of any notification under this Article immediately upon receipt thereof. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.19 | ARTICLE XIX |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.19.1x | At any time after the expiration of five years from the date of entry into force of this Convention any Contracting State may, by giving written notice to the Depositary Government, withdraw from this Convention. |
2822 | Convention On Fishing And Conservation Of The Living Resources In The Baltic Sea And the Belts | Art.19.2x | The withdrawal shall take effect for such Contracting State on the thirty first of December of the year which follows the year in which the Depositary Government was notified of the withdrawal. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10 | Article X |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.1 | 1. This Agreement shall be open for signature at Oslo by the Governments of Canada, Denmark, Norway, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America until 31st March 1974. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.2 | 2. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification or approval by the signatory Governments. Instruments of ratification or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Norway as soon as possible. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.3 | 3. This Agreement shall be open for accession by the Governments referred to in paragraph I of this Article. Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary Government. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.4 | 4. This Agreement shall enter into force ninety days after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification, approval or accession. Thereafter, it shall enter into force for a signatory or acceding Government on the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification. approval or accession. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.5 | 5. This Agreement shall remain in force initially for a period of five years from its date of entry into force, and unless any Contracting Party during that period requests the termination of the Agreement at the end of that period, it shall continue in force thereafter. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.6 | 6. On the request addressed to the Depositary Government by any of the Governments referred to in paragraph I of this Article. consultations shall be conducted with a view to convening a meeting of representatives of the five Governments to consider the revision or amendment of this Agreement. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.7 | 7. Any Party may denounce this Agreement by written notification to the Depositary Government at any time after five years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the Depositary Government has received the notification. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.8 | 8. The Depositary Government shall notify the Governments referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article of the deposit of instruments of ratification, approval or accession, of the entry into force of this Agreement and of the receipt of notifications of denunciation and any other communications from a Contracting Part specifically provided for in this Agreement. |
2827 | Agreement On Conservation Of Polar Bears | Art.10.9 | 9. The original of this Agreement shall be deposited with the Government of Norway which shall deliver certified copies thereof to each of the Governments referred to in paragraph I of this Article. The Depositary Government shall transmit certified copies of this Agreement to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.69 | Article 69 |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.69.1 | 1. This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of ten years from the date of its entry into force and shall continue in force thereafter unless and until the Governing Board, acting by majority, decides on its termination. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.69.2 | 2. Any Participating Country may terminate the application of this Agreement for its part upon twelve months' written notice to the Government of Belgium to that effect, given not less than three years after the first day of the provisional application of this Agreement. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.70 | Article 70 |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.70.1 | 1. Any State may, at the time of signature, notification of consent to be bound in accordance with Article 67, accession or at any later date, declare by notification addressed to the Government of Belgium that this Agreement shall apply to all or any of the territories for whose international relations it is responsible, or to any territories within its frontiers for whose oil supplies it is legally responsible. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.70.2 | 2. Any declaration made pursuant to paragraph 1 may, in respect of any territory mentioned in such declaration, be withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of Article 69, paragraph 2. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.71 | Article 71 |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.71.1 | 1. This Agreement shall be open for accession by any Member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development which is able and willing to meet the requirements of the Program. The Governing Board, acting by majority, shall decide on any request for accession. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.71.2 | 2. This Agreement shall enter into force for any State whose request for accession has been granted on the tenth day following the deposit of its instrument of accession with the Government of Belgium, or on the date of entry into force of the Agreement pursuant to Article 67, paragraph 2, whichever is the later. |
2836 | Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme | Art.71.3 | 3. Accession may take place on a provisional basis under the conditions set out in Article 68, subject to such time limits as the Governing Board, acting by majority, may fix for an acceding State to deposit its notification of consent to be bound. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.11 | XI UNFORESEEN OCCURRENCES AND RIGHT TO WITHDRAW |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.11.1 | 1. Should unforeseen occurrences put in doubt the achievement of the project objectives within the agreed time, budget or cost schedule, the project manager shall immediately report to the project board, which shall decide on the continuation. A decision to continue shall require the unanimous agreement of the parties, and must include necessary amendments of the time, budget or cost schedule as the case may be. |
2838 | Agreement Concerning A Joint Project For Planning, Design, Experiment, Preparation, Performance And Reporting Of Reactor Safety Experiments Concerning Containment Response | Art.11.2 | 2. If a decision to continue the project can not be reached, then any party to this Agreement shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement. In such a case the withdrawing party is under an obligation to fulfil its share of project commitments which originate prior to the date of the withdrawal. The withdrawing party has the right to all information produced by the project up to the date of withdrawal. The information will be supplied in the form existing at the date of withdrawal without processing of the data. |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.28 | Article 28 |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.28.1 | 1. At any time after three years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, any Contracting Party may withdraw from this Convention by giving written notification of withdrawal. |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.28.2 | 2. Except as may be otherwise provided in any Protocol to this Convention, any Contracting Party may, at any time after three years from the date of entry into force of such Protocol, withdraw from such Protocol by giving written notification of withdrawal. |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.28.3 | 3. Withdrawal shall take effect 90 days after the date on which notification of withdrawal is received by the Depositary. |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.28.4 | 4. Any Contracting Party which withdraws from this Convention shall be considered as also having withdrawn from any Protocol to which it was a Party. |
2841 | Convention For The Protection Of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution | Art.28.5 | 5. Any Contracting Party which, upon its withdrawal from a Protocol, is no longer a Party to any Protocol to this Convention, shall be considered as also having withdrawn from this Convention. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.9 | Article 9 |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.9.1 | 1. The Standing Committee shall be responsible for the elaboration and adoption of recommendations to the Contracting Parties containing detailed provisions for the implementation of the principles set out in Chapter I of this Convention, to be based on scientific knowledge concerning the various species of animals. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.9.2 | 2. For the purpose of carrying out its responsibilities under paragraph 1 of this article, the Standing Committee shall follow developments in scientific research and new methods in animal husbandry. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.9.3 | 3. Unless a longer period is decided upon by the Standing Committee, a recommendation shall become effective as such six months after the date of its adoption by the Committee. As from the date when a recommendation becomes effective each Contracting Party shall either implement it or inform the Standing Committee by notification to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of the reasons why it has decided that it cannot implement the recommendation or can no longer implement it. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.9.4 | 4. If two or more Contracting Parties or the European Economic Community, being itself a Contracting Party, have given notice in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article of their decision not to implement or no longer to implement a recommendation, that recommendation shall cease to have effect. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.16 | Article 16 |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.16.1 | 1. Any Contracting Party may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, specify the territory or territories to which this Convention shall apply. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.16.2 | 2. Any Contracting Party may, when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession or at any later date, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend this Convention to any other territory or territories specified in the declaration and for whose international relations it is responsible or on whose behalf it is authorized to give undertakings. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.16.3 | 3. Any declaration made in pursuance of the preceding paragraph may, in respect of any territory mentioned in such declaration, be withdrawn according to the procedure laid down in Article 17 of this Convention. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.17 | Article 17 |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.17.1 | 1. Any Contracting Party may, in so far as it is concerned, denounce this Convention by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. |
2845 | European Convention For The Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes | Art.17.2 | 2. Such denunciation shall take effect six months after the date of receipt by the Secretary General of such notification. |
2846 | Agreement Regarding Monitoring Of The Stratosphere | Art.11 | ARTICLE XIII |
2846 | Agreement Regarding Monitoring Of The Stratosphere | Art.11.1 | 1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by the three Governments and remain in force for five years thereafter. |
2846 | Agreement Regarding Monitoring Of The Stratosphere | | However, any Government may at any time give notice to the other Governments of its intention to withdraw from this Agreement, in which case the Agreement shall terminate six months after such notice has been given. |
2846 | Agreement Regarding Monitoring Of The Stratosphere | Art.11.2 | 2. This Agreement may be extended by agreement of the three Governments for a further specified period. |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.15 | Article 15 |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.15.1x | At the end of three years following its entry into force, this Convention may be denounced at any time by any of the Contracting Parties by means of a statement addressed to the Government of the Swiss Confederation. The denunciation shall take effect, for the denouncing Party, six months following receipt of the statement by the Government of the Swiss Confederation. This shall not have the effect of compromising the continued execution of tasks for which international financing has been obtained. |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.17 | Article 17 |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.17.1 | 1. If the April 29, 1963 Agreement concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine Against Pollution is denounced by one of the Parties to the aforementioned Agreement, the Contracting Parties will consult without delay on the measures necessary to ensure the continued execution of the tasks that, according to this Convention, are the responsibility of the International Commission. |
2857 | Convention On The Protection Of The Rhine Against Pollution By Chlorides | Art.17.2 | 2. If an agreement is not reached in the six months following the opening of discussions, each of the Contracting Parties may denounce this Convention at any time in accordance with Article 15, without waiting for the three-year period to elapse. |
2858 | Convention For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Chemical Pollution | Art.18 | Article 18 |
2858 | Convention For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Chemical Pollution | Art.18.1x | Three years after its entry into force, this Convention may be denounced at any time by any of the Contracting Parties by means of a declaration transmitted to the Government of the Swiss Confederation. The denunciation shall become effective for the denouncing Party six months after the receipt by the Government of the Swiss Confederation of the declaration. |
2858 | Convention For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Chemical Pollution | Art.20 | Article 20 |
2858 | Convention For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Chemical Pollution | Art.20.1 | 1. If the Agreement of 29 April 1963 concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution is denounced by one of its Contracting Parties, the Contracting Parties shall immediately consult with regard to the appropriate measures to be taken to ensure the continued performance of the duties which are encumbent on the International Commission pursuant to this Convention. |
2858 | Convention For The Protection Of The Rhine Against Chemical Pollution | Art.20.2 | 2. If agreement is not reached within six months of the opening of these consultations, any Contracting Party may at any time denounce this Convention in accordance with Article 18 without waiting for the expiry of the three-year time limit. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9 | Article 9 Intergovernmental Industrial Property Organizations |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9.1.a | (1) (a) Any intergovernmental organization to which several States have entrusted the task of granting regional patents and of which all the member States are members of the International (Paris) Union for the Protection of Industrial Property may file with the Director General a declaration that it accepts the obligation of recognition provided for in Article 3(1)(a), the obligation concerning the requirements referred to in Article 3(2) and all the effects of the provisions of this Treaty and the Regulations applicable to intergovernmental industrial property organizations. If filed before the entry into force of this Treaty according to Article 16(1), the declaration referred to in the preceding sentence shall become effective on the date of the said entry into force. If filed after such entry into force, the said declaration shall become effective three months after its filing unless a later date has been indicated in the declaration. In the latter case, the declaration shall take effect on the date thus indicated. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9.1.b | (b) The said organization shall have the right provided for in Article 3(1)(b). |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9.2 | (2) Where any provision of this Treaty or of the Regulations affecting intergovernmental industrial property organizations is revised or amended, any intergovernmental industrial property organization may withdraw its declaration referred to in paragraph (1) by notification addressed to the Director General. The withdrawal shall take effect: |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9.2.i | (i) where the notification has been received before the date on which the revision or amendment enters into force, on that date; |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9.2.ii | (ii) where the notification has been received after the date referred to in (i), on the date indicated in the notification or, in the absence of such indication, three months after the date on which the notification was received. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9.3 | (3) In addition to the case referred to in paragraph (2), any intergovernmental industrial property organization may withdraw its declaration referred to in paragraph(1)(a) by notification addressed to the Director General. The withdrawal shall take effect two years after the date on which the Director General has received the notification. No notification of withdrawal under this paragraph shall be receivable during a period of five years from the date on which the declaration took effect. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9.4 | (4) The withdrawal referred to in paragraph (2) or (3) by an intergovernmental industrial property organization whose communication under Article 7(1) has led to the acquisition of the status of international depositary authority by a depositary institution shall entail the termination of such status one year after the date on which the Director General has received the notification of withdrawal. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.9.5 | (5) Any declaration referred to in paragraph (1)(a), notification of withdrawal referred to in paragraph (2) or (3), assurances furnished under Article 6(1), second sentence, and included in a declaration made in accordance with Article 7(1)(a), request made under Article 8(1) and communication of withdrawal referred to in Article 8(2) shall require the express previous approval of the supreme governing organ of the intergovernmental industrial property organization whose members are all the States members of the said organization and in which decisions are made by the official representatives of the governments of such States. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Sect.2 | CHAPTER II ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.17 | Article 17 Denunciation of the Treaty |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.17.1 | (1) Any Contracting State may denounce this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.17.2 | (2) Denunciation shall take effect two years after the day on which the Director General has received the notification. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.17.3 | (3) The right of denunciation provided for in paragraph (1) shall not be exercised by any Contracting State before the expiration of five years from the date on which it becomes party to this Treaty. |
2863 | Treaty On The International Recognition Of The Deposit Of Microorganisms For The Purposes Of Patent Procedure | Art.17.4 | (4) The denunciation of this Treaty by a Contracting State that has made a declaration referred to in Article 7(1)(a) with respect to a depositary institution which thus acquired the status of international depositary authority shall entail the termination of such status one year after the day on which the Director General received the notification referred to in paragraph (1). |
2883 | Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation | Art.26 | ARTICLE XXVI |
2883 | Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation | Art.26.1x | The Contracting Parties agree that the present Treaty shall not be susceptible to interpretative reservation or statements. |
2883 | Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation | Art.28 | ARTICLE XXVIII |
2883 | Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation | Art.28.0x | This Treaty shall be ratified by all the Contracting parties and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil. |
2883 | Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation | Art.28.1 | PARAGRAPH ONE: This Treaty shall become effective thirty days after the last instrument of ratification has been deposited by the Contracting Parties. |
2883 | Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation | Art.28.2 | PARAGRAPH TWO: The intention to denounce this Treaty shall be communicated by a Contracting Party to the remaining Contracting Parties at least ninety days prior to formal delivery of the instrument of denunciation to the Government of the Federative Republic o Brazil. This Treaty shall cease to have effect for the Contracting Party denouncing it one year after the denunciation has been formalized. |
2883 | Treaty For Amazonian Cooperation | Art.28.3 | PARAGRAPH THREE: This Treaty shall be drawn up in English, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish, all having equal validity. |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12 | Article XII |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1 | (1) The Convention may be amended by either of the following procedures: |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a | (a) amendments after consideration within the Organization: |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.i | (i) any amendment proposed by a Party shall be submitted to the Secretary-General, who shall then circulate it to all Members of the Organization, all Parties and the Director-General of the International Labour Office at least six months prior to its consideration; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.ii | (ii) any amendment so proposed and circulated shall be referred to the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization for consideration; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.iii | (iii) Parties, whether or not Members of the Organization, shall be entitled to participate in the proceedings of the Maritime Safety Committee for consideration and adoption of amendments; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.iv | (iv) amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the Maritime Safety Committee expanded as provided for in sub-paragraph (a)(iii) (hereinafter referred to as the "expanded Maritime Safety Committee") on condition that at least one third of the Parties shall be present at the time of voting; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.v | (v) amendments so adopted shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all Parties for acceptance; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | | (vi) an amendment to an Article shall be deemed to have been accepted on the date on which it is accepted by two thirds of the Parties; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.vii | (vii) an amendment to the Annex shall be deemed to have been accepted: |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.vii.1 | 1. at the end of two years from the date on which it is communicated to Parties for acceptance; or |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.vii.2 | 2. at the end of a different period, which shall not be less than one year, if so determined at the time of its adoption by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the expanded Maritime Safety Committee; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.vii.3x | however, the amendments shall be deemed not to have been accepted if within the specified period either more than one third of Parties, or Parties the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than fifty per cent of the gross tonnage of the world's merchant shipping of ships of 100 gross register tons or more, notify the Secretary-General that they object to the amendment; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.viii | (viii) an amendment to an Article shall enter into force with respect to those Parties which have accepted it, six months after the date on which it is deemed to have been accepted, and with respect to each Party which accepts it after that date, six months after the date of that Party's acceptance; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.a.ix | (ix) an amendment to the Annex shall enter into force with respect to all Parties, except those which have objected to the amendment under sub-paragraph (a)(vii) and which have not withdrawn such objections, six months after the date on which it is deemed to have been accepted. Before the date determined for entry into force, any Party may give notice to the Secretary-General that it exempts itself from giving effect to that amendment for a period not longer than one year from the date of its entry into force, or for such longer period as may be determined by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the expanded Maritime Safety Committee at the time of the adoption of the amendment; or |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.b | (b) amendment by a conference: |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.b.i | (i) upon the request of a Party concurred in by at least one third of the Parties, the Organization shall convene, in association or consultation with the Director-General of the International Labour Office, a conference of Parties to consider amendments to the Convention; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.b.ii | (ii) every amendment adopted by such a conference by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all Parties for acceptance; |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.1.b.iii | (iii) unless the conference decides otherwise, the amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted and shall enter into force in accordance with the procedures specified in sub-paragraph (a)(vi) and (a)(viii) or sub-paragraphs (a)(vii) and (a)(ix) respectively, provided that references in these sub-paragraphs to the expanded Maritime Safety Committee shall be taken to mean references to the conference. |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.2 | (2) Any declaration of acceptance of, or objection to, an amendment or any notice given under paragraph (1)(a)(ix) shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary-General, who shall inform all Parties of any such submission and the date of its receipt. |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.12.3 | (3) The Secretary-General shall inform all Parties of any amendments which enter into force, together with the date on which each such amendment enters into force. |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.15 | Article XV |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.15.1 | (1) The Convention may be denounced by any Party at any time after five years from the date on which the Convention entered into force for that Party. |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.15.2 | (2) Denunciation shall be effected by notification in writing to the Secretary-General who shall inform all other Parties and the Director-General of the International Labour Office of any such notification received and of the date of its receipt as well as the date on which such denunciation takes effect. |
2884 | International Convention On Standards Of Training, Certification And Watchkeeping For Seafarers | Art.15.3 | (3) A denunciation shall take effect twelve months after receipt of the notification of denunciation by the Secretary-General or after any longer period which may be indicated in the notification. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.24 | Article XXIV |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.24.1 | 1. Any Contracting Party may withdraw from the Convention on 31 December of any year by giving notice on or before the preceding 30 June to the Depositary, which shall communicate copies of such notice to other Contracting Parties. |
2888 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries | Art.24.2 | 2. Any other Contracting Party may thereupon withdraw from the Convention on the same 31 December by giving notice to the Depositary within one month of the receipt of a copy of a notice of withdrawal given pursuant to paragraph 1. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3 | Article III |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.1 | 1. Appendix I shall list migratory species which are endangered. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.2 | 2. A migratory species may be listed in Appendix I provided that reliable evidence, including the best scientific evidence available, indicates that the species is endangered. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.3 | 3. A migratory species may be removed from Appendix I when the Conference of the Parties determines that: |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.3.a | a) reliable evidence, including the best scientific evidence available, indicates that the species is no longer endangered, and |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.3.b | b) the species is not likely to become endangered again because of loss of protection due to its removal from Appendix I. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.4 | 4. Parties that are Range States of a migratory species listed in Appendix I shall endeavour: |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.4.a | a) to conserve and, where feasible and appropriate, restore those habitats of the species which are of importance in removing the species from danger of extinction; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.4.b | b) to prevent, remove, compensate for or minimize, as appropriate, the adverse effects of activities or obstacles that seriously impede or prevent the migration of the species; and |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.4.c | c) to the extent feasible and appropriate, to prevent, reduce or control factors that are endangering or are likely to further endanger the species, including strictly controlling the introduction of, or controlling or eliminating, already introduced exotic species. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.5 | 5. Parties that are Range States of a migratory species listed in Appendix I shall prohibit the taking of animals belonging to such species. Exceptions may be made to this prohibition only if: |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.5.a | a) the taking is for scientific purposes; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.5.b | b) the taking is for the purpose of enhancing the propagation or survival of the affected species; |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.5.c | c) the taking is to accommodate the needs of traditional subsistence users of such species; or |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.5.d | d) extraordinary circumstances so require; provided that such exceptions are precise as to content and limited in space and time. Such taking should not operate to the disadvantage of the species. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.6 | 6. The Conferences of the Parties may recommend to the Parties that are Range States of a migratory species listed in Appendix I that they take further measures considered appropriate to benefit the species. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.3.7 | 7. The Parties shall as soon as possible inform the Secretariat of any exceptions made pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.11 | Article XI |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.11.1 | 1. Appendices I and II may be amended at any ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.11.2 | 2. Proposals for amendment may be made by any Party. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.11.3 | 3. The text of any proposed amendment and the reasons for it, based on the best scientific evidence available, shall be communicated to the Secretariat at least one hundred and fifty days before the meeting and shall promptly be communicated by the Secretariat to all Parties. Any comments on the text by the Parties shall be communicated to the Secretariat not less than sixty days before the meeting begins. The Secretariat shall, immediately after the last day for submission of comments, communicate to the Parties all comments submitted by that day. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.11.4 | 4. Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties present and voting. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.11.5 | 5. An amendment to the Appendices shall enter into force for all Parties ninety days after the meeting of the Conference of the Parties at which it was adopted, except for those Parties which make a reservation in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Article. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.11.6 | 6. During the period of ninety days provided for in paragraph 5 of this Article, any Party may by notification in writing to the Depositary make a reservation with respect to the amendment. A reservation to an amendment may be withdrawn by written notification to the Depositary and thereupon the amendment shall enter into force for that Party ninety days after the reservation is withdrawn. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.14 | Article XIV |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.14.1 | 1. The provisions of this Convention shall not be subject to general reservations. Specific reservations may be entered in accordance with the provisions of this Article and Article XI. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.14.2 | 2. Any State or regional economic integration organization may, on depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, enter a specific reservation with regard to the presence on either Appendix I or Appendix II or both, of any migratory species and shall then not be regarded as a Party in regard to the subject of that reservation until ninety days after the Depositary has transmitted to the Parties notification that such reservation has been withdrawn. |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.19 | Article XIX |
2896 | Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species Of Wild Animals | Art.19.1x | Any Party may denounce this Convention by written notification to the Depositary at any time. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the Depositary has received the notification. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.10 | ARTICLE X SIGNATURE, ACCESSION, ENTRY INTO FORCE |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.10.1 | 1. This Convention shall be open for signature by members of the South Pacific Forum. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.10.2 | 2. This Convention is not subject to ratification and shall enter into force 30 days following the eighth signature. Thereafter it shall enter into force for any signing or acceding state thirty days after signature or the receipt by the depositary of an instrument of accession. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.10.3 | 3. This Convention shall be deposited with the Government of Solomon Islands (herein referred to as the depositary) who shall be responsible for its registration with the United Nations. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.10.4 | 4. States or territories admitted to membership of the Agency in accordance with Article II( b) shall deposit an instrument of accession with the depositary. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.10.5 | 5. Reservations to this Convention shall not be permitted. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.11 | ARTICLE XI WITHDRAWAL AND AMENDMENT |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.11.1 | 1. Any Party may withdraw from this Convention by giving written notice to the depositary. Withdrawal shall take effect one year after receipt of such notice. |
2899 | South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency Convention | Art.11.2 | 2. Any Party may propose amendments to the Convention for consideration by the Committee. The text of any amendment shall be adopted by a unanimous decision. The Committee may determine the procedures for the entry into force of amendments to this Convention. |
2904 | Convention On Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution | Art.17 | Article 17 |
2904 | Convention On Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution | Art.17.1x | At any time after five years from the date on which the present Convention has come into force with respect to a Contracting Party, that Contracting Party may withdraw from the Convention by giving written notification to the depositary. Any such withdrawal shall take effect on the ninetieth day after the date of its receipt by the depositary. |
2905 | International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text) | Art.11 | ARTICLE XI Territorial application |
2905 | International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text) | Art.11.1 | 1. Any state may at the time of ratification or adherence or at any time thereafter communicate to the Director-General of FAO a declaration that this Convention shall extend to all or any of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible and this Convention shall be applicable to all territories specified in the declaration as from the thirtieth day after the receipt of the declaration by the Director-General. |
2905 | International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text) | Art.11.2 | 2. Any state which has communicated to the Director-General of FAO a declaration in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article may at any time communicate a further declaration modifying the scope of any former declaration or terminating the application of the provisions of the present Convention in respect of any territory. Such modification or termination shall take effect as from the thirtieth day after the receipt of the declaration by the Director-General. |
2905 | International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text) | Art.11.3 | 3. The Director-General of FAO shall inform all signatory and adhering states of any declaration received under this Article. |
2905 | International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text) | Art.15 | ARTICLE XV Denunciation |
2905 | International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text) | Art.15.1 | 1. Any contracting party may at any time give notice of denunciation of this Convention by notification addressed to the Director-General of FAO. The Director-General shall at once inform all signatory and adhering states. |
2905 | International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text) | Art.15.2 | 2. Denunciation shall take effect one year from the date of receipt of the notification by the Director-General of FAO. |
2905 | International Plant Protection Convention (1979 Revised Text) | ||
2911 | Convention On The Physical Protection Of Nuclear Material | Art.17 | Article 17 |
2911 | Convention On The Physical Protection Of Nuclear Material | Art.17.1 | 1. In the event of a dispute between two or more States Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, such States Parties shall consult with a view to the settlement of the dispute by negotiation, or by any other peaceful means of settling disputes acceptable to all parties to the dispute. |
2911 | Convention On The Physical Protection Of Nuclear Material | Art.17.2 | 2. Any dispute of this character which cannot be settled in the manner prescribed in paragraph 1 shall, at the request of any party to such dispute, be submitted to arbitration or referred to the International Court of Justice for decision. Where a dispute is submitted to arbitration, if, within six months from the date of the request, the parties to the dispute are unable to agree on the organization of the arbitration, a party may request the President of the International Court of Justice or the Secretary-General of the United Nations to appoint one or more arbitrators. In case of conflicting requests by the parties to the dispute, the request to the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall have priority. |
2911 | Convention On The Physical Protection Of Nuclear Material | Art.17.3 | 3. Each State Party may at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance or approval of this Convention or accession thereto declare that it does not consider itself bound by either or both of the dispute settlement procedures provided for in paragraph 2. The other States Parties shall not be bound by a dispute settlement procedure provided for in paragraph 2, with respect to a State Party which has made a reservation to that procedure. |
2911 | Convention On The Physical Protection Of Nuclear Material | Art.17.4 | 4. Any State Party which has made a reservation in accordance with paragraph 3 may at any time withdraw that reservation by notification to the depositary. |
2911 | Convention On The Physical Protection Of Nuclear Material | Art.21 | Article 21 |
2911 | Convention On The Physical Protection Of Nuclear Material | Art.21.1 | 1. Any State Party may denounce this Convention by written notification to the depositary. |
2911 | Convention On The Physical Protection Of Nuclear Material | Art.21.2 | 2. Denunciation shall take effect one hundred and eighty days following the date on which notification is received by the depositary. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.13 | ARTICLE 13 |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.13.1.a | 1. (a) After the expiration of one year from the date of entry into force of a recommendation adopted under paragraph 1 of Article 5, paragraph 1 of Article 8, or paragraph 1 of Article 9, any Contracting Party may notify the Commission of the termination of its acceptance of the recommendation and, if that notification is not withdrawn, the recommendation shall cease to be binding on that Contracting Party at the end of one year from the date of notification. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.13.1.b | (b) A recommendation which has ceased to be binding on a Contracting Party shall cease to be binding on any other Contracting Party 30 days after the date on which the latter notifies the Commission of the termination of its acceptance of the recommendation. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.13.2 | 2. In the case of recommendations adopted under paragraph 1 of Article 6, paragraph 2 of Article 8 or paragraph 2 of Article 9, only the Contracting Party exercising fisheries jurisdiction in the area in question may notify the Commission of termination of its acceptance of the recommendation, in which event it shall cease to be binding on any Contracting Party at the end of 90 days from the date of the notification. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.13.3 | 3. The Commission shall notify the Contracting Parties of any notification under this Article immediately upon the receipt thereof. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.19 | ARTICLE 19 |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.19.1 | 1. Any Contracting Party may propose amendments to this Convention. Any such proposed amendment shall be sent to the Secretary at least 90 days prior to the meeting at which the Contracting Party proposes it to be acted upon. The Secretary shall transmit the proposal immediately to the Contracting Parties. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.19.2 | 2. The adoption of a proposed amendment requires a three-fourths majority of all Contracting Parties. The text of any proposed amendment so adopted shall be transmitted by the Commission to the Depositary which shall forthwith forward it to the Contracting Parties. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.19.3 | 3. An amendment shall take effect for the Contracting Parties 120 days following the date of the notification by the Depositary of receipt of written notification of approval by three-fourths of all Contracting Parties, unless any other Contracting Party notifies the Depositary, within 90 days of the date of the notification by the Depositary of such receipt, that it objects to the amendment, in which case the amendment shall not take effect for any Contracting Party. A Contracting Party which has objected to an amendment may at any time withdraw its objection. If all objections to an amendment are withdrawn, the amendment shall take effect for the Contracting Parties 120 days following the date of the notification by the Depositary of receipt of the last withdrawal. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.19.4 | 4. A Party which ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention after an amendment has been adopted in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be deemed to have approved the said amendment. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.19.5 | 5. The Depositary shall promptly notify the Contracting Parties of the receipt of notifications of approval of amendments, the receipt of notification of objection or withdrawal of objections, and the entry into force of amendments. |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.21 | ARTICLE 21 |
2921 | Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In Northeast Atlantic Fisheries | Art.21.1x | At any time after two years from the date on which this Convention has entered into force with respect to a Contracting Party, that Party may denounce the Convention by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Depositary. Any such denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the date of its receipt, and shall be notified to the Contracting Parties by the Depositary. |
2922 | Convention Creating The Niger Basin Authority | Art.19 | Article 19 DENUNCIATION |
2922 | Convention Creating The Niger Basin Authority | Art.19.1 | 1.Any member State may denounce this Convention after the expiration of ten years (10) as from the date of its entry into force. |
2922 | Convention Creating The Niger Basin Authority | Art.19.2 | 2.The denunciation shall be made under the form of notification written to the depositary Government which will in turn acknowledge receipt and communicate it to the Governments of other member States. |
2922 | Convention Creating The Niger Basin Authority | Art.19.3 | 3.The denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of its reception unless it has been previously withdrawn. It shall not affect any study programme, works or other commitments already agreed upon before the denunciation, unless there is a previous contrary agreement to this effect. |
2922 | Convention Creating The Niger Basin Authority | Art.19.4 | 4.The member State concerned shall meet all obligations under this Convention and by virtue of its status as a member, before the date mentioned in paragraph (3) above. |
2926 | Convention For Cooperation In The Protection And Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The West And Central African Region | Art.30 | Article 30 WITHDRAWAL |
2926 | Convention For Cooperation In The Protection And Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The West And Central African Region | Art.30.1 | 1. At any time after five years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, any Contracting Party may withdraw from this Convention by giving written notification of withdrawal. |
2926 | Convention For Cooperation In The Protection And Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The West And Central African Region | Art.30.2 | 2. Except as may be otherwise provided in any protocol to this Convention, any Contracting Party may, at any time after five years from the date of entry into force of such protocol, withdraw from such protocol by giving written notification of withdrawal. |
2926 | Convention For Cooperation In The Protection And Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The West And Central African Region | Art.30.3 | 3. Withdrawal shall take effect ninety days after the date on which notification of withdrawal is received by the Depositary. |
2926 | Convention For Cooperation In The Protection And Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The West And Central African Region | Art.30.4 | 4. Any Contracting Party which withdraws from this Convention shall be considered as also having withdrawn from any protocol to which it was a Party. |
2926 | Convention For Cooperation In The Protection And Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The West And Central African Region | Art.30.5 | 5. Any Contracting Party which, upon its withdrawal from a protocol, is no longer a Party to any protocol to this Convention, shall be considered as also having withdrawn from this Convention. |
2932 | Agreement On Regional Cooperation In Combating Pollution Of The Southeast Pacific By Oil And Other Harmful Substances In Cases Of Emergency | Art.15 | Article XV |
2932 | Agreement On Regional Cooperation In Combating Pollution Of The Southeast Pacific By Oil And Other Harmful Substances In Cases Of Emergency | Art.15.1x | This Agreement may be denounced by any of the High Contracting Parties after it has been in force for two years for the High Contracting Party denouncing it. |
2932 | Agreement On Regional Cooperation In Combating Pollution Of The Southeast Pacific By Oil And Other Harmful Substances In Cases Of Emergency | Art.15.2x | Such denunciation shall be effected by means of written notification to the Executive Secretariat, which shall communicate it forthwith to the High Contracting Parties. |
2932 | Agreement On Regional Cooperation In Combating Pollution Of The Southeast Pacific By Oil And Other Harmful Substances In Cases Of Emergency | Art.15.3x | The denunciation shall take effect one hundred and eighty days after the date of such notification. |
2932 | Agreement On Regional Cooperation In Combating Pollution Of The Southeast Pacific By Oil And Other Harmful Substances In Cases Of Emergency | Art.18 | Article XVIII |
2932 | Agreement On Regional Cooperation In Combating Pollution Of The Southeast Pacific By Oil And Other Harmful Substances In Cases Of Emergency | Art.18.1x | No reservations concerning this Agreement may be entered. |
2935 | Regional Convention For The Conservation Of The Red Sea And Gulf Of Aden Environment | Art.28 | Article XXVIII WITHDRAWAL |